Chapter 8

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Emerson's POV

I rode on the spinning teacups with Nina who had the most beautiful smile on her face, my heart leaping with joy seeing her so happy. She was the brightest divine being I've ever come into contact with and the fact that she loved me for me was more than I could ever ask for. After she told me about her plans to go to a prestigious school in France, I can't remember expressing that much happiness and pride before that moment. I commended her for reaching new heights and recognizing her amazing talent. The way she plays on the piano has a certain amount of passion that almost matched mine, and when she told me the truth about her life with her parents, I was surprised, but that didn't change my judgment or unconditional love for her. I grew up around rich, privileged asshole kids who didn't know how to choose for themselves, and she was not one of those kids. Not by a long shot. She was a pure, genuine soul and I felt blessed to have her in my life.

When the ride was over, Nina giggled adorably as she stumbled from being so dizzy and held onto me to steady herself. I laughed along with her and held her close to keep her from falling. When she was back in control, she took us inside a photo booth where we made funny faces and poses as the camera kept flashing. My sweet little ray of sunshine saved the last picture to kiss me and wrap her arms around me, I happily kissed her back and pulled her close to me. When we pulled away, we stepped out of the booth smiling like idiots and laughing at our strip of photos. I held her hand as we walked through the carnival and I was about to kiss her when Carina and Rem found us, and Carina faced made me just as concerned. "You guys, what's wrong?", I asked, she looked at me and asked in a worried tone, "Have you guys seen Fern anywhere?" I looked at Nina who was just as confused as me before turning back to Carina and saying, "No. Why? What's wrong?" She covered her mouth and looked like she was going to cry, Remington answered for her, "She's missing, she's out of her leash."

We searched almost everywhere and even recruited the rest of the group who helped by covering more ground. "I can't find her anywhere, Carina", Sebastian said when we regrouped again, "I'm sorry." She looked like she would burst and Rem was fast to pulling her close and helping her feel more calm. We stood there feeling a bit hopeless that we might never find Carina's dog, then we heard a bark, especially one Carina recognized as her head perked up. "That's her! That's Fern!", she exclaimed as she tried to follow where the barking might have come from and we were all trailing behind her. We skimmed through some crowded alleys of the carnival and then stopped when Carina did, and I looked to see the cute little dog standing a couple of feet away from Carina. "Fern!", she complained after being so worried about Fern, "How did you get out of your leash, you silly pup?" She tried to walk closer to her dog, but the little scamp ended up running the other direction. "Where are you going?", she started following her energetic canine as we followed along.

Fern eventually stopped near a dumpster and started barking at it. "What is it, Fern?", Carina walked closer and kneeled down to inspect what it was that Fern was barking at. She gasped at what was under the dumpster, "Oh, my God...There's a lost puppy under here." I looked alongside her to see she was right: there was a scared, small dog hiding under there, and it looked so fragile and cautious.

" I looked alongside her to see she was right: there was a scared, small dog hiding under there, and it looked so fragile and cautious

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"Aww, he looks so cute!", Nina exclaimed and then Sebastian walked forward and closer to where the puppy was. "Hey, little guy", he beckoned and then pulled out a bag of fries he saved from earlier and held one out for the dog to take. The small pup took about a minute to be enticed by the food being offered to him, obviously hungry but was too scared. He finally got closer to take the fry in his teeth and start eating it, Seb finally gaining its trust enough to pick him up and carry him in his arms. "He's just so precious, isn't he?", Allegra commented as she petted the small puppy and received wet kisses on her nose in return, "I don't think he has anyone to take care of him. Poor scamp." Then my brother got that same look in his eye when Carina let him dog-sit her pet, "We could take him in with us." Of course, we can't help but be huge dog lovers. Remington remarked with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "Of course you want to keep him, Sebastian.  You are a sucker for cute, little dogs." Seb was defensive in his decision, "So? I'm really good with dogs. Right, Carina?" She blushed and smiled as she nodded and re-fastened the leash on Fern's collar. "Then it's settled, this little angel will be ours and we'll name it Winston!" We all laughed as the new pet in our family barked in agreement to it's new name and kissed Sebastian over and over again.

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