Chapter 25

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A/N: I don't know a lot of medical terms or stuff in general so if something is very inaccurate just work with me 😭
Anna POV

I'm sitting at Y/N's bed side after her surgery. Turns out the knife hit an artery. I'm now waiting for her to wake up. I play with my cast as I wait

"Hey bub." Y/N says through a groggy voice. "Where am I?" She asked trying to sit up. She winced "What the hell?" She said holding the side she got stabbed on

"Hey,hey,hey just relax I'll tell you just hold on tight." I said getting up running to the hall "Doctor Young? Doctor Young! She's awake" I yelled


What the fuck happened? Last thing I remembered was singing to Anna at Homecoming. "Hey Ms.Y/L/N! I'm your Doctor, Docter Young. How ya feeling?" He asked as he started checking my eyes and writing stuff down "P-please just called me
Y/N. But I-I feel like shit. I f-feel weird and my body hurts. What happened Doc?" He looked at me and then to Anna. She wouldn't look up at us.

"Well... Y/N you saved Ms. Shumate's life. You were stabbed and probably should've died....well Ms. Shumate should've died if it weren't for you." What is he talking about.
"A-Anna what is he talking about? I s-saved you? Why is your arm in a cast?" I couldn't remember anything. Why was she hurt?

"Anna please..." she looked so defeated, so mentally drained. She looked up to me with tears as she came up to me and put her hands on my cheeks. "You saved me from Adam. He was going to kill me until you followed me into the theater. You saved me, b-but I c-couldn't save you in time. He stabbed you! I just watched as you almost died. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She started to cry and put our foreheads together.

"Bubba listen to me ok? I don't really remember what I said or did but I don't regret saving your life. I would take a bullet right between my eyes for you. I would jump in front of a moving train for you. I would do anything just to keep you safe. It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. I'm ok"  I said wiping her tears

"Yeahhh I know you love her kid but that's painful. The death rate is high but you could survive that and be in a lot of pain" I laughed at him and turned to look at him "Thanks for the heads up Doc but I'm..I'm...not feeling too well." I could feel my self start to shake and soon I could feel myself slipping

Anna POV

"What's happening?! What's wrong with her?!" He started running around checking things "This can't be...CODE BLUE! I have a code blue in room 304! You need to leave!" He said pushing me out of the room "No! No I can't! What's wrong with her!" Before I could say anything the door was shut in my face.

I walked to the waiting room to see both our families coming into the waiting room in a hurry  "Anna hun where is she? Where's my baby?!" Y/M/N said running up to me. I tried to say something but I couldn't. My knees went weak making my legs give out, but before I could hit the floor Y/F/N came and caught me. I started to sob and try to find the words "I-I she was f-fine when she w-woke up but then sh- she started to shake and t-the Doctor pushed me o-out the room. It's all my fault... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry !" I said forcing out my voice as the lump in my throat tightened.

"It's ok it's not your fault. She's going to be ok." My mother said to me as she came and hugged me along with everyone else

After a while of me crying and my family trying to calm me a doctor walked out

"Y/L/N?" The doctor said and I jumped to my feet "yes Y/L/N is she ok? What's wrong?" I asked in a panic "Anna let's let the man talk. Go on Doc" Brandon said coming to me putting his arm around me

"Well it turned out that Y/N's wound had opened back up and she was bleeding internally. We had to go back in and clean it up, but the thing is she lost a lot of blood so we had to put her into medically induced coma. We had to do so just in case she were to bleed out again she wouldn't put herself into a coma or worse, be dead. This way in a coma we can monitor her health and any further information we need to keep her stable."

"Can I see her?" I asked looking at my feet. "I'm guessing you're family?" I slowly look up to him "She's the love of my life! I might not be blood but that's my girlfriend in there! My Does that answer your question on if I'm family or not?!" I yelled feeling Brandon push me forward past him and to her room.

"Sorry man she's not thinking straight right now it's not your fault you're just doing your job." I hear Tommy say to the doctor as I cling on to Brandon.

Once we get to her room that I just stood there looking at the door for a moment.

Get your shit together
You need to be strong
For her and yourself

I took a deep breath and grabbed the cold steel handle twisting it slowly making my way in. I hear the beeping of the heart monitor and see her laying there helplessly.  She had a tube in her nose helping her to breathe and tubes running from her arms.

I go over to her and just sit down holding her hand. I start to tear up again and bring her hand to my lips to kiss it. "Doctor Young said they're going to keep Y/N in the coma for a week just to be careful." My father said walking in.

"A WEEK?! A week without her? I don't know if I can do it dad." I said in a whisper "Yes you can princess. She'll be fine and a week will be here before you know about we get you home, out of that dress, and cleaned up?" I shook my head at him. " I'm not going anywhere until she wakes up. Until then I'm staying right her. She saved my life dad the best I can do is just be her with her even if she can't communicate back."

"Honey you can't stay here it's not heal-"

"I DONT CARE IF ITS NOT HEALTHY! MY HEALTH DOESNT MATTER! MY WELL BEING DOESNT MATTER RIGHT NOW! My future is laying here vulnerable dad! My life is in a coma! I'm not leaving her side!" I said cutting my dad off from talking while everyone else just looked at me with pity filled eyes

"Fine. Fine! You can stay here but we'll make sure you eat, shower,and Dallas will bring school work over for you. Kapeesh?" I nodded at him. We then sit down and talk about what happened.

All I can think about is Y/N. What am I going to do without her for a week?

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