Chapter 39

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Anna POV

I was laying between Y/N's legs as we sat and talk to our friends but, Sarah was here. "Why is she here?" I whispered to Y/N "She apologized for everything she did so I thought I would give her another shot" she whispered back I nodded my head and moved it back to laying on Y/N's chest. She started to play in my hair and it felt so good. I hummed in pure bliss. She leaned down and kissed my neck

"Ok stop being cute for two seconds and answer me." Clarke said

We laughed at him and brought our attention to him "Whats up Clarke Kent?" Y/N said "I told you to stop calling me that!" He pointed his finger at Y/N

"Clarke focus!" Sam yelled to him "Oh yeah. Do you have any snacks?" He asked "uh yeah I'll go get some." Y/N said getting from behind me and leaving out the door.

I went downstairs and saw my parents sitting on the couch. "Hey birthgivers!" I smiled at them but, they didn't return it. They looked drained, and sad.

"Y/N/N there's something we have to tell you. Will you please take a seat." my mother said as my father took her hands into his "Yeah sure mom!" I said hopping over the couch and taking a seat "Whats up?" I said with a smile

"Well this is hard for us to say" my mom said. My smile faltered. I looked between my two parents almost trying to search there growing emotional eyes "W-what? You're scaring me." My heart beat started to increase "W-well um" my mother took a big gulp and a deep breath before continuing "Baby... I went to the doctor today because my body was aching and I- I found out I have- I have breast cancer. They caught it a little early but, I still have it... I have stage 3 breast cancer." My eyes started to fill up with tears and my breathing started to skyrocket.

"No! No you dont. Is this some kind of a sick joke?! Y-you can't" my voice started to crack "My sweet baby girl, I'm ok. I'll fight with everything in me." She whispered and brought her hands to cup my cheeks rubbing my tears away. "I love you mommy. I don't want you to leave me." I whispered and the lump in my throat grew harder for me to talk as the tears started flowing even harder than before

She brought my head to her chest allowing me to sob as my father got on the other side to join our hug "What's going on here?" Jhett said as she walked into the front door. "Honey, we have something we need to tell you" my mother said with a sniffle

Anna POV

"What is taking her forever" Clarke whined "Can you chill she probably like went to the store or something. Just relax." Dallas said

She was taking a long time though.


Once Jhett was told what I was told she sobbed hysterically as I did before.

Life as we knew it would be changed forever

I went to the garage and just at in my car in the dark. I feel like shit.

I sat and thought. I was determined to make my mothers life better. I'll make it my goal to fundraise for cancer research. I'll do anything it takes, I can't let her die on me.

I turned my car on and headed out. I drove to my secret spot as fast as I could. I gripped the stirring wheel the whole time there

Anna POV

"Guys I'm going to go see what's taking Y/N so long" I said as I went out the door "hurry please" Clarke yelled out

Once I got down the stairs I saw Jhett and Y/N's sitting there crying "What happened?!" I said rushing to them with a concerned look on my face.

"I um I f-found out I have stage 3 b-breast cancer" Y/M/N said with a sad smile trying to hold her tears in. I brought her into my arms as I began to cry. She was like my second mother "Does Y/N know?" I whispered "Yeah we just told her" Y/F/N said in a whisper as well.

"Where'd she go?" I asked "She just got up and left a few minutes ago. She didn't say where she was going." Jhett said through her sobs

I know exactly where she was "I'm going to go find her I'll be back later." I said as I squeezed Y/M/N one more time before pulling back to go find Y/N


Once I got there I slammed my door and ran, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me into the woods. I finally got to the cliff over looking the town

"Why!" I screamed "I hate you!" I don't know who I was yelling at but, i just had to get it out. "Fuck you!" My voice started cracking with my screams "Why her!" My knees started to weaken "Why her!" My knees buckled but, before I could fall a pair of arms wrapped around me "Don't touch me!" I broke out of their arms and turned around to see Anna

"Baby I'm here. It's ok" she tried to soothe my anger but, it didn't work "No! You don't get to tell me it's ok! It's not Anna! She's dying!" I said screaming in her face "Y/N calm down" she softly said "STOP TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN! I'm tired of you always telling me to calm down- I don't want to calm down!" I snapped. I couldn't control what I was saying or doing.

"Baby, I know you don't, I'm sorry. Just-let's go get something to eat. Have some down time and find something else to talk about." I shook my head at her and turned to walk away

She grabbed my hand and tried to get me to stop "Y/N-"

"I said don't touch me!" I turned around slinging my hand out of her grip but, as I did I hit her. I was in shock. My mouth flew open and I looked at my hand then to Anna. She slowly turned back to me covering her cheek

"Y/N" she whispered through her tears. My vision started to blur and it started to get hard for me to breathe. I started to shake as I stepped away from her, scared that I would hit her again "W-we need to b-break up Anna. Y-you need to get as far away from me as possible. I-I can't do that. That-That is not acceptable what I did." I started to get farther and farther away as I looked at her with such terror in my eyes "No Y/N. It's not your fault"

"Not my fault?" I squinted my eyes in confusion "N-not my fault?! I h-hit you Anna!....I hit you" I said that last part as more of a realization of what I really did.

I looked at her as she still held her cheek that was a bright red, I shook my head and started to stumble backwards into the woods. I turned around and started sprinting through the woods. I could hear Anna screaming after me but, I ignored her and kept running. Out of the woods, past my car, past the diner. I didn't know where I was going but, it couldn't be anywhere near here. At least for now.

Yeahhhh sorry about this one😋

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