Chapter 45

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Life's been good. Basketball, School, Family, Anna, most importantly my baby has been good. Anna's starting to really show so she's been homeschooled now. No one except for our close friends really know. She doesn't really go out anymore so no one sees her. She wants to start telling more people because we're getting closer and closer to our due date

Anna and I had a doctors appointment yesterday. The baby is really healthy and looks good. We told Mr. Young not to tell us the gender but tell our parents instead so they can plan the baby shower

I'm so excited for my future. It's going to be one hell of a rid- I was woken up out of my thoughts by Anna rushing out of my arms and into the bathroom. I turned on the light and rushed in after her. I pulled her hair back and rubbed her back. This has been happening for about a month. Late night puking sessions

"Can you go get me some water please" she asked me "of course my love" I groggily said walking down the stairs to the kitchen to fetch her some water

When I walked back in she stood up after she was done puking but then she fainted. I luckily caught her before she hit the ground "Hey, hey, hey! Anna! Come on baby" She woke up laughing "Why are you laughing?! Are you ok babes?" She pointed to the cabinet. A camera. I rolled my eyes "Anna that's not funny. You scared the shit out of my bubba" I sat down next to her as she kept laughing

I put my head in my hands "Jesus Christ" I whispered. My heart was beating out of my chest "Aww baby at least it shows you care." She kissed my cheek and got up "Well guys I got her good. Hope you enjoyed our first video! Later babes!" She turned the camera of after talking to it

"I thought since I can't do anything I'd make a YouTube channel!" She said with a cheerful voice "That's not funny. I'm going back to bed" I got up and went to the bed. I was annoyed, mad, and terrified all at once

"Oh come on Y/N, don't be like this" she said coming into bed too "Be like what?! Be terrified because I thought my fiancé and child were in danger?! Anna I saw you fall out, I didn't know how to help. I didn't know what to can't joke about things like that." I was tearing up "I know you didn't mean to upset me, and it was just a joke but, I'm a little upset. For those few seconds, I shit you not, baby I was scared. You can't do that. I've already almost lost you one too many times. Now I have to worry about you and another one" I placed my hand on Anna's stomach. She placed her hand on top of mine

"I'm sorry it won't happen again....but I did get you good. You should've seen your face!"

"Yeah him being a little dramatic- can I see the video before you like edit it and post it....Damn I'm bipolar." Anna laughed grabbing the camera and turned the video on
"Oh you're evil" I said after the video ended "You still love me!" She said putting the camera down. I got in my position between Anna's legs and in her shirt "hey booger it's mama. Mommy was being mean to me today. You'll have to help me get her back one day." She scratched my head as I laid there talking to my unborn child. I reached up and placed my hand on her stomach "Y/L/N get your icicles you call hands off of me!"

"Oh come on they'll heat up just give them a second" she tried to move my hand but I'm stronger than her so that didn't work "Oh! Oh! Did you feel that?!" She tried to touch her belly but I was in the way "Move your damn head!" I took my head out of her shirt "What?!" I asked

"The baby! It kicked! Here give me your hand!" I quickly gave her my hand connecting our hand together before placing them on her big bump. I felt something move "They kicked" Anna whispered

My heart started to melt "Hey kiddo, it's mama" We felt the kick again. I looked up at Anna "Keep talking. I think they like it" I looked back down at our hands "When you're old enough I'll teach you basketball and mommy can teach you soccer. You can be a multi sport athlete that's ok with long as you like basketball better." Anna laughed and we felt another kick "I love you little booger"

"Why do you always call them booger. All the names in the world and you pick booger" Anna expressed "I've always wanted to nickname my kid that. You know papa used to call me that" I thought back to my late grandfather.

"Yeah you're still a booger." Anna said "No you are!" I snapped back. We argued for the next few minutes "You guys are going to be great parents" Jhett said coming through the door with sarcasm clear in her voice "now will you shut up! We can hear you! It's four in the morning!" With that she closed the door and went back to bed. She said we so I'm guessing she also was speaking for Skylar.

"Jerk" Anna and I said simultaneously "Jinx!" "Jinx again!" Anna screamed "Ha! Now you owe me a coke...actually I'm craving cake. You owe me a cake"

"You can't be serious" I said rolling my eyes "Does it look like I'm joking? No I'm not. You owe me a cake" she said punching my arm

"Ow woman! You got that damn pregnancy strength chill with the punches!" I said as I held my arm " Oh grow some balls and dont be such a pussy. I didn't even hit you that hard" she rolled her eyes "Whatever I'm going to sleep" I kissed her then kissed her belly and cuddled up next to her in bed. "Goodnight my love"

"Goodnight" Anna mumbled


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