Chapter 42

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I walked back into the family room with Mr. Shumate. I walk over to Anna "Hi" I said softly. She looked up at me with her big bright blue eyes that were now red, puffy, and dull "Hi" she said in barely a whisper

"We'll give you two some space" Mr. Young said moving everyone away from the living room "Thank you for saving my life once again" she slightly smiled but could tell it was difficult for her. I nodded and an awkward silence came over us.

Neither of us wanting to break the silence, but I decided to break it "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If I wasn't trying to run away from my problems, none of this would've happened. If I was just acting mature-"

Anna cut me off "None of this is your fault" she brought her eyes back up to look at me "It's not your fault what he did to me." She softly said. She took a breath in. It was so shaky "I- just- I feel so dirty." She bust out into tears. I sat beside her not touching her because I didn't know if she wanted me to or not "You're not dirty. You're so strong, you're so brave, you're gorgeous baby. I'm so sorry you feel that way." I whispered

She hugged me and just cried to me.

That son of a bitch

- (a few days later court day)

We are at the hearing of this stupid situation because Brady told the police she wanted it.

Brady's dad is currently at the stand. "Mr. Rexel do you think your son is in the wrong?" Brady's lawyer asked "No. my son is a good boy who would never do something like that. She was wearing revealing clothes of course my son was attracted to her"

Did I hear that right? That triggered something in me. I stood up out of my seat in the courtroom "Y/N sit down" my father said "No! Sorry your honor, but- he can't be serious!" All eyes turned to me as I walked up to Brady's father at the stand "He couldn't help himself? Revealing clothes? Maybe if you educated your son not to touch a women without consent we wouldn't be here!"
"Objection your honor!" Brady's lawyer said "Overruled!" The judge then looked at me "Go ahead kid" I nodded my head and gulped the lump forming in my throat

"She was wearing a skirt sir, how is that revealing?" I forced out over the lump. He didn't answer "Answer me!" I yelled "Objection your honor! She cannot do this!" The lawyer said once again

"Overruled! This is my courtroom, sit down!"

"She was showing to much skin. Obviously begging for it" I started to tear up from his insensitive comments "YOURE TELLING ME THAT SKIRT YOUR SEEING ON HER IN THIS PICTURE IS REVEALING!?" Tears were streaming down my face

"Yes obviously it's too short."

"So you're saying those little girls in that private school who skirts down the street deserved to be raped because they show skin?" He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off "Youre telling me the wives and daughters who go to church every Sunday, deserve to be raped because you think they reveal too much skin when they wear skirts?" He looked at me nonchalantly

"Does this even faze you?" My voice started getting stronger "Does it faze you that your son raped an innocent girl?" My voice getting any louder "That innocent girl sitting right there! Right there! Has cried to me everyday since that night, about how dirty she feels! About how broken she feels- how much it hurt! He could've killed her!" I started to shake my voice cracking

"I found her laying there at the crack of dawn. She wasn't moving, she was barely breathing, she was naked, freezing because of the cold of dawn, she couldn't even open her eyes. What do you think would've happened if I had found her later?.....She could be dead." I said with a shrug and a head nod trying to keep my composure

"Your son left her there after he was done with her. He took pictures of her limp body. He sent them to people! Those people sent it to other people!....The whole town has pictures of my girlfriend beaten almost to death. You can obviously we the bruises and the cuts he left on her body. He abused her Mr.Rexel. You think your son shouldn't be punished for that?

The courtroom was silent. He didn't answer, his face emotionless "Shame on you for raising your son the way he is." I tapped the stand lightly before walking away from him "Thank you your honor for your time" my voice came out soft and hurt. "And Brady..." I turned to look at him slumped down in his seat "I usually would never wish this upon anyone but,... I hope you go to hell"

I wiped my nose and turned to see Anna. She mouthed the words "I love you" before deciding I couldn't be here anymore so I walked out of the courtroom, Jhett bursting out of the room as well coming to my side. "You're a brave person sissy" she wrapped her arm around my waist as we walked out to my car

"Where are we going?" I stared off into space. "The only place I can bare going right now" I drove us to the woods where the cliff is. It brought back memories from the night I hit Anna but, it was my get away I had to go there.

"I didn't know this town had this place" Jhett said looking off into the distance over the cliff "Barely anybody knows about this place, so keep your mouth shut. I don't need your little friends coming up her disrupting the peace." I was dry with her and my words were rough I was angry.

"I got you Y/N/N" she said as she sat down on the rock beside me "It's all gonna be ok" she whispered as she wrapped her arms around me "You're a good little sister little J" I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her waist placing my face in her neck. I didn't cry, I was out of tears but, I sat there and just relaxed into my little sister

"You've kept me so sane these last few months...thank you. My life feels like it's being torn down but, somehow you keep me going." I whispered

"She hummed and placed her hand in my hair and rocked us slowly back and forth.


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