Chapter 10

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It was one day before Palaye have to leave for LA, and also one day before me and Nina were about to start school again. While Nina was more worried about applying to a new school to transfer, I was worried about a lot of things. If I'll still be able to do well in this second year, if I'll still stay close with my friends, and if me and Rem will still stay strong in our relationship even if we'll be hundreds of miles apart. I know it was my usual habit of overthinking things, but it was starting to eat me alive and I needed some kind of distraction or something. It was almost like fate when I was thinking all this in my head, because about a minute later, I got a call incoming from my living room telephone, and I rushed to answer it, "Hello?" "Ma chérie? It's me." My heart soared to hear Rem's voice in my ear as I sat down on the couch and listened more, "Rem, it's so nice to hear your voice. Aren't you packing for tomorrow?" "I already did, but there's something I want to do." "Oh yeah? What is it?" "Do you think you could meet me at the park near the tall tree in about an hour?" "What? Why?" He was silent for a moment, then answered, "I just want to be able to spend as much time with you before I leave you." I gotta admit, that made me blush and grin as I replied with, "Okay, Remington. I'll see you then." I could hear his smile as he said before hanging up, "Okay, Carina. See you then!"

I washed my hair and dressed in a pink dress outfit about before I gathered my things in my purse and headed out my apartment.

I got in my car and drove to the park where Remington asked me to meet him

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I got in my car and drove to the park where Remington asked me to meet him. Ieft about 10 minutes before the time he asked me to come at, and I won't lie, I was a little excited for when I would get there. Even if Rem just wanted to see me, I would have been happy to see his face because just his presence makes me happy and safe. I've never felt that with any boy before.

When I got there, I walked through the park to see families and couples hanging around there, and some people playing with their dogs as well. I approached the tree and didn't see anyone around there, but I did find a plaid blanket laid on the grass and on it were fresh strawberries, a giant jar of Nutella, and a bottle of wine. The sight made me smile, and I heard a voice go, "Psst!", which I turned to and felt my heart fly to see Remington peeking out from behind the tree and then stepped away to walk closer to me. He was wearing his classic ripped jeans and white shirt that was a bit too small so I could see his triangle eye tattoo under his navel, the sight made me slightly nervous, I had to try my best not to stare at it and keep my eyes on his. "I'm so happy you came, Carina", he said as he took my hands in his and kissed me softly, "I know it's a little late to do this since I'm leaving tomorrow, but I just wanted to make our last day together special and remember you close to me." That made me beam brightly and I hugged him tightly, he embraced me back as I told him, "Thank you, Remington. You don't know how much I needed this." He kissed my head sweetly and led me to sit with him on the blanket and indulge in our little picnic that he set up.

It seemed like no time had passed as we ate up the strawberries covered in Nutella and he poured out fancy glasses of wine I had never tasted before. I was a little nervous to drink alcohol after what happened last year at a party, but he reassured me that it wouldn't be as bad and the glasses held small amounts so I wouldnt get drunk easily. The wine turned out to be so delicious and I was happy to know I could be able to enjoy this without being scared. After a while, we laid back on the blanket and I watched as the clouds in the sky drifted by like ships in the sea. I felt this peace in my mind and heart that was very rare, but it helped erase the doubts and insecurities I had been feeling earlier. I turned my head to Rem and smiled as I saw him watching the sky and looking like there was nothing he could want more in this world than to be right here with me. My God, what did I ever do to deserve such a beautiful boy to love me as I am and treat me like a princess like no one else has ever done before?

"Remington?", I said to him and he turned to face me, waiting for what I would say, "Yes, ma chérie?" "I don't think I'll ever stop loving you." "W-What?" I sat up and he did the same as I held his hand in mine and placed my hand on his cheek and explained him, "You're the first person I think about when I wake up and the only one I dream about when I go to sleep. Your soul is so selfless and pure, it makes me believe things are impossible are actually possible. If anything should ever happen to us in the future, at least I will have lived a moment in my life where I loved a boy who saw my scars and imperfections as curves and edges, and he never made me feel like I was  never enough. I love you so much, Remington. Please, no matter what, don't ever doubt that." He got lost in the words I was telling him, and I slowly leaned in to kiss him softly and felt him kiss back as he wrapped his arm around me as well as hold my head gently. We didn't make out - mostly because I didn't want to be rude in public - but we shared sweet, lingering kisses that seemed to last forever and time was frozen in that moment. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine and whispered with our eyes closed, "I will never stop loving you as well, Carina. You're what I'm living for now."

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