Chapter 33

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Carina's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking at my door. At 7:00 in the morning? Not even the mailman will drop off packages this early and I don't remember ordering anything like that. I put on a wrap over my night gown before I walked to the door and open to see who it was. When I did, I was so shocked at what I was looking at, I rubbed my eyes in disbelief and when I opened them again, he was still there. Remington with one knee on the ground, holding a small bouquet of black roses in his hands, looking like a prince proposing to his princess. I gasped at the sight and he let himself inside as he handed me the bouquet and closed the door behind him. "R-Remington? When did you get back?", I started smiling at how he looked so happy to see me, just like I was to see him so early, "This is all so sweet, but...have you slept at all last night?" His hair was messy and his eyes looked darker than when he usually puts on makeup, he shook his head before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me so boldly. It made my heart stop and I couldn't help but melt in his gentle touch and kiss him back.

We kissed for a couple more seconds before he pulled away and looked into my eyes so intensely, "I missed you so much, ma chérie. The flight lasted till 5 in the morning and the drive took just as long but I wanted to see you first. I've been going insane after not being able to just hold you like this and I missed your eyes, your smile, your warmth, your hair, and your lips." With that, he kissed me once again and this time, picked me up off of the ground and carried me to my bedroom as we kept kissing. When his legs hit my bed, he stopped and laid me down gently on it before climbing on top of me. Before he kissed me again, he asked me, "Do you have anything to do today?" I looked at him and said, "Um, not really. I finished everything for school last night and I'm off work today so-" He cut me off by pressing his lips against mine and I didn't complain as I held his face in my hands and pulled him closer to me. He kissed me across my cheek and leaned into my ear to whisper, "Today, all're mine." That made me catch my breath as he started kissing the crook of my neck and made me lose it in the sighs of pleasure I let out with each touch of his lips on my skin. What a good morning today's is.

"You're so beautiful, Carina", he whispered softly, making me smile widely, "God, whenever you're around, I literally can't pay attention to anything else but you." I didn't realize how much I missed him until I felt his kiss me in such a way, and I was getting this feeling below my stomach again whenever he made me feel this way toward him. "R-Remington...", I spoke rather unsteadily and started gripping his back as he continued to kiss my skin, "Yes, ma chérie?" " make me feel so...", he stopped when I couldn't even finish what I was saying, and raised his head to look into my eyes with a smirk and arched brow. "So...what exactly, my darling angel?", he teased me as he brushed some hair out of my face and bit his lip just taking in my features. That look in his eyes both scared me and excited me, and I wanted to see where they might take me, "That's the scary part: I don't know because I've never felt like this before."

He grinned and sat up against the wall on my bed before pulling me in his lap, my legs resting on each of his side. He laid his hand across my cheek gently, and I leaned more into it as he caressed his thumb over it. "Can you tell me what you're feeling, Carina?", he asked politely, no teasing or anything in his tone. I was a little embarrassed to tell him, but I trusted Rem. I held his hand and started, "Well, sometimes when you kiss my neck or embrace me in a certain way, I get this feeling below my stomach and I'm scared because I'm not sure how long that feeling will last or if it'll get worse." I already felt myself getting flushed just telling Rem about this, but I'm sure he already knew somehow. "I'm sure I make it obvious", I continued while hanging my head, looking away from him, "but I don't know if you'd understand how I feel because you're the only guy I've been with and you've been with girls before me."

When I said that, he took my chin in his fingers gently and lifted my head up to look at him as he gazed deeply in my eyes. "That may be so, my sweetness", he explained to me with a soft tone in his expression, "But even if I dated every girl here, they would never make me feel the way I do whenever I'm with you." I looked at him with a hint of surprise as he continued, "As much as other girls were pretty and glamorous, they didn't have the heart and soul you had that made me fall in love with you. I've never been more attracted to a girl like I am with you. You're beautiful and sweet and strong and selfless, and just the most amazing person I've met who loved me unconditionally." I couldn't help but blush a little and smile as I turned away in embarrassment from hearing his sweet words, I could see him smiling at my expression and it made me blush all the more.

He kissed the side of my head and then interlocked his hands in mine as he began to ask me, "Tell me, my love. Would you reject me if I wanted to take our relationship a little further?" I blushed furiously as I knew what he meant by that question, and so I answered somewhat embarrassed, " I wouldn't mind because...well...You're the only one I would want to take things further with." My response must have impacted him more than I expected because his face turned red as he turned away to hide his expression. I smiled to myself to see my answer pleased him, and then I said to him, "But there's a small part of me who's scared that you'll take advantage of me and leave. But I know you better than that. I wish I wasn't so insecure sometimes." He hugged me close to him and told me in a sweet tone, "My sweet angel, I would rather die than take advantage of how much you love me. You're much too innocent and pure to have your heart broken and I swear with my heart I won't do that to you." He pulled away to place his hand on my cheek and look into my eyes, "My only purpose is to make you understand that you are special to me and no one will ever take your place. If you feel insecure that I'm not honest about my feelings, I won't hold it against you."

I shook my head as I told him, "No, Rem, of course not. You're not perfect and I won't judge you for things you did in the past like you didn't judge me. I trust that your love to me is genuine and I want to do the same in expressing how much I love you." A smile grew on his face which made my heart melt as he pulled me in a little closer to plant soft kisses all over my face, then finally landing on my lips, the kiss starting slow and soft, then slightly more passionate as we held each other closely. I pulled away after a while and kissed each of his cheeks then his nose as I told him with a warm and loving smile on my lips, "I love you more than I love life itself, Rem. You're one of the only things that make me smile whenever I'm feeling unhappy." He pulled me into his chest and held me close and tight as he responded with, "I love you, ma chérie. Nothing in my life now wouldn't have been possible of you hadn't come in it and make it better, I owe you my life." How did I get so lucky? I wished with all my heart we'd last a very long time and hopefully still be together in some way in the future. I kissed his family crest tattoo as he continued to hold me in his arms and caress my back by trailing his finger up and down my spine.

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