Chapter 32

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It's game day. This is a big game against or rivals. They'll be college coaches there. My top schools are going to be there to watch me play I can't wait. Basically the whole schools going to be there. Kinda nervous, but I'll be alright

"Y/N could you tell me what this means?" Anna ask me while we sit in Biology doing our work. I tell her what it means and she gives me a confused look "What the hell? How did i get this wrong?" She looked at her paper so confused "Because baby look what the question is asking. 'What two things are required for nuclear fusion?' You put Pressure and water. It's high heat and force. Water pressure would do nothing." She puts her head in her hands and started to shake her head. "I can't do this! It's so hard!"

"Awww babes...It's the birth control isn't it?" I said and she slowly took her head out of her hand and glaring at me. "And in that moment. Y/N knew, she fucked up" Clarke said adding his commentary  "At least it's making your boobs bigger baby!"

"Dude! You're just digging yourself a bigger hole!" Clarke said making Anna scoff and return to her work "Now I know who's not getting laid after they win their big game tonight." Anna mumbled under her breath. I sucked my teeth and returned to my work.

They bell ringed soon after we returned to our work and we packed up and left. "Even though you're being a jerk I got you something as a good luck for your game today" Anna said as she handed me a bag

"You got me boxers...with your face on them...and the other ones have your boobs on them- ok! You can't just hand me these in public. I cant where these anywhere." I said laughing quickly putting them in my bag. "Why couldn't you wear them? Who's seeing you in your underwear Y/L/N?" She cocked her head to the side "Hole.....getting deeper and deeper" O'Conner whispered in my ear.

"W-well you- I mean...uhm. Like what if Tommy sees them! He'd kill me!" I said finally finding an excuse. She rolled her eyes and took my hand "Whatever sir talk a lot. Let's get to class. See you guys later!" Anna said pulling me to the library for our free period

"Sorry about the whole birth control and boobs thing earlier. That was insensitive and I shouldn't have said it." I looked down feel ashamed of how I called my girlfriend out in class in front of everyone. She let out a breath and rested her hand on the nape of my neck. Out of nowhere, she necked the shit out of me "Ow! What was that for?!" I whisper yelled rubbing my neck as it stung

"Shhhh!" The librarian shushed me. Why is she so harsh with the shushing

"For talking about my boobs! You know I have  a lot of hormones and you said that in front of everyone in that class! You weren't quite!.... you really think my boobs look bigger?" She poked her boobs out and pushed them up so they could look bigger. I bit my lip nodding continuously and stared at her. "Ok enough of that. So nervous about tonight?" She said I she went back to a regular position in her seat

"Nahhhh....ok maybe a little bit but, you'll be there so I'll be ok." Anna's like my lucky charm. I always play my best when she's around and she does her best when I'm around. "Youll play amazing!" I put my hand on her thigh and just looked into her eyes for awhile. "Ahwww teenage love. So beautiful." The librarian said as she put some books on the shelf behind us "Yeah well, I do love her with all my heart." I never took my eyes off her. "Say I've never seen two teenagers so love struck. How do you do it? If you don't mind me asking?" I motioned her to sit down

"Well our parents are are all best friends who went to school together and decided to make lives together so their kids would be best friends, but somewhere along I started to fall for this doofus and she did too. We've been best friends since we were born which helps with our bond. She's my soulmate." Anna said as she squeezed my hand "What about you miss? I see your married. How did you fall in love." I asked her. She looked down at her ring and smiled

"He was my favorite author when I was in college. I went to one of his book signing and when it was my turn I went up to him a and looked him in the eye. In that moment I felt I guess you could say light. Like I was flying. We talked for a little in the line until someone yelled that my time was up." She said with a little chuckle "He put his number in the book and told me to call him. I called him that night and we talked for hours. When we finally decided to hang up he asked me to hangout the next day. He took me to a sunflower field. He told me that he wanted to show me his office. His get away. Everyday after that we would go to the sunflower fields and talk or work on something. If we couldn't go he would take time out of his day and bring me a sunflower. He still does to this day. I fell in love with him 8 years ago and my love hasn't faltered." She ended while looking down at her ring and rubbing it. "W-wow that's so romantic. He sounds like an amazing guy." She shook her head and smiled "He really is. I feel like you two would get along"

We talked for a while more until we had to leave for our next class "I've never even noticed her. She's really nice." Anna said as she looped out arms together as I put my hands in my hoodie "Yeah and her husband....that's true love for you." What she told me made me feel something. Like I could relate. I have true love and I don't ever want to give that up.


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