Chapter 8

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Anna POV

Of course I'm the one who has to explain everything. It's always been like that. "Well Tom. Y/N and I like each other and no we're not dating...yet,but we're taking it slowly. AND before you cock blocks came in we were just making out."

Brandon interrupts me "If you were just making out then why say we're cock blocks?" Why does he always make things so difficult. "Well it was just a figure of speech. We weren't actually going to do it. We were just making out that's it. R-right Y/N"I said clearing your throat. "Yeah what she said. Wait- no not what she said. I thought- but I- weren't we-....Ok I'm just gonna stop talking now."Y/N said as she looked confused.

"See told you you guys were gonna bang" Brandon said leaving the room "ok! Good talk. I don't care anymore i don't want to hear about my sisters sex life. Any who Y/N you were supposed to help me with my car yesterday and didn't, so if you don't mind, can you today?" Tommy said to Y/N

She looked at me for approval. Which I gave to her because she shouldn't have to ask me. She's her own person.


Ok well I thought we were gonna do it. Do I own condoms. Probably not because I'm a virgin *🥲* . I should get some just in case. Were we actually gonna do it though? Oh well I don't get to decide what Anna wants and when she's ready. I guess it'll have to wait and that's ok.

"Ok Tom so did you get the oil?" I said as we entered the garage. "Uhhhh no. Was I supposed to?" Oh my God. "Yes! Tommy do you listen to anything I say? You know what? DONT answer that! C'mon we'll go get some."Jesus I don't understand how he got into Cornell.

Adam POV

Why did I leave? She's the freak why did I have to go and WHY DID SHE JUST COME THROUGH ANNA'S WINDOW WITH BASICALLY NOTHING ON?! That's disgusting. I turn back around.

Once I get there I knock on the door and Anna answers it. "Oh Adam, hi?" She said confused.


"Hi Anna. Sorry I left like that. I didn't mean for Y/N to feel bad if she did that was not my intention. So I was thinking maybe I come back in and hang with you guys and apologize?"

Please don't be here Y/N. Please don't be here Y/N. Please don't be here Y/N.

"Oh well Y/N is fixing My brothers car so she won't be able to watch the movie, but we can if you'd like" YES! I nodded and we headed back to her room "so Y/N just always pop through your window when she wants?" I ask her as she puts on the movie and I sit on her bed "yeah she lives in the house next to me so we built like a little bridge using the tree between our windows. She comes in when she wants and I go into her window when I want" (kinda like that show Alexa and Katie on Netflix)

Dang I wish I could just show up in her window when I want "oh that's pretty sweet. Pretty convenient to have between two best friends." I said trying to be nice so I can get on her good side. Wonder if she'll put out if I suck up enough.

"Yeah we've known each other our whole lives. Our parents went to high school together and then made lives together so we've been friends since pretty much outta the womb." Damn so they are close oh well. It seems as though I have a challenge.

Were about 45 minutes into the movie. Time to make my move. You got this Adam.

I slide my hand to her thigh still looking at the movie I can hear her breath hitch. I turn to her and cut her of when I see she's about to say something. "Shhhh" I say as I put my finger on her lips

Anna POV

What the fuck is going on. He's making a move...HAHAH omg that's so funny. This is not how to get in a girls pants. He starts to lean in. I'm gonna mess with him a little. I wait for him to lean in till he's too close and right before I can swerve him my annoying idiot younger brother comes through the door I pull away and stand up ready to talk to Brandon.

"Oh wait till I tell Tommy and your 'bestie'" he says bestie with a little sarcasm. Before I can explain myself he runs out of the door. Damnit before I can say or do anything Adam grabs my hand.

"I'm sorry if that was bad timing. That was idiotic I should've been more considerate and talked to you about it. I'm gonna go." I'm not annoyed or mad I just want to tell Y/N that whatever she heard from the bug I call a brother is not true. I nod to Adam and wait for him to leave before I sprint to the garage to see Brandon sitting on the car holding a flashlight into the car, so Y/N and Tommy can see, smirking at me I then look at Y/N and she doesn't look mad. What? Did he tell her?

"Hey boonie! Wanna help?" She says as she cleans her hands with the towel hanging out of her jeans pocket. God she doesn't have a shirt on again. She's so fine. And she's glistening probably from sweating or am I just imagining that part. She comes over to try and hug me. Ew no! She's hot but I'm not gonna let her touch me all sweaty! "Ah ah ah no! You're all sweaty. I'll give you one after you shower.But Sure! I'll help." I say walking to the car as I glare at Brandon.

Please don't do anything stupid.

Brandon POV

Should I do something stupid?

A/N: This one was pretty long. Impressive 😎

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