Chapter 39

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Carina's POV

I was so excited for tonight. Me and my friends were going out to see the new movie, "Hello, Dolly!", starring Barbra Streisand, who's one of my favorite actresses. The local drive-in seemed pretty cool, and it's been so long since I've seen a new movie. Most of the time before, I was either too busy with school or I didn't really have any friends to hang out with and I didn't want to feel so lonely. Del would be bringing her car while I brought my own, and Zion would bring around his friend's which he was borrowing for the night. I called a classmate to watch Fern for me for the night while I was out with my friends, and they said they were more than happy to.

After I was done with work that night, I spotted Remington leaning up against the side of my car and smiled as soon as he saw me. I returned his smile and then kissed him briefly when I walked up close to him. "Hey, pretty lady", he teased, making me giggle immediately, and then he asked, "You ready?" I nodded and stated, "I'm so excited, Rem. I love spending time with all our friends." As we got inside my car with him sitting in the passenger's seat, he placed his hand softly on the side of my cheek, gently turning my head to face him as he gazed so lovingly in my eyes and it made my heart flutter. "I love seeing you so happy, ma chérie", he declared, I felt myself blushing and smiling at my lap as I told him, "I always am whenever I'm with people I love." I looked back up to see him grinning and planting a soft kiss on my cheek before he pulled away and I started driving us to the drive-in theater where our friends would meet us.

When we got there, Nina and Sebastian had paid for all our concessions and tickets while Delilah and Emerson had our spots reserved so we'd all be close to each other or we'd be closest to the big screen. Finn had joined us and seemed somewhat less enthusiastic about watching the movie with us, but he said he was okay and wanted to join us anyway. When we all got settled, I parked my car in a spot that was around the middle of the lot, and then we waited a few minutes before the movie started. God, I always loved musicals, and it turns out so does Nina. But so much more than me, apparently. She told us how she loved playing showtunes and musical numbers to practice piano as a teenager and how her parents practically disapproved, but she still did it because she enjoyed it and it made her happy.

Sebastian, Allegra, Del and Scott were sitting in Del's car, and Emerson and Nina sat in Zion's car while Andrew and Austin sat on the hood of it. Finn sat in the passenger's seat of my car as I brought the top down and me and Rem sat in the backseat together, his arm draped around my shoulders as I leaned up against him. There was a beautiful part in the movie where Cornelius professes his love to Irene through a sweet song together, and I found myself looking at Rem and just feeling so...blessed to have him as my own. He noticed my longing stare and cheerful smile, and he raised a brow before smirking at me, causing me to blush like a rose. He placed a gentle finger under my chin and pulled me in as he leaned in to kiss my lips so softly at first, then I ended up diving more into the kiss and it ended up more passionate as I held him so close to me while he wrapped his arms around my back. We pulled away after a while to get back to the movie, our faces flushed and our hearts racing.

When the movie was over, I drove Remington back home as Delilah and Zion did as well. Seb and Em walked back inside first, and then I walked Remington close to the front door when he stopped and turned to face me. I was confused when he didn't say anything for the longest time, "What is it, Remington?" Then he yanked me to him and crashed his lips on mine, I kissed him back immediately. He ended up pushing me against the front door and continued kissing me, his hands holding my hips firmly as my hands got lost in his hair. When he finally pulled away, we were both breathless and he rested his forehead on mine as he stated in a breathless tone, "I wanted to remind you...You're still the love of my life, my angel. Never forget that." I nodded and breathed, "Okay, I won't." I managed a smile and responded with, "You are, too, Rem. Always." He went inside then and as I was driving Finn back to his dorm, he was silent for a while until he asked, "You're really close to him, aren't you?"

I was thrown off by his question before I answered honestly, "Uh, I mean, yeah. We've been together for a year now, he makes me happy." He nodded but still seemed unsure for some reason, "How are you so sure he's really a nice guy?" That made me pull over midway into our route as I turned to him and asked, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He shrugged and went further, "I mean, look at him, He's clearly had some issues before being some rock singer and I doubt a boy like him hasn't had girls before you." Oh, hell no, he didn't, "Finn, I care about you as a friend because we go back, but you do not talk about Remington or anyone I'm close to here like that. Do you understand?" He looked at me like I'm the one saying bad things, "I'm just trying to look out for you, Carina. You've changed a lot since I last saw you." I shook my head as I explained, "I didn't change, I liberated myself from everyone's expectations of me and am finally myself. Everyone I've met here is kind and supportive of who I really am and if you can't accept that, that's your problem. And also, I don't need you to look out for me. I've been looking out for myself for years and managed to be my own hero."

I continued to driving Finn back to his dorm and then he says once we get there, "I'm sorry to offend you, Carina. I just think you deserve better." I sighed in irritation as I told him, "You sound like my parents when you say that. My parents never cared for my happiness and the reason I got out was so I wouldn't have to pretend to be something I'm not, so please don't try to tell me what you think is best for me. If you want to keep being my friend, you'll accept me as I am and everyone here I care about, despite how different they may seem to you. I found my true family here and it would mean the world to me if you could accept them like they accepted me." I turned away from his direction then and just stared at the steering wheel as he took a moment to finally exit out of the car and then say to me before closing it and walk away, "I had always hoped to be considered family to you, but it looks like I'm too late." As I drove back home, I was seriously considered whether it was still worth trying to be friends again with Finn.

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