Chapter 13

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I woke up to my alarm. This morning feels amazing, maybe because I just had sex for the first time a few hours ago.

I turn my alarm off and looked  to my side to see a naked Anna laying cuddled beside me. I could definitely get used to this. I pull her closer to me and let out a happy sigh. She stirred for a second and opened her eyes and smiled.

"Good morning bug" her raspy voice in the morning is to die for.

"Morning my love." I said as I  gave her a kiss to her lips

I heard a knock on the door and my dad came in. I was shocked and I didn't know what to do. "Nope! Get up, get dressed, and get downstairs. We need to talk about this." He then closed the door. Anna and I shot up and got dressed. What does he want to talk about? He's definitely gonna kill me. At least I used protection right?

We rushed downstairs and our parents were sitting there waiting for us. We're in deep shit.
"Sit down kids." My mom said. We sat down quickly next to each other and I took Anna's hand into mine. "Before you all kill us I just want to say that Anna and I are in love, so we showed our love last night. I used protection and we were really careful. She trusted me and it was consensual and I lost my virginity to her and I don't regret it....ok now you can kill us."

They looked at each other and then started laugh. What the hell are they laughing at?

"Hun we were just gonna discuss rules now that you both are having sex. We already know you guys are in love. Anna already expressed how she felt for you." My mom says as I look over at Anna. She's blushing like crazy.

Mr.Shumate got serious after a few moments of laughter "Anyway as Y/M/N was saying we have a few rules. Number 1. You are not to have unprotected sex, meaning Y/N wrap it up. Anna, you will be put on birth control. Number 2. Please do not do it while we are home. We don't want to hear that. And Number 3. Love each other and have respect for one another now. Talk to each other,communication is key. It's what makes a healthy long lasting relationship. We accept you guys and if you make each other happy...well...we can't get in the way of that. Anna sweetie, you're my baby girl and we accept you for who you are and if that means you're gay, bi, pan, etc then so be it ok?"

I felt Anna squeezing my hand. I turned to look at her and she was crying "I understand dad...I really do love her and I don't see myself stopping and will keep loving her for as long as she lets me." She said and all I want is her for the rest of my life.

" I love you so much." I said with tears pooling in my eyes as I leaned over and kissed her.

"Alright alright that's enough go eat breakfast and then we're all going over to the country club so look nice please." My dad said as he stood up and came over and hugged us.

Anna POV

We got bored of sitting at our table for lunch so we went to the bathroom and made out for awhile.

When we finished our make out session and fixed our clothes and fixed our hair, we walked out to see our parents standing there. "Hmmm I don't think that hickey was there earlier." My dad said as he came over to us "you can't just do it anywhere you want guys." He continued

"We just made out dad it's not that big a deal." I said with an eye roll.

"Mhm..Y/N's pants say otherwise. Whatever come on Y/N/N were about to head over to the green. Gotta get my rematch in." She adjusted herself then smiled at my dad gives me a kiss and then heads off.

It's usually the guys who go golfing while the girls just stay back and talk about the boys and gossip. Y/N usually goes with the guys 'cause she could care less about the stuff. I don't really mind it.

"So's Y/N/N? Anything juicy I need to know about" Jhett said as she smiled widely at me.

"Well she's an amazing kisser that's for sure. She's also so gentle with me. Like a gentle giant and she's crazy about me. I've never seen someone so infatuated." I said with a giggle "She cares about me J. Like I know she's sweet but just she's always there for me. The glue that holds me together." Jhett looked so interested in what I had to say

"Anna I really like Brandon. I hope maybe one day we can be like how you and my sister are." She admitted. Yeah that wasn't a shocker at all they always sneak around and I'm not an idiot I see how they look at each other.

"You'll get there Jhett Jhett. Just be patient you're only 13 and my brother is still very stupid." With that said we talked a lot more until the boys and Y/N came back.


I got back over to the table to see Anna looking just as beautiful as ever. " There's my girl!" I said as I rushed over to the table and sat down earning a smile and a peck on the check from her while I eat a strawberry off her plate.

"So I was thinking, maybe you go shoot some hoops with me then go to the pool?" I said as I turned and looked so deeply into her eyes while she smiled and held my hand.

"I would love to baby. But only if teach me for the one hundredth time. I like when you teach me." I smiled and stood up with her and headed for the court

"Next time I'm gonna beat you kid." Matt Anna's dad said (I don't know his real name so go with it) I laughed and kept walking to the court "Not surprised that you beat him. He's trash." Anna said with a giggle.

"Oh hey tranny!" I looked up and of course Adam's here. "What are you doing here Adam? You just moved here so there's no way you already have a membership." I said annoyed

"I'm here with Sarah. Wow Anna you look so hot. What'd you say me and you get out of here and have a little fun." He said with his disgusting smirk

I just wanted to wipe that smirk right off his face.


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