Chapter 36

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Anna POV

Y/N, Kyle, Jhett, Skylar, Brandon and I all went down town to meet Emmi and Karina. I haven't hung out with Emmi or Karina in awhile so I'm glad we are today.

"Do you guys want to go to the diner?" Y/N ask everyone as we walk down the sidewalk. "Sure" everyone says at once "What about you, my love?" Y/N ask me as she squeezes my hand looking into my eyes. I smile and nod my head. She kisses my cheek and we continue on our walk to the diner.

Once we got there we all ordered our food and started talking. Y/N puts her head on my shoulder and scoots closer to me. I put my hands through her hair and continue with my conversation with everyone. "You need a haircut baby. You're hair is getting so long." I say into her ear. She nodded her head and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Omg stop it! You make me feel so fucking single. You guys are cuteness overload" Kyle said squealing. Everyone laughed together "Kyle, I love you! Definitely my favorite gay." Emmi said

"Hey!" Jhett, Skylar, Y/N and I all shouted at once. "That hurts dude!" Y/N added. "You'll be fine"

I started think about how I still need to turn Y/N on and I have the perfect idea but, I need Kyles help. "Kyle can you come with me to the bathroom for a sec?" I asked bot really thinking that through. He looked at me confused "I can go with you babe...or maybe the people who can go into the girls bathroom without getting looked at funny. No offense Kyle." Y/N said

"No it's ok I'll take Kyle." I said as I looked at Kyle telling him to go with it. He shook his head and we left the booth.

Once we got into the bathroom I turned towards him. "Wow this is what the little girls room looks like? So clean!" He said looking around "Kyle focus! The reason I brought you in here is because I need your help. This morning Y/N said she could easily turn me on but, I said she couldn't. Then we made a bet that the first person to get hella horny loses. I'm not losing so I need your help." I said all in one breath. He stood their with an evil smirk on his face

"I'm all in. What do you need from me?" He asked as he leaned in interested in hearing ever last word I am saying. "So I'm going to sm go get a Viagra from the store and I'm going to mash is up and put it in her drink, but I need you to distract her while I go to the store and while I put it in her drink." I said carefully to him

"You got it girl. Let's do this thing." He said as he flipped his imaginary hair and walked out the bathroom. I really love him so much.

"Hey Y/N/N, you're girlfriends going to run to the store really quick and get some tampons, she's starting her period." He said as Y/N pulled me to her "What? No. Your period doesn't start for like another two weeks!!" She said looking up at me. "How the fuck did you memorize her menstrual cycle?!" Emmi said making Y/N shrug "When you have sex a lot it comes in handy." "Ew dude TMI." Jhett said

"It started early bubs." I said as I rubbed her head "I'm just going to run to the CVS and get some. I'll be right back I promise." I said to her "No I'll go with you. You don't have to go alone." She insisted

"No!...I mean. No, she'll be fine Y/N. She doesn't need you on her hip like a little puppy all the time" Kyle sort of yelled. "Oh. I'm sorry Anna. I didn't mean it in a controlling way. I-I just wanted you to be safe" Y/N said as she took her arms from around my waist and sat up straight in her seat, looking down. "No I understand how you feel baby. It's ok I'm not mad." I said reassuringly "It's fine. I'm sorry" I rubbed the back of her neck as she didn't meet my eyes

I looked at Kyle like he was an idiot. I hit him on his head as I walked out. I felt bad for how Kyle explained Y/N. I mean she's needy and affectionate but, that's what I like. Only with her though. Do I still want to cheat our deal? Yep! I'm not backing done.
I got the pill and mashed it up ahead of time and also getting unnecessary  tampons because Y/N already got me some and because I'm not on my period yet.

Once I stepped back into the diner, Kyle saw me and saw that I was ready. What is he going to do to distract her?

He went to pick up his cup but, knocked it over spilling his soda all over Y/N on 'accident'. Y/N quickly jumped to her feet. "Y/N i am so so sorry! You should go to the bathroom and wash that out so it doesn't stain." He said making her leave and head to the bathrooms

I quickly head to the table and pour the powder into the drink and mix it. Everyone looks at me confused as to what I am doing. Kyle and I quickly fill them in on what's happening, making them think that I'm crazy, before Y/N comes back and sits down. "Again, I am so sorry Y/N. I did not mean to do that." Kyle said lying straight through his teeth. "It's ok Kyle. I know you wouldn't do that on purpose." Y/N said as she took a long sip of her drink........

Let the games begin


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