Chapter 83

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Remington's POV

Another morning was sweetly greeted as I awakened next to my gorgeous angel after such a blissful night with each other in bed. Hearing the bad news last night brought me to a new low I didn't think I'd ever feel, but then Carina reminded me that I was never meant to go out so easily. I wasn't going to let one flop stop me from doing what makes me happy and is worth all the hard work we've done. I hadn't realized how much I needed Carina by my side until she kept me close to her and helped me feel better. Most of my life, I've tried not to rely on anyone for support since I've been let down before and I didn't want to get hurt. But with my beloved angel of a girlfriend, I have no fear that she'll ever hurt me intentionally. As I lost my self-control last night, I gave in to how much I needed her with me in everything I do and I wonder if she knew that. I gently held her in my arms while she was still asleep and softly ran my hand through her beautiful, red hair that was easily the most gorgeous feature about her after her heart.

A couple of minutes passed before she finally started to wake up as she softly moaned in her sleep and began rubbing her eyes. She opened her eyes to find me looking at her with so much love and admiration, she immediately blushed and held a bashful smile on her face as I greeted her while holding her cheek softly in my hand, "Good morning, my sweet and lovely angel." She greeted back, "Good morning. I'm happy to see you're feeling better." I leaned in to kiss her forehead and tell her, "Your existence alone brings me so much strength and joy, Carina. I can't imagine where I'd be if I didn't have you with me." Her eyes gazed into mine longingly and they drew me in as I kissed her while holding her close to me. She held me close to her with her hands holding the back of my neck and I felt my heart flutter in my chest to know she loved me this much to keep me close to her. God, I'm usually a respectful guy, but she makes me wants to abandon my own rules just to indulge in her and how beautiful she is.

The rest of the morning was spend with breakfast in the dining room and some more cuddling on the couch as we relaxed with a movie on TV. I couldn't imagine a better time spent with the girl I loved more than anything in this world. The way she leaned on my arm and was so relaxed made me feel like I was the only one who could bring her peace when everything else in her life felt like chaos. It was a nice feeling, because it was also how I felt about her. While I have dated girls before her, they never made me feel this way. I wondered if the problem was me, but I guess I wasn't ready back then to feel more than just an attraction. Well, it's clear now that with Carina who's so strong and selfless, I knew I wanted nothing more than to always be there for her and remind her everyday of why I love her so much. She could probably do just fine without me, but I'd hate to see her miserable instead of happy.

An hour before noon, the phone next to the couch started ringing and I reached over to answer it, "Hello?" It turned out to be Sebastian who explained that our manager called earlier and said he needed to see us in L.A. as soon as possible to discuss something important regarding our record. The news surprised me, especially after we were told that our record wasn't doing so well. I knew I needed to go, but part of me didn't want to leave Carina on a perfect day. After hanging up with Seb and then explaining to Carina what just happened, she encouraged me to go ahead to L.A. even though she mentioned she'd miss me. I got ready to leave and meet up with my brothers, but before I stepped out the door, Carina pulled me close to kiss my cheek and whisper in my ear, "I'm so proud of you no matter what. I'll be waiting for you when you get back." I smiled when she said that and kissed her goodbye before taking a cab to the airport.

We took the fastest plane to Los Angeles and were able to arrive by that evening. We took another cab to the record label building where we were kindly greeted by Sadie who was happy to see us and informed us that our studio manager was waiting for us in his office. When we got there, he asked us to sit down which we did and then asked us, "How are you guys taking it? The news I disclosed to you yesterday?" I glanced to my brothers who had the same answer as I did, "Can't really say much about it. We can say that we do have plans to make more music soon." Our manager nodded as he stated, "Okay, great, I expect that from you gentlemen. You're not what I was expecting at all which I like. Now..." He grabbed our attention with that one word as he questioned us, "What if I were to tell you that sales aren't that good in the states...but overseas, they're skyrocketing like crazy?" What the fuck? Our record is selling out in fucking Europe?

"Excuse me?", Sebastian asked clearly in confusion like the rest of us were. Our manager held up a finger telling us to wait as he pulled out something from behind his desk that we couldn't see. It turned out to be a giant box filled with letters addressed to Sumerian Records, but they had "To Palaye Royale" written on them. Our manager poured out the contents of the box on his desk and we took a closer look at the letter as we each opened a different letter and we realized they were written by fans of our very own. Each letter stated how much the person loved our record and our band and they'd want nothing more than to see us live in person and perform the songs they fell in love with. We sat in complete silence as we were in utter awe of what was before us and it almost brought me out in tears to know we had been recognized after all. Emerson began to ask then, "We have fans on the other side of the world. What does this mean for us?" Our manager held a smile on his fave as he happily announced to us, "It means that the label has arranged for your band to be the opening act of a popular rock band in the UK for their tour this summer in Europe!"

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