Chapter 12

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Carina's POV

As much as I wanted to go back home and let time pause for just one day, I still had to drop off Delilah back to her home with Scott before I drove me and Nina to our first day of our second year in college. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to focus as much as I wanted to, but I couldn't let my sorrow get in the way of doing well during the beginning of this first semester. To get me through the day, I wore Remington's jacket and surprisingly, it helped me feel calm and secure, like I would be able to get through this semester without any issues. And I know it seems silly, but wearing this jacket made me feel like Rem was right here with me and I had him close to me. I really did love when he wore it, even when he offered it to me when I was cold, it was so warm and comforting, and it smelled so nice that it was enough to keep me blushing and grinning like an idiot. When I got to my first class, I was already missing Rem's warm hugs and soft kisses. When I least expected, I found myself imagining the past moments when he would embrace me and shower me with affection that left me overwhelmed with love for him.

Since Sebastian can't take care of Fern when I had work and school, I decided to leave it with Stephanie since she loves dogs and remembers having her own dogs at home with her sons before they had to hide to keep her safe. I had two classes with Nina who was happy to see me whenever our classes were starting, and we sat close together so we wouldn't feel so lonely with a bunch of new classmates we don't recognize. Whenever I could, I tried to associate with some new kids so I'd be familiar with a few and maybe I wouldn't feel left out. A couple remembered me from a class we had last year, while the rest knew me as "the girl who saved rock n' roll", which made me smile but I didn't want to rub it in their faces. It all seemed to go well for me until my very last class for the day when I entered my public speaking class and when the professor was taking roll of the class, when he read my name and I raised my hand up, he gave me this look that made me think he didn't like me or something. After going over the standards and expectations for the class, he waited until I was the last to leave and told me with a bitter tone, "Well, Miss Wisteria, I know about you and your little rebellion from a few months ago and I must say...what drives a well-behaved, out-of-town girl like you to do something so reckless?"

What the hell? Is he trying to make me feel bad for changing something better in this town? "Uh, excuse me?", I said, clearly confused, "I never needed a reason to do what I did, too many people were hiding in the dark because they weren't allowed to be themselves. It had to be done." He stood up from the chair he was sitting in near his desk and stood over me with narrowing eyes, trying to intimidate me with his power as a authoritative figure. He fixed the glasses on his nose, "I want you to understand this very clearly, Miss Wisteria", he raised his voice slightly as I backed up until my back hit the door, "You may have won the favor and admiration of this inexperienced, naive generation of youth, but I have always attained my position as a fine, educating professor here at this school and if you try to defy my position or my method, I'll make sure you won't be able to continue studying at this school. Ladies like you shouldn't even be studying when you can help out your boyfriend and family." It's almost as if he was threatening to throw away my future here, how could he be so selfish and cruel?

But as much as I wanted to say "fuck you" to his face, I really didn't want to risk continuing to be here because I worked too long and too hard to get here and I won't let anyone drive me out. I just stayed silent and walked out of his classroom and the school. I didn't expect myself to be in a bad mood on the first day of classes. I mean, I've had minor issues in the past with other students or I forgot something, but a teacher threatening to taint my name in the school because he didn't agree with what I did for the town? My God. I wish I prepared myself for things like this to happen to me since it isn't very common for girls like me to stay in college when my mother was already married to my dad after meeting him the first year. Why is it so bad I want to be independent and free from the reliance of others so I don't seem like I can't fend for myself or be able to anything without anyone's help? I just want to help make a difference for some girls and let them realize that we are capable of being our own heroes instead of always being the damsel in distress. But oh well, since this is what I signed up for, I'll have to roll with the punches.

After work, I picked up Fern and went home. I made a simple microwave dinner and feed Fern some leftovers. I sat on the couch thinking of the long and emotional day I've had, and I was missing Remington more than I expected. If he were here, I could call him to come and tell him about what I've been through and he'd hold me close and listen to every word I said as he kissed my head and help me feel less lonely about what I'm feeling. The loud ringing of the phone next to me startled me and I picked it up as I steadied myself and answered, "H-Hello?" "Hi, ma chérie." I felt tears already gather as his voice rang in my ear like he knew I wanted to hear it, "Remington. You have no idea how good it feels to hear you again." "I've been waiting all day to talk to you. Carina. I almost couldn't focus on today because of that." I giggled and laid back on the couch to make myself comfortable as our conversation continued. "Same, Rem. Today's been hard for a lot of reasons, but wearing your jacket helped me for most of it." "Aww, you're so cute! Yeah, that locket you gave me, I just love looking at it. You always look so beautiful, my lovely angel, and I'm happy to still be able to see you everyday."

I blushed at his compliment and decided to tell him about one of my professors, "God, you wouldn't believe the day I had. least the end of it." "Why? What happened?" "Ugh, this high-and-mighty dick of a professor knew about me and what I did to lift the rock n' roll ban, but apparently, he thinks it was wrong of me to do and he believes I'm gonna do something of the same nature with his class and if I do, he'll try to throw me out of the school!" "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Jesus, I knew I hated the asshole teachers there, but I guess some of them hate everybody. I wish I could be there to give him a piece of my mind for threatening your future." I shook my head, "No, Rem, it's okay. I'm not scared of him. I certainly won't let him scare me into staying quiet if something goes wrong. All I ask is if anything happens, you'll at least support me because I know you believe in me. I just want to be able to finish college fairly and live without any interference." "Of course, Carina, you have more balls than anyone I've ever met."

That made me smile, "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you and not just because I love you, but because you work your ass off for everything you deserve." "Thank you, Remington. It means more than you think to hear you say that. So, uh, enough about me, how was your day?" "Oh, just fucking crazy. Landing here, seeing the label people again, checking out our studio, meeting the other cool artists part of this label, and then just crashing in our hotel that the label's paying for while we work here. Nothing special, really." "Well, I'm extremely proud of you, Rem, I can't wait to hear more from you and your brothers. Tell them 'Hi' for me, okay?" "Okay, ma chérie. I love you." "I love you, too, mon cher. I'm gonna go to sleep now, can't wait to hear you again tomorrow. Goodnight." He sent a kiss through the phone and said in a sweet voice, "Goodnight, my love." After we hung up at the same time, I brought Fern to her doggie bed to lay her down and settled down for the night before climbing into bed and replaying the events of the day, the memory of Rem's voice enough to drift me off to slumber.

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