Chapter 33

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The finale bell ring signaling the end. I looked at Anna and smiled. I made my way to her desk as everyone was exiting the classroom. "M'lady." I said is I bowed and stuck out my hand for her to take but, instead I got a bag full heavy books "Thanks bub." She said kissing my cheek and walking out the door "Duuuude! She just played ya kid" Mr.Daniels said. He's he coolest teacher at this school hands down. He's like twenty seven.

"Shut up! She did not play me. I- I wanted her bag because- just shut up!" I said walking out the room "Good luck today kid!" He yelled out the door.

"Finally. I need to put my books away." Anna said taking the bag and putting her stuff away. "GAME DAYYYY!!!" Clarke said yelling down the hall with the hockey crew "6'2, Weighing in at 186 pounds of muscle! Star hooper who can jump out the gym! She's the one the only....Y/N "the hottie" Y/L/N!" O'Conner said as he gave me announced me to the whole hall. "Watch out lady's this ones coming in hot!" He added

"And this ones very much taken." Anna added into the announcement making me chuckle. I pecked her lips and smiled at her "ugh their such couple goals, it makes me sick"Dallas said to Sam coming into the crowd of hockey boys around Anna's locker "I still don't get how you're like besties with all the hockey players and not like your own teammates or the guys basketball team." Sam said

"I mean I am, but ever since Clarke stood up for me, we just got closer and he brought his boys with him everywhere so we all went with it. Look at us now, family for life." I said doing our secret handshake together "No fair! I want a secret handshake with you!" Anna whined

"Don't be jealous Anna it's ok. Y/N/N just likes me more." Clarke said blowing a kiss at her and laughing "Alright we're gonna head to the gym. See you in there. I'm proud of you son" Clarke said as a joke. He put his hand on my shoulder "Thanks dad. I love you" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder making us bust out laughing. Then they left

" Yo Y/N let's go! Coach wants to talk before the game." My teammate, lainey, said. "Ok I'll be there in a sec!" I said to her

"Welp, that's my cue. I'll see you in their my love." I leaned in and gave her a long kiss. I pulled away and smiled "I'll be rooting for you." She said in a quiet voice sending goosebumps all over my body. I said my goodbyes to the three girls and headed to the locker room.

After I put my spandex and shorts on I sat down waiting for coach. I never put my shirt on until game time. When we warm up I don't put it on. I know it's weird but it's a pre game tradition for me.

"Ok everyone listen up! This is our rival. We can't be lazy out there! They are a tough team that will be aggressive! Play together, talk, be in good help defense, and play with just as much heart as the next person on this team! Let's go captain!" She signed for me to break us out of the huddle in the locker room.

"We are!" I yelled "Family!" Everyone else said "Together!" I yelled "Forever!" The said as we broke apart. We headed out of the locker room for warm ups and all I could hear was cheering. I looked around for Anna and my family, spotting them almost immediately. I was so nervous. This game could basically make or break my future.

Anna gave me a thumbs up and I nodded at her getting into the layup line. I did a few layups and shots before the buzzer went of meaning game time. I waited for my team to be ready before I dunked but, I went between my legs this time. When I did the dunk the crowd went wild. "Nice way to start it off. You've been practicing that day and night huh?" Lainey asked knowing exactly that I did. I laughed at her and went to our bench

I put my jersey on, number 15. I sat down as they started calling the line ups "And now our starters for the Eagles! Number 1, Sophmore: Lainey Harris! Number 2, Junior: Kate Rowland!  Number 10, Junior: Tegan Bowden! Number 24, Senior: Ella Welch! And Number 15, Junior, you know her! You love her!: Y/N Y/L/N!" The announcer said as we all got off the bench giving high fives to our teammates. Game time. Future time.

The ref blew the whistle and the ball was tipped to me from Ella. I got the ball in the back court and brought it up the court. I saw they were in a man to man defense "Spider-Man! Spider-Man" I called the play out and received the screen from Tegan. I came off the screen and dribbled into the paint drawing Lainey's player. I kicked it out to her for the three. She made it 3-0.

The opponents threw the ball in. We were in defense.

Ok Y/N you got this
Remember move your feet
Don't follow her eyes or the ball focus on her stomach follow her stomach
Good help D

I thought to myself as the girl I was guarding brought the ball up. I followed to the rhythm the ball was bouncing.

When it hits the floor take it


I stole the ball from her and easy one hand dunk 5-0. I looked at Anna and blew her a kiss before I returned my focus to the game

Games nowhere over don't get cocky
Good D
Now focus on your Offense too

The buzzer indicating half time. The score was 35-29. They were aggressive and they fouled a lot  but, the refs weren't calling it so they would steal the ball from us getting easy points.

"Ok ladies! We are up but, that means nothing! You guys are fighting hard you! Effort is all I ask! I'm proud but, we do have to get stronger on our Offense said. Triple threat, move don't just stand in on place, and set screens! Let's get this win! It's 0-0 when we get back out there! Let's go captain!" She said

""We are!" I yelled "Family!" Everyone else said "Together!" I yelled "Forever!" The said as we broke apart."

The whistle blew halftimes over. Back to the game. We won the jump so it was the other teams ball. My girl had the ball so I was playing defense "Screen left! Screen left!" Kate yelled as her girl came to screen me. I got over the screen and jumped in front of my girl stealing the ball from her hands "Run with me Kate!" I said.

It was a 2 on 1 situation. I got to the basket with the defender on me so I behind the back passed it to Kate and she score the basket. 37-29 "Nice pass" she said as she slapped my ass and ran back down court. We got this.

There's twenty seconds left in the game. 63-62 we're down. We started to get lazy and let them come back. "Take it Y/N" my coach yelled "Flat! Flat!" That's a play for me where everyone goes to the bass line and I go 1v1 with my defender. I dripped down to the elbow. Cross, between my legs, fake shot, go past her. Kate moves to the opposite block giving me a clear way to the basket. I jump in the air to lay it up when I feel my legs come from under me. I'm going backwards. I can't control myself. I land on my back.

I start to gasp for air but can't catch my breath

TWEET the ref blows his whistle "technically foul number 25"

I couldn't even pay attention to anything. My head hurt my lungs burned I couldn't breathe.

Get up Y/N
If you don't coach has to come on the floor
You won't be able to shoot the foul shots

I jump off the floor "Don't come out here! I'm fine! Let me shoot!" I yell at my coach still gasping for air she nods her head and crosses her arms biting her nail

I got to the line as everyone else goes to half court "Are you sure you're ok kid?" The ref says as he comes up to me at the line "Yessir I can shoot" he shook his head at me and back away "two shots" the ball was passed to me. I held the ball in my hands for a second and started to calm my breathing. I then did my free throw routine

I shot it.

63-63 the crowd cheered

Then silence engulfed the crowd

I repeated my free throw routine

I shot it.

64-63 the crowd started to cheer again

The other team had zero time outs and had a second left. The shot went off


the buzzer went off. We won. Everyone cheered. My team celebrated but, I went straight into the stands to Anna. She jumped onto me wrapping her legs around me "You did it! I'm so proud of you!" She yelled at me


A/N: I'm sorry I've been kind of MIA I've been so busy with school and sports

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