Chapter 41

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After a long day, I decided to stay the night with Carina in her apartment. She seemed pleased to know I wanted to stay with her and her shy attitude always made me smile because she was just so adorable. I asked to borrow her bathroom so I could wash up for bed and as she said yes, I went in to turn on the sink and splash my face with water. I thought about how far me and the band have gotten with our first record. It still seems like a long way off, but it helped to have Carina remind me that we would be reaching success sooner than we'd expect. God, if it wasn't for her, I might've given up on this dream already. How did I still end up so lucky to have such a beautiful and amazing woman like her as my girlfriend? There must be a God if He made her just for me because damn, sometimes I feel like I don't deserve her. I do my best to be what she needs and remind her how much she means to me, but she seems like the kind of girl who doesn't need someone like me to drag her down, which I don't want to do if it'll make her unhappy.

As I snapped out of my thoughts, I was about to step out and ask Carina about something when I caught a glimpse of her undressing until she was standing in her underwear in front of the mirror. I know I shouldn't stare, but goddamn...her curves and natural beauty was enough to sending my heart racing for her. I was pleased by what I was seeing until I noticed she was examining parts of her body in the mirror such as her legs and her waist, and in her reflection, I realized she was frowning and judgemental of herself. Does she feel insecure that she isn't pretty? What has she been through to feel this way? It broke my heart to see her so upset at herself when she should already realize how beautiful and attractive she really is. I decided to help her feel better in the best way I could that slightly embarrassed her.

Carina's POV

I was so lost in feeling shameful of my body figure that while I zoned out, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body from behind. I snapped back to reality to find Remington holding me close to his body (with no shirt on) as he rested his head on my shoulder. If it wasn't embarrassing enough to feel him hugging me unexpectedly, the fact that he's hugging me in my underwear made me more nervous than I've ever been. I gulped nervously as I asked in a shaky tone, "R-Rem...what are y-you...?" He pulled away from his hug to carry me into his arms and then lay me across the bed. What was he doing? I don't think now is a good time for that. Before I could assume any more, he leaned down closer to my legs and began to plant soft and delicate kisses on my thighs.

I gasped at the sudden action and then held a hand over my mouth to muffle the sounds that were beginning to leave my lips as Rem continued to kiss every inch of my skin, almost as if he were praising the parts of my body that I feel insecure about. He then moved his lips to my stomach as he also held me down on the bed gently with his hands holding my hips, the warmth of his hands and lips beginning to overwhelm me as I tried not to be too loud with my sounds. After a while, he moved his hands from my hips to my wrists where he held my hands down on the bed but brought one of them up to his face as he kissed my palm affectionately as well as my wrist and then down my arm.

I was about to lose it when Remington finally pressed his lips against mine and interlock his hands into mine as he shared slow and passionate kisses with me. My heart was aching for him as he continued to cloud my head and when he finally pulled away, he looked intensely into my eyes as he told me, "Please don't ever feel insecure about the way you look, ma chérie. You and every small part of you - inside and out - is perfect and beautiful and I'll do whatever it takes to convince you so. I love you for all your flaws and imperfections, curves and edges, and just everything that makes"

My eyes widened as he told me that, and I smiled as I felt happy to know he could see I wasn't feeling so good about my appearance. As indecent as it may seem to others, it helped a lot as he kissed the parts of me I didn't like and through his actions, telling me he loved me more than I could imagine and I didn't need to feel bad about myself. I pulled him closer to kiss him again and this time, he wrapped his arms around me from under my back as he held me tightly and securely. A while after that, I managed to get dressed in my nightgown and finally get into bed as I snuggled closer to Remington who held me close to him and let me rest my head on his chest, where I ended up falling asleep on.

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