Chapter 6

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Carina's POV

A few weeks later, it was the first week of August and Zion and Austin were planning to travel to LA to find a hotel to stay in and then come back before the band leaves to officially start business on making their first record. I had already registered for the classes I wanted to take and was recently promoted to supervisor of the store I currently work at. I really like my job, the coworkers have gotten along with me rather well, especially after they learned I was an enthusiast of rock n' roll and even my boss, Ryan, respected me for that. I had to say goodbye to Luis about a week ago when he found a great job in New York and had to leave. It was very emotional for everyone, including the boys who've known him for years, but we were all extremely proud of him for being able to pursue his dream somewhere he'd be great in. Today, I spent the first half the day training a few new employees at my job who were a bit nervous, but the way I helped them how to do their job in a way they could understand helped them trust me. The rest of the day was spent with Nina who hinted that she had something important to tell me later. I wasn't sure what to expect whenever I heard that.

We were spending some time at the local bookstore where I was looking for books I wanted to read in my freetime and books I might need for my classes next semester. "So", I said while browsing the fictional novels with her following me, "What was it you wanted to tell me, Nina? Hopefully it isn't bad news." "No, not at all!", she exclaimed, "At least, I hope it isn't for you." I turned to her, "What do you mean?" She seemed hesitant at first, but then took a deep breath before finally telling me, "Well, I've been thinking about it for a while, and I really believe this is the best thing to do for myself." "What's that?" "Well...I'm planning to apply to this prestigious performing music academy in Europe and if I get in, I want to transfer to there for my third year of college." I stopped in my tracks and covered my mouth in shock as I stared in awe of what she just told me. She looked worried, "Are you...disappointed, Carina?" I shook my head, "Disappointed? Nina, this is...the best news I've ever heard! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" I couldn't help but pull her in for a tight hug. It caught her off-guard, but she eventually embraced me back just as tightly.

When we pulled away, she held my hands tightly and asked, "So, you aren't sad that I want to go to a school halfway around the world?" I giggled and stated, "Oh, Nina. It doesn't matter how far we are. You're going to do something that you love and that makes you happy. I couldn't be any prouder than I am now." That made her smile and then start tearing up. She hugged me once more and I let her shed her tears as I felt immense pride and admiration for one of my best friends who is taking a big step that will assure a happy and success future. As I purchased my books and we both headed out of the bookstore, I asked Nina another question, "Have you told anyone else yet about you transferring to the music school?" She shook her head, "No, not yet. I wanted you to be the first, since you were the first friend I made." I smiled and blushed. "I want to tell Emerson next, especially since the school is in France and he loves everything French. I taught him a little bit a few months ago." "You know French?!" She nodded insecurely, "Yeah, since I was a kid." She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and seemed rather hesitant to tell me something she needed to.

"Carina", her voice sounded nervous, "Do you remember when I told you I was never allowed to listen to rock music or basically do anything fun when I was younger?" "Yeah...?" "The truth is, I wasn't allowed to do that, because my parents didn't want me to. My parents are actually...incredibly wealthy and have their own homes in Europe and here in America." My eyes widened in shock of what she just told me, and I couldn't absorb the fact that this sweet and humble girl actually comes from rich parents. "Why-why didn't you ever-?" "Because when I finally liberated myself from my parents, I made a promise that I wouldn't let them or their money define who I am as a person. When I chose my path for my future, I wanted it to be something that makes me happy. When I chose people to be friends, I wanted them to appreciate me for the good and selfless person that I try to be. And...when I chose someone to love, I wanted them to love me unconditionally and with no obligation to anybody, just to enjoy my presence and cherish my love for them."

She turned away and I could hear her sniffling, I carefully wrapped her in a hug and assured, "I'm sorry, Nina. I don't care at all if you were rich or poor. You are an amazing person regardless, and I'm happy to have you as one of my best friends." She wiped a few tears away as she cleaned her glasses and then looked at me, "Me? I can't believe I have you as a friend. You're like so awesome and confident and when I heard about your last confrontation with your parents, I felt bad at first, but I was amazed at how you stood up against them and for yourself and everyone you love." I laughed at the memory and brushed some hair from my face as I told her, "Looks like we're strong women for defying our parents and society's standards, huh?" She giggled and remarked, "I'd like to think so. I know not everyone will approve, but that's why I'm grateful I have people like you and Emerson to support me and understand me." I beamed at her and we spent the rest of the day together in my apartment as we talked about our plans for the future and how we hoped things would stay this good in our lives.

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