Chapter 38

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Time skip

Anna finally got her cast off and she can start soccer back up. The thing that sucks is that soccer season is almost over now. Her team managed to get to the championship even without her but, they definitely need her if they want a shot at winning State.

"Bubs? Have you seen my cleats?! I can't find them and I need to or-" she started freaking out and pacing around. I got up from my desk chair and stood in front of her "hey, hey, baby, it's ok. You put your cleats in my closet. There next to my basketball bag." She let out a breath and leaned into me placing her head on my chest "I'm sorry I'm freaking out. I just- I just don't know if I can do this."

"Don't say that. You're going to do amazing. You'll have people there to support and cheer you on. You got this, I believe in you" I kissed the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her and squeezed "I love you Y/N Y/L/N"

"I love you Mrs.Y/L/N" she pulled away from the hug "Mrs.Y/L/N?.... I like the ring of that." She said with a smile then kissing me. "Let's get to school and then you win States" I said before giving her another kiss

— (I'm lazy so skip to the game)

I'm wearing the jersey with Anna's number on it and I'm front row in the bleachers with my boys. I have absolutely no idea how soccer works other than a few things that I tried learning to keep Anna happy. I usually talk about it how I talk about basketball. It's the only way I understand.

"Let's go Anna! That's my girlfriend!" Clarke shoved me and laughed "Dude don't be one of those people."

"What? Be a supportive girlfriend? Yeah I'll think I'll be one of "those people"" I said as I bumped his shoulder and continued to clapping as they warmed up

The game was about to start and Anna ran over to me "Hi baby!" She cheerfully said as she practically skipped over to me "Hi sweetheart! You're going to kill it out there!" I said as I leaned down over the railing and kissed her "Thank you! Alright I got to go but, I'll see you after." She said giving me one more kiss. "I love you" I whispered against her lips "I love you more" she whispered back before she ran back to the field

The whistle blew and the ball was passed to Anna from Emmi. Anna sped and cut through the defense before two defenders doubled her and took the ball. They kicked the ball up field to their attacker? I think that's what it's called.

It went back and forth until the 33rd minute when Junior faked out the goalie kicking it backward to Anna who scored 1-0. The boys, Dallas, Sam and I started screaming from the top of our lungs for her "Goalllll from Junior Anna Shumate! Welcome back kid!" The announcer announced.

She looked at me with a smile and blew me a kiss as she back pedaled back to her side of the field.

The horn blew for halftime and the score was still 1-0. "We're going to go get snacks you wanna come Y/N/N?" Clarke asked and I shook my head and they left me by myself "Hey baby." Sarah said as she ran her finger over my back as she sat down. "That's not my name Sarah....what do you want?" I was irritated with her.

"Oh come on Y/N, are you that oblivious!? I want you!" She held my eye contact but, my eyes were emotionless. "Sarah you're a very pretty girl but, I don't like you like that. I have a girlfriend and I'm so happy with her. You've already tried to ruin that once and I can't let it happen again. I'm sorry Sarah but, it's just never going to happen, I'm too in love with Anna" I said

She looked down and sniffed. When she looked back up there were tears in her eyes. "I'm uh I'm sorry being such a bitch for all these years. I-I just was really jealous but, your happy that's all that matters." She said with a sad smile and one single tear fretting caught in her long bottom eyelash before sliding down her cheek.

I wiped her tear "Please don't cry over me. You'll find someone who will make you happier than I ever could." She sniffs again and straightens up "Thank you" she whispered sipping her nose "How about we start over. We definitely got off on the wrong foot all those years ago...Hi! I'm Y/N, and you are?" I said holding my hand out

"Nice to meet you Y/N, I'm Sarah" she said with a quiet chuckle "Hmmm Sarah. I like that name. Wanna be friends? You can sit with me if you wanna." I said

She smiled and nodded "I'd really like that. But is that ok though? I don't want Anna to get mad at me. I know what I did was wrong and I am so sorry" I shook my head at her. "You're fine. Don't worry about it"

"I don't mean to ruin this nice moment but, why are you being so nice to me?" She asked with a confused look on her face "Because after I almost lost my life, I realized that life is short to hold grudges on people. Granted you almost cost me my relationship. I still need to forgive you."

"What is she doing here?!" Dallas said making herself known "She came to talk to me" I said with a smile "obviously dumbass. Why are you talking to her Sarah?" Dallas said enunciating her words like Sarah was an idiot. "Dallas leave her alone. She apologized, we made up, we're good now. Leave it." I said

The girls came back on the field and we all started clapping and cheering for Anna, even Sarah did. Anna looked confused at why Sarah was there. I shook my head as an I'm ok and she returned to the game

The game was a rough one. The other school was aggressive and wouldn't let up. In the 68th minute Anna had an amazing assist to Juj for the goal. "Goalll from Junior Julia Whitty" the announcer announced but, all I was focused on was Anna rolling on the floor. When I got a better look I saw that there was blood but from where?

"Oh my god" I hopped the fence and ran to her on the way I tripped on the turf and stumbled to her. Damn turf, now I have turf burn.

She was trying to contain her screams and cries."Hey,hey, hey baby! Baby it's ok! You're ok shhhh...breathe. Tell me what hurts baby. Talk to me" I said as I stroked her hair to get her to calm down.

"S-she cleated m-me! My-my l-leg i-it hurts!" She clinched my shirt into her fist and pulled me closer. The trainers finally rushed to her and cleaned the wound which was a lot worse than I thought.

They took her to the trainers room and I followed "ok nothing is broken or sprained just have a few deep puncture wounds. You don't have to sit out or anything just let them heal" they wrapped her up and I carried her back out to the field "That was pretty gnarly looking baby" I laughed "I thought I broke my fucking leg" she whispered into my neck that she was snuggled into "you smell" she giggled in my ear which was heaven to my ears "take a shower with me when we get home?" She took her head out of my neck to look at me with pleading eyes.

"Of course I will" I pecked her lips as we got back to the field and she ran back to make sure it didn't hurt too bad.

The game ended and they won 2-0. They were champs


It might be more slow updates for awhile
I'm sorry🥺

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