Chapter 18

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When I got bored of watching movies and hearing my sister kiss Skylar every five seconds. I looked at Anna. She looked like she wasn't feeling good so I got up and told Anna to follow me upstairs

"What do you want Y/N?" She said annoyed. What the hell is wrong with her?

"Woah did I do something? You called me by my first name and you're annoyed with me?" I am so confused right now

"I don't know. Maybe how you were saying things you hate about me! What else don't you like huh?!" Um ok she's mad

"Anna I said I don't like when you tease me. That's not so....." she cut me off

"What else don't you like about me." Are we really doing this right now

"Anna this is stupid" I was starting to get annoyed as well "Tell me Y/N! What don't you like that I do? And be honest or I swear to god I l'll break up with you."

"Babe where is this coming from?" I was getting concerned "Don't 'babe' me. Y/N just tell me the truth!" Her voice cracked and I saw the tears start to fill up. I'm not gonna tell her what I hate about her. There isn't anything I can think of

"I love that you make me feel so secure..." she cut me off "That's not what I asked!" She shoved me and started to get louder "I love how you connect our pinky's when we go through big crowds because you know that when I get overwhelmed I don't like a lot of physical touch, but you still know that I need you." She shoved me again "Stop it!" She said crying, but that only made me come closer

"I love how you think I'm so weird because I'm a mixture of a sociopath and a extrovert even though I'm so popular." she kept pushing me back. I grabbed her hands to stop her and put them at her sides.

"I love how you just sit in my room and watch me play my guitar or some video game. Hell I love it when you play the guitar or the game with me....Look at me Anna" She won't look at me so I lift her head up with my finger.

"I love how you pick out my outfits because you don't like that my underwear don't match my pants. Which still doesn't make much sense because you're the only one who sees me in my boxers- but still." I keep my eyes on hers "I love how you trace my scar with your finger and tell me how sexy it looks or when you play with my hair and come up with new hair styles that you think look cute on me. I love when you call me 'bro' because it's like we're the same Anna and Y/N before we became a couple. It makes me feel safe." At this point she was sobbing "Anna I love you. I don't hate you I could never, but you have stuff to get off your chest. I won't hate you or criticize you. Just you got to open up bubba." She looked scared

I took her hand in mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "It's just stupid stuff."

"I don't care bubba just tell me." She took a deep breath and began. "I don't like how when it's time to go to sleep you rock in bed it's like you're rocking yourself to sleep and it shakes the whole bed. I don't like while when we're cuddling your dick pokes me. I love it to an extent but babe can you not be horny for two seconds?" I laugh at her. It has a mind of its own

"I get jealous when you slap your teammates asses during games. I know it's like a 'good job' and I do it too, but I don't like when you do it." She gave me a shy smile and kept going

"I don't like that you look better than me when we go out. I dont like that you have better shoe game then me!" I laughed at her "Do you want me to get you some better shoes love?"

"Yes I really do! It's annoying when we try to match and I don't have anything to match with." God she's so cute "Anything else dork" I said wiping her tears

"Yes I hate that you listen to my every word. You drop everything you're doing for me. You hypnotize me with those y/e/c and I can't remember what I was trying to say"

"I know there's something else say it Anna."

"I hate that you haven't proposed yet." She said laughing then giving me a huge hug. I then look around to see our parents Jhett and Skylar looking at us with shocked expressions on their faces. They had seen that whole thing

"Heyyyy guys" i said nervous.Anna shot her head out of my chest to see our family minus the boys and plus Skylar looking at us. Then my dad started to clap. "See that's how you work something out Y/N/N! You pushed but not too hard to get her to trust you. I'm so proud of you." He said and messed my hair up. Jhett looked like she was gonna explode. Like she wanted to tell everyone something. Oh she's gonna do it.

Jhett POV

After watching that whole scene with Anna and Y/N. It was now or never and I couldn't hide it anymore. It's not like they wouldn't except me

"I can't take it anymore!" I screamed

"Mom Dad I'm gay. She's my girlfriend. I like her like a shit ton- Excuse my language and she makes me happy." I said looking at Skylar I then took my attention back to my parents and continued

"I like guy clothes. Not girl clothes and I want to cut my hair shorter. Not like Y/N short but shorter. I don't like sitting at the country club with all the girls and gossiping. I'd rather be on the golf course. I'm a girl but I don't like looking like one! There I said it." I then waited for what they said "ok darling whatever you feel is best. Is that all?" My mom said. I gave her a nod and looked at dad

"Oh babygirl I already knew. I came back in the house earlier when you were kissing her but you were gettin it on so I left it." I heard Y/N laugh

"Y/F/N! She's 13 don't say that!" My mom said. I then looked at the Shumates waiting for their comments. "We don't care sweetie. As long as you're happy in your relationship and in your skin."

"Yeah sissy! We except you. Just do you and I'll back you up. Oh! How about you go to the mall with me and the boys and we go buy some things to fit how you feel? Sound good?" "And that could give me some time to make Skylar my mini me." Anna said to Skylar making Skylar smile.

This isn't too bad. I have an amazing support system and family. Not to mention my girlfriend


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