Chapter 19

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After the last day of classes before Thanksgiving break and before a few days I wasn't scheduled to work, I made my way to the airport with a one-way ticket in my purse to fly to L.A. and pay a surprise visit to Remington and the boys. I was a little nervous as I boarded the plane since I've never been on a plane in my life, but I was determined to see my boyfriend after being apart for almost three months. This would also be my first time visiting Los Angeles. Even though I do remember visiting California before, I've never been to the city of Los Angeles, and I wondered if it was just as glamorous as people made it out to be. I wondered if such a big-city lifestyle was fitting for the boys since they'll eventually be big rock stars and everyone will know them. My thoughts drifted away as I fell asleep on the plane and didn't wake up until I reached my destination and I hopped off of the plane, more excited than ever to see my boyfriend after almost three months.

I took the first cab from the airport and asked the driver to take me to the Sumerian Records building where I assumed the boys would be now and working on recording their music. As the cab drove through Los Angeles, I watched out the window to see people were right about how pretty this city is and it looked like only rich and famous people could thrive here. I knew in my heart that Palaye Royale would soon be one of those people. The drive took about half an hour and then we finally arrived to the building. I paid the cab driver and then stepped inside where a receptionist was sitting at a desk filling out paperwork while answering a call. I stepped forward as she was still talking on the phone and shyly cleared my throat, "Ahem, hello. I'm here to see someone." She didn't look up at me yet as she responded with, "One moment, miss. I'll be with you in a sec." After a minute, she hung up and as she finally looked up at me, her expression changed as if she was shocked to see me, leaving me confused.

"OH...MY...GOD!", she exclaimed rather excitedly with her hands over her mouth, "I can't believe it's you in person." I asked still baffled, "Aha, what do you mean?" She asked me then, "Aren't you...Carina Wisteria?" She knows who I am? I answered with, "...Yeah...?" She couldn't contain her excitement, "As in Remington Leith's girlfriend? As in THE GIRL HE'S TALKED SO SWEETLY ABOUT AND CLAIMS IS THE MOST GORGEOUS GIRL HE'S EVER MET?" I was beginning to get flattered by her words as I asked, "He said all those things about me? Wow, he's just so...perfect." The girl squealed as she got up from her seat and walked around her desk to step closer to me and hold my hands in hers, "I'm a big fan of your relationship. He looks so happy when he's talking about you and you're just as pretty and kind as he's said. I'm so happy to meet you in person." I blushed as I smiled and told her, "Why, thank you. You're too sweet and I like you already."

She smiled back and then said to me, "Oh! If you're here to see Remington, he's currently working in the studio, but you can just wait in there until he gets a break which should be soon." I nodded and she led me to the hallway and floor where the boys' studio would be located. As I got there, I found the door to be open and I stepped in quietly as I saw a few members of the band working on making some music for their record. Even Remington was inside, looking like he was belting out his best vocals and just doing what he loves. After not too long, it seemed they were finished with the session and then they all stepped out of the recording booth. I watched Remington as he didn't notice me at first, but when he finally did and locked his eyes on mine. My smile grew bigger and his smile matched mine as he walked faster toward me and then finally picked me up in his arms and just spin me around in glee while holding me tight in his arms.

I felt myself getting high off of being in Remington's arms again after so long and his scent was so intoxicating that it made my head spin. When he finally stopped spinning, he just held me and seemed like he never wanted to let me go. I embraced him back as tightly as I could and felt myself tearing up from missing him so much. I pulled away slightly to look into Remington's eyes and there was the look I had been missing for so long, the look of love and devotion that no one has ever given me before. "Ma chérie", he began to speak rather breathlessly, "How did you-? When did you get-? Oh, I don't fucking care." Right after that last statement is when Remington crashed his lips onto mine, and I felt my heart igniting to feel him this close again as I kissed him back and we hugged each other as close as we could. The people around us applauded and cheered for our affectionate moment, and it just made us grin in amusement as I placed a hand on Rem's cheek and told him, "I'm yours for the entire weekend and intend to make up for the time we lost just being together." He grinned at my words and kissed my cheek before adding, "That sounds more than fine, my love. God, how I've missed you."

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