Chapter 82

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Carina's POV

Soon enough, all of my friends found out about me quitting school for the way they were so neglectful towards me. My friends were kind and supportive as they sympathized with me and bashed on the school for being stupid and self-centered. I can't even imagine how many times the staff at Trouvaille have done this with other students who've had bad experiences. Well, I won't stand for it by enduring it. I felt good about following through with my decision after a couple of days and just focused on taking time for myself while I wished the best for everyone else who were still attending the university. I helped Nina study for her final exams before she would be done with Trouvaille and she'd move to Paris in the summer to attend the music academy. I had no doubt she'd do just fine, but she worried she might not finish as strong as she'd like. I reminded her of how she was still able to earn a spot at the music academy all by herself despite her fear that she might not get in. It helped her feel more confident about her final exams and I was excited for her to feel accomplished after it was all done.

In the middle of May, I found a steady rhythm for myself as I spend my days just taking time at home and spending them with Remington before I had work around the evening. During one of those days while I visited the general store for some new clothes, I bumped into Finn who was just as surprised to see me. "Oh, Carina!", he exclaimed rather nervously, "Sorry, I didn't mean to get in your way." I shook my head as I told him, "It's fine, you didn't. No harm done." He looked like he was about to walk away until he turned back to ask, "Carina, why haven't I been seeing you at school anymore? Did something bad happen?" I figured classmates of mine might realize I wasn't attending school anymore, but Finn has now been the first to genuinely look concerned as to why. He scratched his head in embarrassment and reasoned, "I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I understand, I just want to know if you're okay, that's all." In that moment, he looked like the little boy I used to know and appreciate, and it made me smile to know he truly still cares about me even if we might never be friends again.

I shrugged as I said to him, "Let's just say, it just didn't work out as well as I thought and I feel happier now that I can focus on myself for a while. I'm okay, Finn, don't worry. You should continue to do your best while you're still attending and especially be there for Leona." He blushed at the mention of her name and I giggled as I teased him, "Don't be embarrassed about it, Finn. She's a sweet girl and she seems to make you happy. I'm happy you found someone to do that for you." He smiled a bit and nodded, "Thanks, Carina. Leona really is...special. I'm doing my best to be someone she deserves." I stepped closer to him and laid a hand on his shoulder as I reassured him, "I believe you already are. Just remember to let her know how much she means to you. That's all a girl wants most from the person they care about." His eyes widened when I told him that, and he nodded once more as he declared, "You're right. I promise I will because she's worth it all." I beamed as I wished him the best and bid him goodbye before I finished up at the store and headed home before I had to get ready for work later.

The work day wasn't so bad and it felt somewhat easier to get everything done without stressing about having to finish an assignment study for a test later. I got my paycheck for the week and my boss, Ryan, praised me for doing so well on my tasks as well as helping our coworkers and customers. I was proud to know that losing the stress of school has helped me improve on things that were actually worth the effort. While I was set on finishing college smoothly, I didn't realize that so many other things in life were worth the same kind of attention if not more. As I drove back home and stepped inside, I found Remington was on the phone talking to someone important and then he hung up before I was standing in front of him. His face seemed worried for some reason and it scared me as I took his hand in mine, "Rem, is everything okay? Who was that on the phone?" He almost didn't acknowledge me u til he finally answered my questions, "Our manager over at Sumerian Records. Our record isn't doing as well as we hoped."

I gasped in shock and gripped his hand tighter as disappointment sunk into his face. I hugged his arm tightly as he added, "We did well in L.A. when all those fans bought our record, but no one outside of that group seems to recognize us. Even after we've had our music on the radio and our faces on magazine covers, we couldn't reach across the U.S. like we wanted to." I didn't want to believe it, but I still had to show my support for Rem as he headed to our bedroom and I followed him. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at his feet blankly as I sat next to him and caressed his hand in mine while also smoothing out his soft, flat hair. He asked without looking at me, "Have we not tried our best? Are we not worthy to be listened to as a band? I thought I gave it my all." I shook my head as I said to him in a calm and soothing tone, "It's not that none of you haven't tried hard enough. This is only your first record, but I know deep down you're not going to settle for just one album. In time, I believe everyone will know who you guys are and they will love you."

His face was still disappointed but he squeezed my hand to show he appreciated my kind words for him. He leaned his head onto mine and snuggled into me. I decided to let him lay his head on my lap as I ran my hands gently through his hair and caress his face sweetly. In a matter of minutes, I could see the stress on his face melting away as it relaxed and a soft smile appeared instead. It made me grin as he opened his eyes to look at me and declare to me, "You know just how to put my mind at ease when it's my enemy, ma chérie. I don't know what I'd do without you." I giggled a little before I leaned down to lightly press my lips onto his and then before I knew it, he sat back up to pull me closer to him and continue to kiss my lips. His kisses were getting so intense and passionate that when I accidentally let out a moan, he pulled away to smirk at me and I blushed as I knew what he wanted next. That night was more passionate and poetic as we never let each other go and all we could focus on was each other.

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