Chapter 81

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Remington's POV

In the middle of the last day we were staying in L.A. for a while, I had a weird feeling like something was wrong with Carina or she wasn't feeling too great. It made me more desperate to come home sooner so I'd find out if she was okay or not and I might be able help her. As soon as we finished promoting our record practically everywhere in Los Angeles, the label let us take a break until the music charts in a month would reveal how well our record was doing. I hoped wed get a great reception to all of our hard work and that someone, somewhere, was listening to our record and it makes them happy to listen to something new and genuine. There was much more music from us to be potentially recorded, but we had to make sure people would want more from us based on how much they liked our first collection of songs. I just had to believe things would work out for us even after we believed nothing did anymore.

When we finally got on the plane to return to Querencia, I held on to my locket with Carina's picure as I felt excited to see her beautiful face again. For most of my life, my only love was music and rock n' roll. I had believed for the longest time that I wouldn't be able to love anything else, so nothing seemed to matter. That is, until I met Carina and she changed my life forever. I had plans to follow my dreams only for myself, but now I want to do it for her as well; show her how much she's helped me to have faith in myself once more and she's the one that will always be my inspiration. The trip back home took almost a day, but we finally landed back home around the evening. I took a cab to drive me back home to my sweet angel and was excited to see her happy to see me again. Only when I finally stepped inside, it was so quiet that I thought nobody was home. I looked around until I found Carina lying on our bed and curled up while facing away from me. I walked over to her and looked at her face which was stained with tears and anguish.

I kneeled closer to her and asked her with concern in my tone, "Ma chérie, what's wrong? Is it something I can help with?" She just looked at me for a moment and then shook her head before telling me with her voice a little shaky from crying so much, "I...I withdrew from Trouvaille...I'm no longer a student." I was not expecting her response to be like that and when I was about to ask why, she explained her reasoning for doing so. "After reporting my professor for treating me unfairly", she spoke in detail, "the school president took his side and wouldn't even suspend him. I couldn't take the injustice anymore and so I quit the school. I can't continue my education if no one takes me seriously or gives me the right amount of respect for my efforts." She started to cry again as she asked me, "Are you disappointed in me, Rem? Am I a failure?"

I shook my head aggressively as I sat on the edge of the bed and took one of her hands in mine before reassuring her, "No, of course not, my sweetness! I could never be disappointed in you for doing the right thing. Fuck your professor and the school president! They're gonna look so stupid once they realized they just lost the best student they had at that school." She giggled a little and commented, "You're just saying that..." As soon as she said that, I moved to climb on the bed and tower over her, looking into her eyes as I firmly affirmed to her, "The last thing I'll ever do is bullshit you, Carina. From what I've seen, no one's worked harder or sacrificed so much to get to where you want to be for yourself. The drive you have to do your best in school is the same, if not better, as my drive to make music and be remembered for doing what I love. If those assholes weren't so dumb and selfish to treat you like shit, they would've realized that you would have been the most successful person to graduate from there and make them look worthy to attend. It's them who failed you, not the other way around, my love."

She looked intimidated at first, then after hearing my words for her, she broke down once more and pull me closer to her as she wrapped her arms around me. My heart broke to see her so upset and hopeless, I held her in my arms as tightly as I could and planted multiple kisses in her hair. I let her cry for as long as she needed to while I kept reassuring her, "Shh, it's going to be okay, my sweet angel. You're gonna be okay." She finally calmed after a couple of minutes and then she just snuggled into my chest, it made me smile to know she felt safe with me and trusted me enough to be this vulnerable around me. We laid there on the bed together in silence for a little while longer, and then I heard her mumble in a tired voice, "I wish I hadn't relied so much for the school to actually care about me. Not even if I was the most perfect student there." I replied to her, "It's okay, ma chérie. We've all had hope on the wrong people sometimes. But I'm here to tell you it's not the end of the world. I believe you'll succeed no matter what you do. You're too great and have too much potential to just simply exist in this world."

I heard her a giggle again and she actually smiled in contentment. It brought me joy to see she was feeling a little better especially when she told me, "Yeah, I guess you're right. I won't let it stop me, but I just feel so drained from fighting so much for nothing." I pulled away a bit to place my hand on her cheek and look into her eyes as I said to her, "It wasn't for nothing, it just didn't work out the way you wanted it. I promise, Carina. You'll find another way to get where you want to be in the future. And no matter what, I'll be with you every step of way supporting you and cheering you on." Her eyes glistened as she smiled at my genuine words and then slowly press her lips onto mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss her back and hold her so securely in my arms as she ran her hands through my hair and slightly moaned in our kisses. I lost my self-control for a moment when I towered over her and began to kiss her neck, she softly sighed in pleasure to my actions. I stopped after a while as I looked into her eyes, and they told me she was done for tonight. I followed as I planted one more kiss on her forehead and reminded her, "I love you so much, my beautiful angel". She responded with, "I love you, too. More than I could ever tell", before we finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

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