Chapter 41

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We had stayed at the young's house till it got a little bit later into the morning. Mr. Young cleaned her up and check all her vitals with his home kit thingy. I sat on his couch with Anna's head in my lap. I combed my hands through her hair as I just sat there angry.

"Who would do this to her?" I started to tear up again as I talked to Mr. Young "I don't know kid but, we'll get to the police once she wakes up. Hopefully she remembers" He said as he came and sat beside me "I called your families, they should be here soon"

"Thank you Doc. I'm sorry for waking you up but, thank you sir" I said as I started to cry he wrapped his arm around me and just sat with me "She'll be ok. You did the right thing Y/N. You saved her...yet again" he said with a chuckle "You're her hero Y/N/N" he messed my hair up.

The doorbell rung multiple times "Hurry up Phil!" Definitely Brandon "Thats my cue" with that Mr. Young ran to get the door. Brandon ran in the house to us "That motherfucker is going to get it!" Brandon yelled as he came and placed his hand on Anna's check then hugged her

"I should have never let you go with him" Her mother said "Go with who?" I asked with a stern voice sitting up. "Bra-"

"No Y/N. Don't tell her because then you'll go and beat him up and probably kill the boy" Mr. Young said cutting of Brandon "Fine then we'll take this to the police."

"We don't even know what happened yet. Like how did you even find her Y/N" I gulped not wanting to have to relive what I had to see. "Well... I believe she was r-rap- just-" I took a deep breath "I believe she was raped"

"I found her n-naked by the trail. She was um she was unconscious and she wasnt moving. I checked her breathing and at least tried to wake her up which wasn't doing much. I didn't bring my phone so I couldn't call for an ambulance and I remembered Mr.Young lived close by so I put her in my clothes and ran over here. I t-thought I was gonna lose her" I teared up at the end

"Sorry I ever left you. I'm sorry I broke your heart" I whispered to Anna as I stroked her hair again


It's later on in the day and we're still at Mr.Young's. We didn't want to go anywhere until she wakes up.

She starts to stir and scrunched her nose up. I sit up with her head still in my lap. "Anna! Anna you got it! Here I'll help you sit up!" I said putting my hands on her shoulders

Her eyes shot open "Help! Stop touching me!" She pushed me off of her as she fell to the ground and stood up quickly "hey, hey, hey" I said quickly with my hands up "it's me,it's me,it's just me" I softly said as I stood up with my arms up

She fell into my arms and started to sob hysterically "It hurt so much" I wrapped my arms around her kissed her head "I know it did bubba and I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm so sorry you had to go through that pain, but your safe now. What matters most is you being ok. That's all that matters. You're here with the people who love more than anything in the world. Who would never hurt you...again" the end really just referring to me

"You didn't hurt me Y/N, it was just an accident. I already forgave you." She whispered into my chest. I let out a big sigh still feeling so guilty for laying a hand on her.

"Anna, baby girl, I need you to tell us what happened." Mr. Young said

"I don't really remember Uncle Phil. I just remember how much it hurt." She said moving her head from my chest. He was a lot closer with Anna's family than mine so she called him uncle

"Ok that's fine. Can you tell me what he did to make you hurt? I need to know what he did." He asked patiently with soft eyes for the younger girl

She explained everything that had happened to her that she could remember. To him asking her out where I saw to him beating her unconscious "You're telling me Brady Rexel laid his hands on you." I was angry all over again. She nodded her head at me "You all were right. I'm going to kill him!" I said as I stood up quickly headed towards the door

"No Y/N! Let the police handle it!" Anna's mother yelled after me. I ignored her and kept walking. All of a sudden I feel a huge weight over my back tackling me to the ground "I'm going to kill him! Let me go! Get off of me! He hurt her!" I yelled as I squirmed under the persons weight. They put me in some kind of head lock slash pinning me down "He hurt her! She's in pain because of him! He hurt her" My voice started to crack under my screams

"I know he did but, she needs you here! Not in handcuffs behind bars! You're going to ruin your future and hers Y/N/N! Calm down and go back in there to your girl."  I relaxed as Anna's father released me from his grip

I brought my legs to my chest, laying there in a fetal position. "You don't understand! I saw her just laying there. So vulnerable to the world! He used her like she was just some kind of object! I thought she was dead, I-I thought- she was barely breathing! When I picked her up she looked so fragile- she felt so fragile! I thought I was going to break her. Her body wasn't the usual warm temperature it always is, it was cold and her skin was so pale. I just needed to see her eyes, hear her voice, just to make sure she was holdin on" I stared at the floor from where I was.

I felt his hand rubbing my back "We're so grateful for you. You saved my baby girl yet again" he said the last part with a chuckle "Thank you kid. We love you. Anna loves you, I love you. Just don't break her hear again because she would not shut up about you. Who knew spending time with your daughter would be so exhausting" We shared a laugh as I sat up

"So when are we going to the police station?" I asked wiping my tears and my nose "In a little while. Let's be with Anna first" I shook my head and stood up "Hug?" He asked. I took him into a hug and squeezed him "sorry for tackling you"

"It's ok. You saved me from doing something stupid" I sighed and just stood in the hug for a while before I spoke up again "I just love her so much"  He put his hand on my head as he hugged me tighter "I know you do, I know you do"


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