Chapter 24

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Carina's POV

Once I finally returned back to Querencia after spending about three days with Remington, I was already starting to miss him and the boys again. I was still excited when they told me the news about how they're finally getting on track with their music, and just the look of happiness of Rem's face when she said that always made me smile. Just before I left, I was starting to feel easier that Remington was never going to grow impatient with me over something that didn't even define out relationship. How could I be so silly? I should have never let Vera get in my head like that. She was probably just trying to make me feel bad so I would feel insecure about my relationship with Remington which would give her the opportunity to take him from me. She's wasting her time trying to chase him, he's much too in love with me and it's seems clear that he'll only want to be with me for a long time. I couldn't wait for the next time we might see each other.

The first few days back, I went back to my regular routine working at my job during the second half of the day, since school was closed for the week of Thanksgiving. While everything was mostly normal, I was still stressed out that my Public Speaking teacher was out to get me. He tried to give me low scores on assignments I've done excellent on and give the excuse that I didn't "understand the purpose of it". The worst part is that if I end up failing this class this semester, I'll have to retake it next semester and he happens to teach the only Public Speaking class in this school, I hated my circumstances. Besides that, all my other classes were fine, and I didn't have much to worry before the semester was over. Finn had come to see me at work once and wanted to talk to me. I told him I could do so during my lunch break and joined him outside of the store. He apologized for being distant after I mentioned Remington, and he told me he's happy for me and Rem as well as hopes to meet him someday. I smiled and thanked him as I told them that would be nice before heading back inside once my break was over.

One day before Thanksgiving, I visited the boys' mother, Stephanie, at her house in the neighborhood. Allegra had been staying with her to help out in the house as well as get closer to her boyfriend's mother. I brought Fern to play with Allegra and Seb's new dog, Winston, while I talked with the ladies as they were reorganizing some stuff. In one moment, I asked Allegra if she's found it hard to be in a long-distance relationship with Sebastian since the boys left for L.A. a few months ago. She nodded in honesty and told me, "Of course, when you love someone very much, it's hard to feel close to them when they're far from where you are. But I have faith that our love will be strong enough to beat the distance between us and we'll be okay. I don't want to give up what we have so easily because...Sebastian has been the sweetest gentleman to ever treat me so kindly and I don't think I'll ever find something like that ever again." I beamed at her as I hugged her briefly and told her, "I also have faith that your love will be strong and defiant."

That evening, Stephanie invited me to stay for dinner and I accepted kindly. After the food was eaten, I stepped closer to Stephanie who was washing the dinner plates. "Stephanie...?", I asked her rather nervously, she turned to me and responded with a sweet smile, "Yes, Carina?" I cleared my throat before speaking again, "...I'm not sure if it's appropriate if me to ask, but...was there ever a time in Remington's youth when...he loved a girl as much" She turned to me and paused what she was doing to give me her full attention, "What made you ask a question like that?" I looked down at my feet and played with my hands nervously as I tried to respond, "I don't know. I've never been with anyone before Remington and I know I love him very much and he loves me, but I'm afraid what we have might not last as long as I want it to and I might be replaced." After I said that, I felt her take my face in her hands and she looked into my eyes to tell me, "You are the most irreplaceable girl Remington has probably ever met in his life."

My eyes widened as she continued, "My boys have been through more pain than a mother should have to witness, and I've done my best to raise them good. But even Remington believed he was unworthy of a genuine love like you two have. He was afraid he'd inherit his father's genes and turn out like him, even when I told him he could never. I've noticed when Remington has been interested in girls from his past, but he's never acted with them the way he does now that he's got you in his life." She brought us over to the couch and told me as she held on to my hands tightly, "It's okay to be scared if the person you love will still love you tomorrow, but don't let that fear grow large enough to make it actually happen. There's absolutely no doubt that Remington is unsure about his love for you because he loves you more than life itself. I've seen in his eyes how much you've brightened up his life and how he hopes to have you in his future as well." That last part made me blush as I told her while shedding a few tears, "Thank you, Stephanie. It really helps what you said. I do love your son very much and I will continue to support him and take care of him." She grinned so sweetly and kissed my forehead, I smiled a bit as the sweet gesture reminded me of Rem.

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