Chapter 91

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Jhett and I run to the kitchen and bump into each other

"She's on her period!" we say in unison

Jhett has a condition called Amenorrhea. Meaning she can't get her period, so we have no idea what to do when the time of the month comes

"Ok ok! I'll get the ice cream and candy, you get the heating pads and tissues...and ibuprofen. That's for us. Meet back in the theater room." I say and we split getting all the stuff

I bring my wife into the theater after organizing the stuff. "I need my babies. Go get them" she demanded sitting down on the couch

I quickly went upstairs and grabbed the twins from my parents. And ran back downstairs

"Where's Sage?" I groan and go back up the stairs

He's knocked out in bed. Who put him to sleep? It's not his nap time yet. Anyway, I pick him up and walk back downstairs

As I'm walking down the stairs he starts to shuffle and sit up in my arms to look at me with his beautiful blue eyes that remind me so much of my wife. All the kids have her blue eyes and I love them so much

"Hey little guy. You can go back to sleep, mommy just wants cuddles" I explained and he placed his head right back down on my shoulder. I felt his warm breath hit my neck. I don't want him to ever grow up

I sit back down on the couch and wrap a blanket around Sage like how I used to swaddle him. I laid him on my chest and Anna's feet on my lap

Jhett and Skylar were all cuddled up on the beanbag beside us. Jhett was rubbing Skylars exposed stomach and kissed her cheek

"So what do you guys want to watch?" I asked the two

"The Notebook" they said in unison. What's up with girls and their obsession with that movie, it's so corny.

I sighed and put the movie on. I wasn't paying much attention and put most my attention to our children. Playing with Sage's hair and rubbing Evey's stomach. Ever was being held by Anna.

I feel bad for that girl. Ever is definitely a mommy's girl. Sage and Evey are mine. I think more so Evey because I just want her to have a good life and make her feel like she's important and that her condition doesn't justify who she is. She can be anything she wants.

Anna and I had a talk about when she's older. My parents gave me the option of what pronouns I wanted to use because basically for the first 9-10 years of my life I identified as he/him. It was a huge change when I decided to change my pronouns and it was definitely a difficult time, but if that's what she wants to do when she's older and go to he/him pronouns, or any other pronouns, I'm not going to stop her

Because at the end of the day, it's her life and I'm not going to control that. I'm just going to love her for who she is and be a good parent. Not just to Evey but to Ever and Sage too

They all are unique and beautiful in their own way. For example, Evey and Ever both have hair birthmarks that are the most unique thing I've ever seen. It makes a patch of their hair white like snow almost. Super cool. Or Sage and his savant syndrome.

"Bubs you're doing it again. What are you thinking about?" Anna asked. Somehow through my zoning out Anna moved to be cuddled up on my side

"My little girls and this little booger on my chest" I said kissing Sage's head

"I love you" I told her once I met her eyes again "I love you on your good days, and on your bad days and all the days in between" I said with a smile

She bit her lip as she looked into my eyes "God, I wish I wasn't bleeding right now. I would've showed you how much I love you" she said

"Gross" Jhett mumbled

"Would you shut up I can't hear Allie!" Skylar says holding the ice cream bucket "You're too good for Lon, Allie! Go to Noah! You want Noah!" She cries to the screen

Jhett just huffs and puts an arm around her girlfriend to sooth her "if you ever leave me I'll cut you"Sky said turning her voice serious

"Yes ma'am" Jhett mumbled kissing Skylar

I snickered and looked to my wife who was already looking at me "I'll don't know why you're laughing because if you ever leave I'll neuter you and then cut your dick off" she said. I gulped and smiled nervously

This is going to be a long week
That night as we lay in bed I think about our kids. Their future. Their all playing a sports or doing something. Anything. They just aren't going to be sitting around all day. I mean I'm not going to force anything on them, but I'm going to help them find something they like to do.

Anna rolls over and wraps her arm around my body. I start to play in her hair as I continue to look up at the ceiling

"Why don't you ever sing to me anymore" Anna said scarying me "Sorry" she whispered softly "It's just, I look in the corner everyday and see the untouched guitar collecting dust. You barely even sing our song."

She's right. I do miss playing a lot. "It's not like I don't want to, I've just been so busy" I said playing with her fingers as I talked

"I understand. I just miss it" she told me

"I know you do. When I have time, I'll sing to you. I promise" I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to me

"Can you sing to me now?" She pouted "I'm on my period and I had three of your children. I deserve this" she added

I sighed "Fine" I said. She shot off the bed with a smile and skipped to the guitar "Are those my boxers?" I asked her

"They're comfortable" she said shyly as she sat back down on the bed and handed me the guitar

After singing a few songs to her I heard her light snores. I placed the guitar up against my nightstand and rolled over to hold my wife

Once I felt her breath hit my neck and her hand found itself inside my shirt, I knew we were both comfortable and I smiled at the amount of love I feel each night I close my eyes for rest

"I love you" I mumbled and kissed her forehead

"I love you too" if I would've made even the slightest noise I wouldn't have been able to hear her say it back

"I know you do bubba" I soothed as I ran my fingers through her hair


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