Chapter 2

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When we finally returned home to Querencia, the boys were in for a big surprise. Something I didn't tell any of them when we met them at the airport was that me and many of the town's supporters and enthusiasts were setting up a party to celebrate the band finally getting signed and taking the first step in achieving their dream. I made a tip in secret to the taxi drivers to drop us off at the abandoned church near the end of the town line. When we finally arrived, the boys were already looking confused and getting skeptical, Emerson looked at me and Nina and asked, "What are we doing here?" Nina giggled to herself and then I answered, "There are some fans who want to meet you and congratulate you." Allegra added, "Yeah, in fact, they've been waiting all day to tell you how proud they are." They seemed to buy it and then Remington remarked, "Alright, let's go meet them. I'm excited." I smiled as I vaguely joked, "You should be." Walking to the front doors of the church, Delilah was waiting there and as soon as she saw us, she proceeded to hug the boys and say, "Good to have you back, guys. You ready?" They nodded in eagerness and then she opened the door to let us in and the next part was memorable.

Everyone who was waiting inside cheered, "CONGRATULATIONS!!!", and applauded the boys for their accomplishment and the boys' reactions were priceless. We merged with the crowd as each person they passed by shook their hand and gave them an approving hug, every gesture made the boys smile even more each time. We led them to what was made in a stage in front of the crowd and I grabbed a microphone from the side and turned it on before speaking into it. "Sorry about the unexpected crowd, guys", I said facing them, "But me and some of our friends wanted to let you all know that we're extremely proud of you and however this goes, we're all with you every step of the way and we can't wait to see you finally live out your lifelong dream of being rock n' roll legends." I stepped closer to them and asked before handing them the microphone, "Is there anything you'd like to say to your first group of fans?" The crowd cheered and begged for a speech and then Sebastian hesitantly took it with a nervous smile and stepped closer to the front of the stage.

He scratched his head nervously and cleared his throat before he started talking, "Aha, well. What can we say, you know? We've had this dream within us since we were young and for the longest time, we started believing maybe this wasn't meant to happen to us because of our status and background. But recently, we met great people such as this young lady", he gestured to me, making me smile and blush in embarrassment, "who helped us realize that we can be what we want to be and supported us each step of the way. I wouldn't want to share this dream with anyone else who aren't these two individuals", he referred to Zion and Andrew who smiled, "and my two brothers who I've helped take care of and protect so we'd be able to do this together like a family." Emerson reached for the microphone and Seb passed it to him as he gave his own small speech, "It's pretty crazy, to think that for a while, we were just imagining ourselves as something that seemed impossible for people like us, but no matter how much the world seemed to reject us, their was this voice inside of me that told me that somehow, someday, things would work out for us and we'd finally stop waiting and start acting on our goals like we've always wanted."

"There's a quote from Alan Watts that reads, 'So long as you can be persuaded that there is something more that you ought to be than you are, you have divided yourself from reality.' That made me realize that ever since I learned that I was meant for a life bigger than this town, it must mean that the fate initially written for me and my brothers goes against reality and we can make our own destiny based on our desires to be something we want." He then handed the microphone to Remington, who was looking a little anxious to talk in front of the crowd, so I walked closer to him and held his hand securely so he'd be more comfortable. He squeezed my hand and took a deep breath before he spoke into the microphone. "Uh, I-I don't really know what to say. I mean, yeah, I never thought we would see the day our dreams would finally be realized and someone might actually take a chance on us and give us this opportunity that we've been waiting...practically all our lives for."

"But I can never say I was able to do this all by myself because it's not true. I had my brothers, our mother, close friends who supported us", he then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, I felt my face flush at the contact of him near me as he continued facing me, "And this beautiful, sweet, supportive angel of a girl who had stood by me ever since we met and never doubted my goals and ambitions once. Just as I've never doubted hers. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have a reason to stay determined in achieving my dream. She's the reason I will continue doing what I love and staying here in this life." That made the whole crowd go "AWW!", but it was enough to make me hang my head as my face turned red as a tomato and then he placed a gentle finger under my chin to lift my head back up and look in his eyes. "I love you, Carina", he said to me in front of everyone, "I always will, no matter what." It was then he kissed me boldly and the crowd was reacting with affection as I kissed him back lightly and when I pulled away, I whispered to him with a warm smile on my face, "I love you, too. Always."

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