Chapter 64

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Anna POV

"Did you find it!" I asked still frantically running around upstairs looking for it

"No it wasn't in any of the bathroom-" Dallas stopped as she walked into Y/N and I's bedroom

"Woah it looks like a tornado hit in here" she said looking around at the disheveled insides of my room

"I can't find it anywhere! What am I going to do!" I said as I pulled at my hair

"You know what I can find?" I looked up to see her holding my lingerie I had bought to wear for Y/N

"Ok and what about it? I look hot in it" I got up and snatched it from her before sitting back down

"Hey bubba I got your lunch!" Y/N said before she rounded the corner into the room

"Holy tornado" she said when she saw the room

"That's what I said" I heard Dallas mumble

She came over to me and placed the bowl on my nightstand before bending down in front of me. She took my hands into hers as she started rubbing my hands. I pulled them away and sat on them before she had the chance to take a glance at my hands to see that my finger was naked and without my wedding ring

"Um are you ok babe?" She asked trying to look in my eyes as I kept looking away from her

"Uh I-I'm fine!" I said as I popped up and stood in the opposite corner of the room. She stood up, with concern written all over her face.

"Are you sure? You don't look so good." She said coming over and rubbing my shoulders down to my arms. She leaned down so I would meet her gaze

"Are you pregnant?" She asked with a small smile. I playfully rolled my eyes as she laughed

"Babe you know I don't know yet" I said to her. She kissed my head and let a smile appear to her face

"I know. I'm just- I'm just excited! We get to expand our family" She said and perked up with a huge smile

"I know you are, but can I just have some space? I'm...." I looked around the messy room

"Busy?" Y/N answered for me which made me nod

"Anything for you. Have fun with whatever...this is" she kissed me and left the room

"Bye Daddy McSexy" Dallas called after her

"Bye Annoying McBitch" she said back

"Ooo the nerve of that girl" Dallas said clenching her fist

"Down girl. Now keep helping me look" I said dropping to my hands and knees and searched under the bed
I'm now searching in Sage's room,maybe I took it off when I was changing him.

"It's not in his closet. By the way, his closets bigger than my room and my closet combined. This isn't fair!" She said as she came over to me

"Yeah yeah yeah, my sons living the dream and you aren't. Boohoo." I said as I started looking under the covers of his bed

"Mommy!" I hear from behind us and Dallas and I whip our heads around to see my wife and my son.

"Anna, baby, my love, what are you doing?" She put Sage down near his toys and walked over to me

"Babe what's going on? Why are you destroying everything?" She said kissing my ring less finger. She pulled back and rubbed my hand, but then she hesitated and looked at my hand

"Where's your ring?" She asked rubbing my ring finger

"Where's yours huh? I don't see it." Dallas cut in, coming to my side to back me up

"On my finger" she said showing us her hand that definitely has her wedding band on it

"Oh...ok then. Well Anna, looks like your screwed"she clapped my back and left the room  leaving Sage, Y/N, and I.

"So, where's your ring Anna?" She asked me I could tell she was slightly annoyed and confused.

I just broke "I don't know! I didn't think I even took it off. I would never take it off on purpose,but I guess I did take it off. I'm freaking out because I know you're going to be mad and the ring is literally gorgeous and so freaking expensive I'm mad at myself. I've torn every room in this house apart and I still can't find it!" I want heart was beating out of my chest and my chest was heaving

She laughed at me,but I didn't really know what was funny about any of this

"Do you know how many times I've missed placed my ring? Like all the time! You take it off to wash your hands or to cook dinner and you just forget to put it back on. I just had sports bands so I would wear those till I found my actual ring. It's ok, I'm not mad at all." She said tapping my nose

"I'll even help you look for it after I change Sage." She walked over to him and took him to the changing area

All you could hear was Sage's laughs for a few seconds and then a laugh from Y/N

"Lookie what we have here!" She said running from around the corner with holding my ring up proudly.

I ran over to her and grabbed the ring and put it on "oh thank God, I thought I lost you" I said talking to my ring

"No thank you, or I'm sorry for losing the ring you paid a shit ton for?" She said with that stupid smile of hers

I leaned into her and wrapped my arms around her neck "Thank you very much for being back my ring" I smiled into the kiss

"Stop smiling and just kiss me" she said before kissing me again

"Mama" Sage dragged out from around the corner

"Oops I almost forgot" she said dragging me over to Sage

"Hi booger. Now let's change that diaper" Y/N said as she tickled him which made him start giggling

After we changed him we played with him for awhile before he cuddled up to me and sighed

"Milk milk?" He asked trying to lift my shirt up.

"That's not what it's called. What do we say Sagey" Y/N said

"Boobies!" Sage cheered and clapped

"Good job bud!" I said giving him a high five.

I slapped her in the head and gave her a look.

Sage kept tugging on my shirt so I finally lifted it up

"Yes girl pop a titty" Y/N said again looking straight down at my chest. I rolled my eyes and continued. Finally Sage latched on and it became silent through the room as we just sat as a family, enjoying one another's company

"You know, I would never get mad if you simply misplaced it. I mean it's going to happen, just next time tell me. I'll help you find it" she said rubbing my back

"I love you" I said as I leaned into her

"I love you too" she said before giving me a chaste kiss to my lips

"You and me against the world right?" She asked hold her fist up

"Right" I said and bumped her fist


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