Chapter 93

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I walked down the stairs this morning to see a very tired looking Anna sitting on the couch breast feeding our two daughters while, Sage drank his milk and watched tv

"Hey baby" I said walking up and kissing her head

"Hi" she mumbled as she laid her head back. She looked like she hasn't slept in a while. I will say not having our parents here anymore is hard, but we're hanging in there

Her hair was in a low messy bun, no makeup, glasses and bags under her eyes. She still looked beautiful in my eyes no matter what

Sage stood on the couch and gave me a hug before poking his head out of my arms to see the tv "Sharkies mama" he said bringing his bottle back to his lips

I kissed his head and rubbed his back before sitting down with him in my arms "Hi bubba. You ok?" I asked leaning up to see her eyes

Her lip started to quiver and she silently began to cry "I'm so tired" she cried. Seeing her hurt like that hurt me. To see the tears and the exhaustion evident showed me how hard it's been for her.

She's been working so hard with her job, being mommy while mamas at school and basketball and her jobs definitely been really demanding lately

"I know baby, I know, and I am so sorry I haven't been able to be here. I'm just really trying to give us the best life we can have, but I know that's stressful for you to take care of three kids and a job by yourself. I'm sorry" I said as tears brimmed my eyes. I tried to keep them in to be strong for her

I put my arms around her and tightly held Sage in my other arm while I thought of something "I-I'll take the kids to school. It's your day off right?" I asked

She shook her head at me and sniffled "No. That's your education. I won't let you do that" she said

I shook me head as well and looked her in the eyes "It's your day off right?" I asked completely ignoring her. She reluctantly nodded her head

"Ok then I'll take the twins and Sage to class today. I'll-I'll figure it out. I'll see if I can cut study hall out. I mean I'm the top of my class and I really don't need help. So, I can hopefully be home by four everyday." I removed my arm from around her to wipe her tears "I'm gonna try Anna. I'm gonna try to be a better parent a-and partner at that" I said

She leaned over to kiss me which I let her do "You're a great person. In all categories of everything" she said with a pout still evident on her face

I picked her lips again and rubbed her cheek "Big sharkie!" Sage said as he crawled of my lap, off the couch and to the tv to get a closer look"It's shark week so make sure you have your phone charged" she said pulling her shirt back down and burping Ever. I took Evey and did the same thing
"Here's some hair ties if Sagey wants his hair out of his face. And here's his blanket. You might have to cradle him if he gets sleepy and make sure he's laying on his left side. He won't go to sleep if not" I nodded along to make her feel more at ease, but I know how my kids are. I mean, I'm not around as I want right now, but I'm still here

"Ok For Evey make sure she's near you. She's usually fussy, but she loves you the most so I doubt that will be a problem. Ever will need her pacifier or teething ring. Now for eating-"

I knew I had to stop her "Hey my love. I got it. I already know all this. Just stop pulling your hair out. Stop stressing. I like your blonde hair I don't want you balding or gray yet" I said making her giggle "I love you and we'll see you later. All of us will be home in one piece. I promise" I said kissing her and walking out the door

I hopped in the car and turned the key "Oh I'm forget an important part" I hopped out and went to get the children

"You already forgot them Jesus Christ Y/N" Anna said opening the door

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