Chapter 27

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When I woke up the next morning in our hotel room, my arm searched for Remington but couldn't find him. I opened my eyes and realized he wasn't in bed with me and I looked around to find he wasn't in the room either. Not even a minute later, I hear someone entering the hotel room and then see Remington walking towards me with a large bouquet of black and red roses. The sight of the beautiful flowers made my heart burn bright for Rem as he handed them to me and leaned down to kiss my lips. I tugged on his shirt to pull him back into bed with me and he laughed in our kisses before he wrapped his arms around me. We kissed a little longer before he pulled away and looked into my eyes with love and admiration, "Good morning, ma chérie." I blushed as I responded with, "Good morning, my love." I placed a hand on his cheek and said to him with a smile on my face, "I love the roses, but you're all I need to make me happy." He grinned as he kissed my palm and told me, "I know, my angel, but a sweet soul like yours deserves to be spoiled once in a while."

I turned my head away to hide my bashful blush, and then I felt Remington's hand on my cheek as he turned my head to his direction so I'd be looking into his eyes. He gazed so longingly into my eyes and when he glanced at my lips, I felt my heart skip a beat as he leaned in to press his lips against mine and make me melt with his slow and passionate kisses. I began to feel myself yearning for him to be closer to me as I ran my hands through his hair and my knees felt like they were getting weaker. Rem moved his lips to the crook of my neck where he was starting to leave me breathless. He whispered against my skin, "God, I'm so enamored by you, my beautiful angel. What I wouldn't do to get lost within you and your beauty..." His words were making my head spin as I felt myself tugging at his clothes to keep myself composed. "R-Rem...", I stammered before he brought his face close to mine and scanned my features, making my heart race. "Don't take this the wrong way", he whispered while caressing his thumb across my cheek, "But just seeing you act so shy and innocent like this makes me want you even more."

My face turned beet red when he said that, and I covered my face to hide it. Rem took my hands in his to pull them away from my face and then interlock his fingers with mine as he pushed my hands down on my pillow and crashed his lips on mine. I shuddered as I felt his torso between my legs and he slightly grinded against my lower stomach. I started feeling knots forming in my stomach as his actions made me let out small moans in his mouth which made him smirk in our kisses. After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled away to see me overwhelmed by the sensations he made me go through as I looked back at him dazed and breathless. He bit his lower lip at me before he stated, "I'm gonna shower to wash off the chlorine from last night", he leaned in closer to my ear to tell me suggestively, "You're welcome to join me..." I gasped loudly as he gave me a wink and chuckled before climbing off the bed and heading into the bathroom. I turned in the bed to bury my head in my pillow and scream out the feelings that invaded my head and body. I hate how undeniably sexy Rem can be knowing it flusters me greatly.

After he was done washing up and I followed after him, we got dressed for the day and I thought about what I believed before. Maybe the problem wasn't that I wasn't ready, but I'm still not used to anybody loving me like Remington loves me. I guess it's scary to know someone can actually love me like I'm the most amazing person they've met, but I hate how insecure I can be not believing it's possible. Still, I want Remington to know I accept him and his love and I don't want to push him away. I know he's the one I want because no one could ever make me feel the way he does. I watched as he was fixing his hair in the bathroom and smiled as I felt so happy to have him in my life. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind and hugged him tightly, he asked, "Ma chérie, you okay?" I nodded as I told him, "Yes, Rem. I'm just so happy to be in love with you." He turned around to hug me back and plant soft kisses on the top of my head as he said back, "I love you so much, my precious angel. Nothing and no one will ever replace how important you are to me."

We went out of Rem's hotel room to meet our friends in the lobby and head over altogether to a nearby diner where we ate breakfast. I sat in a booth with Nina, Delilah and Allegra as the boys sat at their own booth to talk amongst themselves. As I was eating my eggs, Del commented, "So, Carina, about last night...", I was confused what she was referring to until she continued, "...did you and Remington recover from your little accident? Or maybe take it privately?" I felt my face turn red when she said that with a teasing smile, Nina gasped next to me as she stated, "Del! That's a little embarrassing to ask, don't you think?" Del snickered as she replied with, "Oh, I don't mean any harm. But I think we all know there's way too much chemistry between Carina and Remington. The question is...will you do something about it?" Her question was unexpected, I almost didn't answer. But I knew I could trust my friends to never judge me so I said with an embarrassed blush, "I mean, it'd be nice. But the thing is...I never have so, what if I'm not any good?" Allegra answered my question, "Carina, the only thing that matters in those kind of moments, is that you both love each other and are okay with it. Nothing too complicated about it and I know you'll continue to be a happy couple." Their words helped as I enjoyed the rest of the day with everyone I love.

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