Chapter 104

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Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy?
Anna POV

Riley, the twins, and I were in the kitchen when I heard: "Daddy's home!"

"Daddy's already home. She's upstairs" Riley said looking up from his coloring book

I then heard fast foot steps running down the stairs "CLARKE!" I heard and a huge thud after she ran past me

When I walked around the corner they were both on the ground hugging "I missed you daddy!" She said kissing his cheek

"You both are gross human beings" Dallas said as she approached me for a huge

We both shared a laugh before embracing eachother "Hi cousin" I said to her

"Who's this mommy?" Riley asked coming to hide behind me

"C Boy!" Sage said running down the hall to doggy pile on top of the two doofus's that were already on the ground

I moved Riley from behind me "This is my cousin Dallas and the guy over there is your uncle Clarke aka your daddy's best friend" I explained to him

"Daddy?" Dallas asked

"Yeah Ever and Eveys first words were dada and it kinda just stuck for everyone. They call Y/N mama sometimes, but it's usually just daddy" I told her

"Rils, why don't you go get your sister and bring her down" I said while patting his head

"Ok mommy" he said as he ran away and disappeared into the house

"Oh he's adorable" Dallas said

Which made me smile

"Ok enough. Both of you need to get up now" Dallas said

"Hold on Dallas!" Sage screamed

"Woah! Little dude can talk now!" Clarke said picking up his head

"I am no little" Sage screamed

"Sage Oakley quiet voice please" I told him. He looked back at me apologetically "sorry mommy"

Once we did all the introductions for Annie and Riley we headed to the kitchen for me to finish dinner


"Clarke i love you bro but if you finish that sentence you will not be staying in this house nor will you be eating any of this food" Y/N said

He put his hands up and continued to play with the twins "Woah! Evey needs a diaper change" he said holding her up making us all laugh
"Uncle Clarke, are you going to help me and mama fix her truck?" Riley said after dinner

"I don't know should I?" Clarke said joking

Riley shook his head vigorously

"Then I think I will" he said before putting Riley on his back and they all went to the garage

"I'm coming too!" Annie said running after them

"Dally, I'm gonna go put the other three to bed and then we can talk" I told her while carrying up the twins while Sage followed me

I kissed the twins goodnight and then the same with Sage and left back down the stairs

"Ok so let's just get right to the point, how's the sex life" Dallas said making herself comfortable on the couch

"Aww I miss you too Dallas" I sarcastically said as I sat down next to her "No but seriously it's still as amazing as it's always been. Sadly, we don't get a lot of alone time, but we try when we can" I explained "But enough about me! You and Clarke are still together surprisingly!"

She looked at me with a look I've never seen from her before "I'm pregnant" she barely said below a whisper

My jaw dropped "YOURE JOKING!" I said which quickly got a hand covering my mouth

"Would you shut up!" She whisper yelled "No one knows! Not even Clarke" she said

"Not even Clarke what?" Clarke asked coming back into the room

"Nothing! What are you guys doing I'm so quickly?" I covered and went to stand against my wife

"Annie and Riley were a lot more tired than than they thought so we're just gonna call it a night for everyone" she said wrapping her arms around me

"Ok I'll put them to bed" I said

"No I got it. You just go up to bed and relax" she said kissing my neck and walking up the stairs with Clarke

"You guys are so cute. I hope Clarke and I will get there...if he stays" she mumbled

"Dallas he'll stay he loves you" I explained

"How do you know?" Her voice obviously shaky

"He looks at you the same way Y/N looks at me" I explained giving her arms squeeze and then saying our goodnights

"Ok kids are asleep, kitchens cleaned up, all lights off, and all doors are locked." I said taking my pants and shirt off and hopping into bed

I went to hug her when I saw her looking like she was about to explode "What's wrong my love?" I said kissing her cheek

She started biting her nails "I'm not supposed to tell you; it's a secret." She said

"Ok that's fine. I love you" I said putting my head in front of her face for a kiss which, she gave me

I got up and went to the bathroom "Where are you going?" She asked me quickly

"To use the bathroom baby" I said. She hopped off the bed and walked to me "I'll come with you" she said

Is she ok?

She went and sat in the counter as I went to the toilet. Right as I was about to pee Anna scared the shit out of me "Jesus Anna! I love you, but can you like back up a little?"

"Dallas's pregnant" she said quickly before covering her mouth quickly

I had to take a second to process what she just said "I didn't say that" she mumbled under her mouth

"But you did!" I said turning around. She started walking backwards shaking her head

"Ok! Fine! I did, but you can't tell anyone! I'm the only one Dallas has told" she basically begged me "she thinks if Clarke finds out he'll leave her"

"Are you joking! Clarke's so in love with that girl it's not even funny. He was literally just talking about marrying and having kids with her. Wanna know a secret?" I said with a smirk

She came closer and looked very interested "Do tell" she said

I picked her up and put her on the counter and stood in between her legs as she played in my hair "Clarke's gonna propose this weekend when we go out to dinner" I told her and her mouth dropped open

She started slapping my shoulder "Oh my God! Oh my God! Really!?" I covered her mouth

"Say it any louder and everyone will know" I told her

"Aww I wanna be proposed to again" she said with pouty lips

"Ok a tad passive aggressive, but I'll keep that in mind" I said kissing her lips and resting my head on her chest

I'm happy for them. They'll finally start their family like we have. Maybe we can even raise them together because knowing Clarke he's going to need it. I thought I was irresponsible

Hi guys I'm alive and we'll just had a lot of writers block <3 I'm always open for suggestions!

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