Chapter 32

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Remington's POV

One day we were having lunch with the members of Dante's Inferno, and it was nice to get along with the band I've been listening to for a long time. They were so cool and had the same passion for rock n' roll that me and my brothers did. The way we were going, maybe we could co-headline a tour together. I'm still anxious for the day Palaye gets big enough to sell out concert shows and have our records flying off of store shelves in seconds. Slowly but surely, that day seemed more visible and possible and it was all thanks to the support we've had from our friends, family, and loved ones. Emerson had been sending postcards to his girlfriend, Nina, with poetry he wrote just for her, while Sebastian spent over an hour during our session breaks talking to Allegra on the phone and acting silly like I knew he'd be. I missed my sweet angel as well, and hoped things were okay with her while I was here and she was over there.

In one moment, I needed to go use the restroom and leave the table for a while.  After taking care of my business, I went to wash my hands and also fix my hair in the restroom mirror. I heard someone come in, but I was too focused on what I was doing to look. Then whoever it was that came in spoke, and they did not sound like a guy, "Oh my, you're looking good as always." I turned to find it was Vera who looked at me like I was a meal. "Vera, you shouldn't be in here", I told her with an unamused expression, "You should go back to Holden, he's probably wondering where you are." She just chuckled like she didn't even listen to what I was saying. She stepped closer to me and I stepped back, wary of why she was trying to get close to me. She finally spoke again as she leaned closer to me, "Holden will always be occupied with something else so I don't have to be at his beck and call every second of the day. As a result, you've caught my attention just by standing there and I just can't understand something."

I sighed in frustration hoping she'd leave me alone soon, "Oh yeah? What don't you understand?" She crossed her arms and scowled as she stated, "I can't understand why you'd stick around for that plain-Jane, goody two-shoes of a girlfriend. She's way out of your league and seems way too innocent for someone like you." I stepped closer to her and grabbed her wrist tightly as a threat, "Don' shit about the girl I love. I know what you're trying to do, but you've picked the wrong guy to leave his girlfriend so easily." Her expression dropped immediately and she frowned as she freed her wrist from my grasp and exclaimed in anger, "What could she possibly have that I can't give to you? I've had men worship the ground I walk on for just one night with me, and you have the audacity to reject me like I'm nothing? Ha, if you think your pure and selfless heart will get you far in this industry, I promise you, it won't! Not for a weakling like you."

After that, she stomped out of the restroom and I felt relieved to see her finally leave. Jesus Christ, she was relentless. What more did I have to do to make her understand I wouldn't go behind Carina's back and cheat on her? Seems like no one will ever understand our relationship and why it's so special. But did they need to? I believed they didn't if they weren't going to contribute to it. I swear to God, if Vera tries hurting Carina in any way just to spite me for rejecting her, I won't hurt her, but Vera will be exposed for the horrible she is. I felt bad for Holden, he's such a nice guy and should have someone better than Vera to be more loyal to him. After splashing some water on my face to cool off, I went back to our table where everyone was still having a good time and I did my best to get back into it. When lunch was over, our band went back to the hotel to rest for a couple more hours before turning in. That is, until we got an unexpected call around 7:30 that evening from our studio manager.

Sebastian was the one to answer the phone ringing in his hotel room as me and Emerson were hanging out as well. Seb talked for about a minute or so until he finally hung up and looked back at us. His face made me unsure of whether what he heard was good news or bad news. "What's with that face, Seb?", Emerson asked for both of us, "Who was it and what did they say?" He glanced between me and Emerson before he finally answered his question, "That was our studio manager. He said that since we've been working so long and so hard on our record, he's letting us take a break for the rest of December. He called it a reward for being so dedicated to what we're doing." Wait, what? "You're telling me...", I repeated back Seb's words so I wouldn't get confused, "We've been giving a vacation after working on our record for almost 4 months with barely any break?" Sebastian nodded, confirming what he and the manager just said and I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

I jumped off of his bed and was heading toward the door when Sebastian called out to me, "Remington, where the fuck are you going?" I turned back and replied with no bullshit in my tone, "I'm going back home. To see Carina again. I'm not wasting a second to spend time with her before I have to leave her alone again for a long time. If you're coming along, move your asses!" I walked out the door without another word as I went back to my room and packed up my shit. From that moment, I had only one thing on my mind. Ma chérie. I needed to see her again, hold her again, kiss her sweet lips again after not doing so for too long. I know we've been able to have a few days during these months to be with each other. But it isn't the same. I was so afraid the distance would try to separate both of us, but instead, it made my love and attraction towards her stronger. People like Vera have made me realize how special out relationship is and even if no one understands it, it won't stop me from continuing to love ma chérie with all my heart. By the time I was ready to leave, my brothers and the rest of the band were ready to leave too. We caught the earliest flight back to our hometown and I don't think I even slept for hours, just yearning to be in my angel's arms again.

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