Chapter 35

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Finn's POV

I've been re-reading this question on my final exam ten times now. Just when I thought nothing would distract me from completing these exams, here comes Carina's boyfriend on a motorbike of all things. Why do I feel so bothered about it? She told me about Remington already but I didn't expect him to be so...different from what I expected. He didn't seem to fit in with her and yet, the way she looked at him...she's never looked at me that way. I shouldn't care so much about this, but I couldn't help myself as I wracked my brain trying to understand how a nice and sensible girl like Carina would date a rebellious and troublesome-looking boy like Remington. I had to stop thinking about it and try to finish this exam before I was out of time. My scholarship depends on how well I do in my classes or I could lose it. Once I was finished for the day, I headed back to my dorm and crashed on my bed.

Laying there and staring up at the ceiling, the memory of two days ago when Carina met up with her boyfriend invaded my mind again. I've never seen anyone like him in my life, but he seemed like the kind of guy my parents would have wanted me to avoid becoming. The way he embraced her so affectionately and she looked so eager to have him close to her was something that set off a new feeling within me. I hated myself for feeling this way when I should be happy Carina has someone she loves. As her friend, I should supportive in the things and people that make her happy. Yet, she's turned out to be completely different than how I remembered her and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I was starting to feel peckish so I decided to head over to the town to find something to eat.

I settled on a small hot dog stand where I sat near the window and ate my hot dog and shake in peace. Feeling relaxed, I took in the sights around me and was starting to admire this place. That is, until I spotted Carina and her boyfriend, Remington, walking down the street together hand-in-hand until they stepped into a random general store. I couldn't help myself as I tossed my leftovers in the trash and followed then to where they were. It turned out to be a normal women's store with clothing, jewelry and...lingerie? I didn't want to think about it because she didn't seem like that type of girl. There's no way Carina was buying lingerie for her boyfriend, right? I ducked and hid as I watched them from a distance. They didn't really do anything interesting, just check out some clothes and laugh with each other. I wanted to watch more as they moved further from where I was, until an employee spotted me and asked if I needed help looking for something. Embarrassed, I told them, "no, thanks", and left the store.

Carina's POV

As me and Rem were looking for some new clothes to wear for the winter, we had some fun as well as we goofed around and made each other laugh. I felt so happy to be here with him, even after the second day of finals when I was feeling anxious about whether I was doing well or not. Remington did the sweetest thing and offered to take me to the women's department store where he told me he'd buy me anything even though he didn't need to. An awkward yet funny moment happened when we passed by the lingerie section of the store and I tried to make a joke, "There's more naughty underwear than there is of normal underwear. Isn't that strange, Rem?" He nodded in agreement and stated, "Yeah, that is weird. Clearly this business is run by a man for wanting to exploit women." We both laughed at his comment and then he whispered to me, "Still, I wouldn't mind seeing you in a pretty pair. Bet you'd look sexy as hell, my sweet little angel." My face turned so red, I was afraid everyone would notice while Remington just smirked at my expression.

Then we got to the jewelry section where everything looked so pretty and I wished for once in my life to be able to buy it all. "Anything you want, ma chérie", Remington commented, "It's on me." I turned to Rem and smiled politely as I decline his offer, "No, Rem. I can buy it myself. It's just hard to choose." I looked through the various earrings, necklaces and bracelets that were just screaming for me to buy them all. "Carina", I heard Rem call out to me, I realized he wasn't next to me at the moment, so I turned around and gasped when he was kneeled to the ground and holding up some random ring from the selection. I softly yelled to prevent a scene, "...REMINGTON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING...?" He took my hand and put the ring on my pinky finger as he declared with a proud and defined tone and making me nervous, "Carina Scarlet Wisteria...will you do me the honor of movie date next week?"

As soon as his teasing smile appeared on his face, I slapped his arm and turned away feeling embarrassed as I removed the ring from my finger. He laughed to himself as he hugged me close to him and tried to apologize, "Hey, I'm sorry, my love. I didn't mean to tease you and make you feel bad. I just wanted to have a little fun with you. Please, I never meant any harm with your feelings. Tell me what I can do for you to forgive me." I turned my head towards him and told him, "One, you can buy me an early Christmas present here. Two, you can take me back to my apartment with some food so we can waste the rest of the day with each other." I looked at him as his grin made me smile back and he kissed my head before stating, "Done and done, my sweetness." After he bought me a pair of earrings I wanted, we stopped by a pizzeria before heading back to my place where we cuddled on my couch and I admitted, "I wasn't mad at you, Remington. I just wanted to see what you'd do to get me to forgive you." He chuckled before pulling me close to kiss my lips and telling me, "I'd do anything for you, my love."

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