Chapter 100

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A/N: thank you all for the amazing support! 100 CHAPTERS!!!😱😱😱
Anna POV
"Bubs get off me and stop kissing my neck! We have to go get Rils and Annie" I said pushing her face away so I could get up "And buckle your belt. You look dumb" I added

"I missed Anna the bully" She said coming up behind me and moving my hair off my neck so she could kiss

"Babe stop it!" I said squirming out of her hold

"Oh come on I'm horny and all we did for an hour" She said like that word was disgusting "What's the point of loving me if you won't get naked with me?"

"I don't know maybe the points that we have kids together and you are a good person" I suggested with a shrug

"Ok that's good, but sex is sex and sex is amazing. And our sex is Godsent." She explained while we walked down the stairs to the truck

"Don't you get tired of sex and being horny all the time?" I asked her

"No! Because our sex is Godsent! And you're sexy!" she said opening my door for me

I rolled my eyes and chuckled "You're a hot mess bro" I told her grabbing her hand

"I'm your hot mess" she added kissing the back of my hand sweetly and softly

Once we got to their school. We got out and met by the back of the truck "Your hand my lady" I said bowing down and extending my hand

"Remember that thing I said about being weird all your life?" She asked me. I nodded my head remembering that day "Yeah well that proves my point" she told me grabbing my hand and kissing my cheek

"Right" I said as we walked into the school

We made our way to Riley's class first

"Daddy!" Riley said jumping from his seat to jump on me. I picked him up and spun him around "Hi little monster!" I said giving him a kiss on the head

"You must be Riley's parents. He talks nonstop about you" the teacher said shaking both our hands

"Nice to meet you" Anna politely said

"Do you mind me asking how you got the name of daddy?" She asked me shyly

"We also have twin girls and one of their first words daddy" I said with a chuckle remember that day "It just stuck." I said kissing Riley's head again

She had a sweet laugh before a bright smile "Well I'm glad Riley is in a safe environment and home. I can tell he loves you guys as do you him. I'm so grateful you helped this sweet little boy and his sister out. I had been trying to get people to look into his living conditions, but no one ever listened to me." She said with a sigh

"Well he's in good hands now right booger?" I asked and he nodded vigorously

"Will you play legos with me daddy?" He asked me and my eyes shot open "Legos? Where?" He pointed to the table full of legos 

"excuse us" I said excusing myself going to the table

"It's basically just me taking care of a whole bunch of children" Anna joked with the teacher

I just rolled my eyes eyes while I sat in this tiny ass chair. Riley came and stood in between my legs as I continued to make buildings with my son. He's very clingy when it comes to me, but I'm ok with that. I love this kid with my whole heart. Along with all the rest of the little loves of my life.

"Daddy that's Stella she's my girlfriend." Riley said pointing to a cute little girl with the cutest little freckles ever. I almost choked on my spit once he said that.

My sons got game

"Hi!" She said excitedly "I watch you on TV with my daddys" she explained

"Cool Stella!" I said with a bright smile

"Can Stella come over tomorrow and play?" He asked turning around to me to look at me with those puppy dog eyes "You're mad wrong for that kid" he knew what he was doing. Him and everyone else in that house knows that their puppy dog eyes work on me. "Fine if that's ok with Stella's parents"

"I'll ask my daddys" she said with a big smile

"I'm going to go get Annie I'll be back" Anna whispered in my ear kissing my temple

I watched as she walked out with a small smile. I turned back around noticing Riley wasn't there anymore. When I looked up he was holding Stellas hand as they played.

I know most people won't their kids date at such a young age because they're nine going on ten, but I don't care. He'll love when he loves. I mean I can't talk, I fell in love and got married at seventeen. Happily married for almost two years now

"Daddy!" I heard from behind me and Annie jumped into my arms "Hi Princess! How was school" I said hugging her and then fixing the bow she liked in her hair

"It was fun! I learned how to multiple! We played around the world and I won!" She was
proud of her accomplishments and I was too

"I'm so proud of you princess" I said kissing her head

"Can we go home now, I'm tired" Annie said curling up in my lap

"Sure sweet girl. Riley say goodbye to Stella you'll see her tomorrow" I told him

"Bye Stella" his cheeks reddened when she kissed his cheek. I looked at Anna shocked and back at their interaction. My boy has game. "Bye Riley"

"Daddy can you carry me to the car?" Riley asked grabbing his backpack "No Daddy's carring me!" Annie said clutching on to my neck

"I'll carry you both it's ok" I said putting Riley on my back and holding Annie
I was rocking the twins to sleep who weren't really in the mood for sleep

"Sing to them" I heard a sweet familiar voice say. I didn't even have to look up to know it's the one person who makes my heart skip a beat

I sighed and looked down

(Wildflowers by Tom Petty)

By that time they were both fast a sleep and Anna helped me put them to bed

"Come on let's go to bed bubs" she said pulling me to our room

"No nakey time?" I asked with a pout

"No my love just sleepy time" she said

"Okayyyy" I dragged out taking my pants and shirt off before climbing into bed

"I love you" I said cuddling into her wanting for her to hold me tonight. She had no problem with wrapping her arm around me and playing in my hair

"I love you too" she said kissing the top of my head
A/N: Tonights chapter was a little short. Anybody have some ideas on what they want to see in the book? I'm totally open for request!

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