Chapter 51

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Anna POV

I'm exhausted. The mall was fun but I just need to rest now. Emmi and I pull up and what I see makes me just sigh and rub my temples "Ummm... why are there ball pit balls all over your yard? Did you have a party without me?!" Emmi yelled

"No it's just Thing 1 and Thing 2. I don't know why I leave her alone with Sage." Emmi laughed at me "Alright I'll see you later Em I got to go parent." I said grabbing my bags and heading to the door.

I open the door "TAKE COVER!" I hear and all of a sudden I'm pulled down behind the front entrance wall. I look to my left to see Clarke and Sage with eye black "Mommy! Play!" I then looked to Clarke who looked scared shitless to see me "Heyyyy Anna." Before I could say anything I felt a nerf bullet hit me in my back "Clarke Tobin tell me why there are nerf bullets all over my house and the furniture is flipped? And why the hell all those balls are in the front yard" I look at Clarke them to Sage.

My baby just sat there with a smile "play?" He's too cute "Clarke! Sage! Face me like men!" I heard my fiancé yell from the living room "Come on Anna, I gotta beat her this round. Please let us keep playing" he did the puppy eyes. Which don't work for him "Kid do the eyes" Sage looked back at me and the eyes were so powerful. I sighed "fine, but you and Y/N are cleaning this mess up." He nodded

"Do you want to help?" I bit my lip thinking for a second and then nodded "Sage hand me the gun" he put the small gun in my hands and I put it in my waistband to hid it then stood up.

"Baby I'm home" I said walking to the living room. She shot up. She looked more ridiculous then the other two "What are you wearing?" I said laughing at her outfit.

She had a bandanna, wife beater that had holes and rips on them, camouflage pants I don't know where she got those, camouflage face paint and army boots.

"I'm at war! I have to be ready. It's been a tough year out here." She said confidently "Come my wife get behind the couch I'll keep you safe." She stuck her hand out for me. The funny thing is I don't need saving, Y/N's gonna need it.

I crouched behind the couch with her "Clarke! Surrender! And return my son!" Y/N said as she slowly looked over the couch. All of a sudden I hear little feet hitting the ground "mama!"

"I'll surrender the kid but you'll never get me!" They are really taking this shit seriously. Sage comes and stands behind the couch with me. He hugs me and I just hold him while I wait for the perfect time to "kill" Y/N

"I have to go in. If I don't make it out alive, I love you...both of you, but if I do...dinner's on me." She kissed me and then kissed Sage on the head. "I'm coming for you Clarke!" She then took off to the other couch

The bullets started flying from the hallway where Clarke was. "You won't make it out alive Y/N/N!"

She kept shooting then everything went quiet "I've been shot!" Clarke yelled out "I'm dying! Tell my wife I love her"

"Clarke you don't have a wife." Y/N yelled.

"Conner!" Sage yelled. I looked behind me seeing O'Conner in the same ridiculous costume as Y/N. I should start hiring a baby sitter for all four of them. "Hi Anna. Do you guys have any peanut butter?" I rolled my eyes at how he always comes over and raids our food

"There should be some in the pantry on the left" he thanked me and left. "Eat Eat?" Sage asked "No it's not time to eat yet" I said putting my hand in his hair and playing with it.

Just then Y/N jumps back over the couch "Yeah he wasn't dead, but I made it out alive" she said and smiled. She turned back around this is my time. I took out the gun and held it to her side "make a sudden move and I'll shot you" "uh oh" I heard Sage say "Uh oh is right little man. Mommy is about to fucking win!" O'Conner said coming out of the kitchen with a PB&J sandwich

"O'Conner no cussing in front of Sage." I said still staring at Y/N "Come on bubba let's just put the gun down. We can go make a baby if you want." She said putting her hands up

"Baby!" Sage said

"Dude TMI!" O'Conner and Clarke said

"Oh I also gave up" Clarke said with a shrug

I laughed at them "I'll give you another baby. Come on we can go have....." she looked at Sage then back to me "S-E-X" she whispered "Ooorrrr I can shoot you then we can go have S-E-X"

"Or you can both not have S-E-X and feed us" Clarke said picking up Sage "Eat Eat?"

"Yes little dude it's Eat Eat time. Anna shoot the motherfucker and let's go."

"Clarke if you curse one more time in front of my child I'll kill you. Even if I'm dead myself" Y/N said death staring him. He put his hand that wasn't hold Sage up and turned around "Fine then we'll feed ourselves! Isn't that right Sagey!?" Sage started to cry

"Eat Eat mommy" I sighed and shot Y/N in the chest "I've been shot. I'm bleeding out" I saw something red start coming out of shirt "What the hell is that you idiot?"

"It's blood" she whispered. I hit her in her chest and she screamed "Shut up and what is it" she sat up and wiped some off then put it in her mouth "ketchup" I cringed at how disgusting she is

"Eat Eat!" We heard Sage say "Come on let's go feed our son" She gave me a passionate kiss and then helped me up "Will you still be giving me another baby?" I said with my puppy eyes

"soon my love...soon"


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