Chapter 116

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I got the call from the school a few hours ago about Riley. He got in trouble at school for being disrespectful to his teacher. He's been having a grouchy attitude lately and it saddens me that he's acting out. But I know it's hard for him. He's growing and he's trying to growing up in a different family environment then he had when he was younger.

But I need to talk to him.

I need Y/N

I walked into his open door to see him laying back against his bed on the floor

"Where'd you get that Ri?" I asked examining the watch in his hands that I had never seen before

"Mama gave it to me. She said it was good luck." Riley hasn't been doing well when Y/N is not home. My wife is such a good parent. She was really perfect at everything, being a wife, a friend, teammate, a mother, she was perfect in general.

This boy has been attached to her since we adopted him. Y/N saved him and he was so grateful to her. "When does mama come home? I really miss her" his voice was filled with sadness

He played with his hair, something he does to relax him, reminds me of when Y/N does the same thing "She'll be home soon, sweetheart" my heart heated up at the response, a big smile graced his lips and he looked ten times happier. "We can watch the game tonight and then before you know it, she'll be home" I told him in hopes it would cheer him up

He nodded and hugged me tightly. He was such a sweet boy and it was sad he was growing up on us so quickly, but he had been getting in trouble recently and I don't know why. No matter what, I will always love him so much.

"Yo! You're favorite besties are here" Max yelled out into the house

I heard crying

"Idiot" I mumbled as I stood up "Riley, please go tell Max to shut up"

"Ok Mom" he said with an evil grin

I walked to the twins room to see them both sitting up on their beds "Mommy" Ever cried out to me

"Hi sweet girl, it's ok." I picked her up and Evey rubbed her eyes waiting to be picked up. She wasn't crying but she looked really tired still.

"I want Mama" Evey grumbled as she places her head on my shoulder. It's only been a day and this whole family is falling apart without Y/N here.

I sighed and sat in the rocking chair "I know. Mama will be home tomorrow and you can have her all you want" I kissed the top of her head and sighed

'Until she has to leave again for two days' I said internally to myself

I heard footsteps "So your kid just has a potty mouth now?" Dallas asked coming into the twins' room

"What did he say?" I asked sighing again. I'm going to start pulling hair out soon. So many children. Why five? How did this happen?

"You want to tell her or me?" Max said looking over at Riley who was very quietly standing in the doorway looking down at his socks like they were the most interesting things

"Fine I'll tell her. Twins close your ears." Max cleared her throat once they covered their ears "Mom said to shut the fuck up" she mimicked Riley

I gasped "Riley Y/L/N. You know you're not supposed to use those words." I am so over parenting about bad words because I curse all the time, but it's the right thing to do...whatever

"Sorry Mom" he mumbled still not looking into my eyes

"It's okay. Now, go get ready for dinner" I was tired and I didn't want to yell at him right now

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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