Chapter 37

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Nina's POV

I was more than happy to pass my final exams in school, but this only meant I was halfway closer to my goal to transfer to the music academy in Europe. I should be excited, but I've been so nervous and scared about it that I'm afraid I'll give myself a heart attack. Everyone around me has been more supportive than I could ask for and it helps a lot, but I hate this feeling of anxiety like I might not be good enough to enroll in the school. Or worse. I just might be able to get in, but my parents might find out I've gotten in. As far as I know, they're still living in Europe as well, but last I remember, it was much further from where the school was located. I'm hoping and praying that if I get to move there for the school, they won't find me and try to put themselves back in my life. I've already freed myself from their home and I'm much happier being able to make my own decisions and be friends with people who love me for me and don't care about my background. My parents could easily ruin that for me if I let them.

Sitting outside my house one night with all these thoughts that were storming my head, I almost felt like collapsing. But then Emerson arrived by my side with a warm cup of tea that he knew would help calm my nerves. Taking the cup in my hands, I looked up at him to find he had that sweet smile that always seemed calm even the darkest thoughts in my head. I smiled back as I thanked him and took a sip of the tea, the heat of the liquid helping my nerves to calm and my mind to settle. Emerson took a seat next to me and placed an arm around me as he asked me, "Moon child, you look troubled. Can you tell me what it is?" It made my heart ache for him to know he cared so much for me, I was afraid I'd burden him with my problems but I wanted to tell him anyway. "Oh, Emerson", I started as I leaned my head on his shoulder, "There's so much about the future I want for myself that should excite me, but I can't help but think of the things that could go wrong for me. All my life, I've never been able to do something for myself, and now that I can, I'm terrified."

I hesitated for a moment as I felt myself about to cry, "Everyone around me says I deserve nothing less than the best, but I don't know why I can't believe that myself. Sometimes, I feel like a fraud. Trying to be something I'm not because I don't want to be like my family who never cared for my happiness but their own. I don't want my old life back, but I can't help feeling so...unworthy." In that moment, I felt Emerson lift chin up gently with his hand and look into my eyes as he told me, "You're more than worthy of everything you want in your life than you believe. Everything you do and say comes from your heart and soul, and very few people in this mortal world can do that." I gazed deeply into my pirate's sea-green eyes as he continued to praise me with his beautiful voice, "Nina, a true artist like you will succeed in everything you do and nothing nor nobody could stand in your way. Your art will create waves in our society and I just know you'll make an impact. Please don't ever let those thoughts tell you otherwise, just listen to your heart for it knows the path to happiness."

His words were enough to make me shed the tears I was holding in, and he pulled me close to his chest and just held me. After I had cried out all my worries and insecurities, I felt my heart feel a little easier and I pulled away to look at Emerson who was beaming so sweetly at me. "You're literally the purest soul I've ever met, Em", I told him, "You bring so much light in this world, there's no way someone wouldn't feel peace after meeting you." He grinned at my words and gently pulled me close to press his lips onto mine. The kiss made me shed a few more tears, but only because of how happy he made me feel. When he pulled away, he wiped my tears away and stood up from sitting to offer his hand to me as he proposed to me, "Let's escape from reality for a while." Even though I took his hand, I wasn't sure what he meant until he took me to the abandoned church close to the outskirts of town and he found an old piano inside.

He sat on the bench before it and I sat close to him as he began to play a piece of music he created, and it was unlike anything I've ever heard before. In all my years of learning classical compositions and melodies, whatever Emerson was playing was something that did not belong to this world. If you knew him like I did, it came from his mind, and sounded exactly like the inside of it. His music made me forget about this world as he took me into his, and I was happy to be lost in it. Before I expected it, he began to sing words that matched his song:

It feels like the world
is ending everytime I wake
up, always seems like I'm behind.
My own demons destroyed -
What was left, what was left
of my mind...Let's start -
Pretending everything goes back
to the way, the way it used to
be. Before disasters that -
shattered and fractured.
I'm not the boy I used to be...

You've tried your hardest to find
yourself, not knowing what
would help...It's the end
of the world...We're
floating and dreaming
so far away.

When he was finally finished with his song, I said in astonishment, "Emerson...that was incredible! What do you call this piece?" He replied with, "End of the World. Something I wrote myself for the past couple of months as well as some other original classical pieces I made. I know this world has grown out of this kind of music, but it can speak much more than music with lyrics could ever. Do you think people would listen if I put it out?" I gripped his hand tightly and stated with honesty, "Of course they would, Emerson! I believe your music needs to be heard so others can feel understood and at peace. That's what it made me feel..." He turned to me and smiled as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead and leaned his forehead onto mine. This feeling was so beautiful, I wished it would last for all eternity.

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