Chapter 46

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For the next few days, I was preparing to move to my new home with Remington as I was packing almost everything I believed I needed most, including books, records, and clothes. I told Remington since he helped buy the house already, I wanted to buy brand-new furniture for us such as shelves, drawers, and beds for each room. A part of me was a little nervous and scared to live with someone else for once, but Remington didn't seem like the kind of person who would try to change me just because of a living situation. I had faith in my heart we'd be able to work out any issues we'd have once we started living together and we'd continue to make each other happy. I notified the manager of my apartment building about me moving out possibly in a month or so, and they only asked for me to pay rent for the last month I'd be living here. I'll have to try to move out during a weekend when I have time and probably call a moving company to help me out with everything. My friends offered to help me out with it all, I told them they could but to be careful not to strain themselves too much.

Every day before work, I pack up as much stuff as I can and drive over to my new place with Remington where I store it in the attic for now until I figure out where I want to put everything. Remington was also setting up his stuff in our home while he was still here for a few more days before he and the rest of the band had to return to L.A. to keep working on their record. I was gonna miss him terribly as well as his brothers, but at least now, I can expect him to come home to me where we'd spend as much time as we want together whenever he gets a break. While I was deciding one day on what I wanted to keep or get rid of before moving to a new place, I decided to give some things I didn't need to my friends and loved ones. I gave Nina one of my records of a musical she loves a lot, a book I had about a devoted mother to Delilah since she's expecting her first child soon, and some pretty jewelry to Stephanie since she's always had a cool sense of style.

Aside from me preparing to move out of my apartment, I was also making plans to spend New Year's Eve with all my friends. I was excited this year because we'd be spending it in town this time since no one is afraid to express their enthusiasm for rock n' roll anymore. Del called me the other day and said she wasn't sure if she might come since she can't really drink alcohol while she was pregnant. I told her she doesn't have to, but if she feels more comfortable staying at home, I would support her. She thanked me for understanding and hoped I'd still have a great New Year's Eve. I remembered that Finn must still be in New York with his grandmother. I hoped he was having a good time over there and he'd travel back safely. While it still stung a bit that I could not find the motivation to visit my own family, I knew in my heart it was better to surround myself with others that feel more like a family than my own. I could not be more grateful for what I have in my life now.

I managed to get a large couch for the living room purchased and delivered to my new home which was one of the only things me and Remington have managed to bring into the house. Other things we brought in with some effort included some chairs and a table, our toothbrushes for the bathroom, and a mattress for our bedroom without an actual bed frame for it yet. Andrew and Zion helped to bring in my TV set inside the house and have it placed in the living room. I forgot how hard it was to settle into a brand-new place that isn't your parents' house. One day after Rem brought some lunch from a local restaurant (since I don't have anything for the kitchen brought in yet), we were eating and watching TV while sitting on the couch when I said to him, "You know, Remington, I'm actually having fun doing this." He turned to me and asked, "Doing what?", I clarified, "You know...settling into our new home, making this place cozy for both of us, and...doing it all with you."

He actually blushed when I said that and it made me blush in return to see him react so adorably. He scratched his head nervously as he said to me, "Well, I mean, I want this place to be perfect for you. If you can come home after a long day of school and work and feel happy and comfortable here, nothing would make me happier." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder as I reminded him, "I'm already happy and comfortable, because I have you in my life." I could hear his smile as he wrapped his arm around me and cuddled me close to him so sweetly and affectionately while also planting a kiss on top of my head. When we were done watching TV, he helped me set up our bedroom with some of the stuff we brought from our old homes. I put my clothes away in a drawer I managed to bring in while Rem hung up his clothes on one side of the closet while the other side was reserved for the rest of my clothes.

While picking up another suitcase full of clothing, I almost tripped but the suitcase was open and fell from my hands, my clothes all over the floor as I tried to pick them up. I turned my head and my face drained of all color to find my journal in Remington's hands, which not only had super personal entries about my life, but embarrassing entries I wrote about Rem that'll make me die if he knew about them. "What's this, Carina? A secret diary you kept?", he was teasing me as I walked over to take it back, but he held it away from me. "Please give it back, Rem", I begged, as he backed away from me to keep my journal out of my reach, "I swear it's nothing interesting to you." He raised a brow as he began to open it up, "Oh, really? Then it shouldn't be a problem if I-" I tackled him as I succeeded to grab my journal from his, but it ended up having us lying on the mattress with me on top of him. I felt myself getting flustered at just the sight of Remington under me, gazing into my eyes and giving me a devious smirk before he flipped us around so he was on top of me.

"R-Rem...I-I didn't mean to...", I couldn't speak properly as his unwavering gaze me nervous as all hell and then he leaned down closer to my face and just inches from my lips. "Are you sure about that, my precious little angel?", he teased me as he slid his arm under my back, pulling me closer to his body, "You make it so hard to hold myself back sometimes, especially when it isn't your intention." Those words made me gasp before he crashed his lips onto mine and proceeded to kiss me with a hint of lust while doing so. It was overwhelming my senses to the point where I felt myself arching my back and moaning softly into his mouth. My body was craving for him to be closer, but I had to reel myself back before we went any further as I slightly pushed him away to break the kiss and catch my breath. Once I recovered, I said to Rem, "As much as I want to go there with you, I want the moment to be perfect. Can you bear to wait a little longer for me?" He looked into my eyes as I held his face in my hands, then took one of my hands in his and kissed it before replying with, "Of course, ma chérie. I'll be looking forward to it."

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