Chapter 56

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Anna POV

I was finishing up putting the balloons in the backyard for Sage's party when I heard Sage yelling in the house.

When I entered all I heard were my two children. Aka my wife and son screaming. When I walked into the livingroom I found Y/N sitting on the floor in front of the couch and Sage sitting on the floor on her lap. She had her headset on and was focused on her game while Sage shouted everytime she shot someone

"BAMM!" He said playing with his toy remote controller we got him for his birthday.

"Clarke there's two in the building on your left" She shouted into the headset, obviously oblivious to how loud she was

"Fuck- I mean shoot he got me."she threw her controller to the side

"Aw man" Sage said throwing his toy controller and dragging his hands down his face just like Y/N did.

He really is her mini-me and it's so cute.

"Hi wifey" she said finally noticing me.

I walked over to her and sat behind her on the couch "Hi my love" she looked up at me and smiled

"Hi mommy" Sage said climbing onto the couch and into my lap "hi baby!" I said kissing him on his head

"Need help with anything, or did you finish?" She asked as she rubbed the hand I had placed on her cheek

"I finished, but thank you for wanting to help" I said kissing her lips

"I still don't know why you wouldn't let me help decorate. I would've helped you" she said

"I know but someone needed to watch Sage and also it wasn't that hard" I said

She sighed and looked back at the T.V. "Hey Clarke I gotta go but I'll see you later" she said before powering the PlayStation off and handing Sage the controller and headset because he likes to put them away

"Can you go put those away on the shelf for me please?" She asked him

"Yes mama" he walked over to the shelf and softly placed them down before running back to the couch and onto my lap

Y/N followed suit and sat beside me as we started to watch some cartoons before the party

The party was in full swing and it looked amazing. Anna did a great job

"It's time for the cake" Dallas said as Y/N lit the candles and I could tell Sage was getting uncomfortable

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Sage, happy birthday to you" everyone sang as Sage cried while the cake was brought to him

"Mommy!" He whined to me as he tried to run away from the candles

"Ok so he does not like fire" Y/N said putting out the candles and Sage returned to normal

"I don't like" Sage said wiping his tears off

I rubbed his head and calmed him down a little.

"Ok! Everyone's finally gone. Bit our Mom and dad said you did an amazing job on the decorations and the cake you made was fantastic." My wife said coming to join Sage and I in our cuddle session on the couch

"Fort?" Sage ask us as he sits up from in my arms

"Is that what you want birthday boy?" Y/N ask him and he nodded rapidly

"Ok then let's make a fort little dude" She said standing up and grabbing Sage before running off. All you could hear was his little giggles

When they returned they had all the blankets and sheets from every room in a little wheelbarrow as they ran back to me "Ready!" Sage said throwing his hands up

"It looks amazing guys" I said excited

"Now let's watch a movie" Y/N said snuggling up to Sage inside the fort

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"Now let's watch a movie" Y/N said snuggling up to Sage inside the fort

"NEBO!" Sage said. He always says Nebo instead of Nemo and it's adorable

"Nemo it is. You got it little dude" Y/N said before setting the movie up on the tv

I snuggled into Y/N's arms as Sage snuggled into mine and his Nemo stuffed animal snuggled into his arms. I heard Y/N sigh and mumble something I couldn't quite catch

"What'd you say honey?" I asked as she tightened her grip around me and brought me closer to her

"I said I couldn't ask for anything better than guys make me so happy" she kissed my head and softly rubbed Sage's head as he sighed and kept his eyes glued to the tv

"It's Nemo mommy!" He said pointing to the tv which made Y/N and I laugh

"Remember what kind of fish Nemo is Sagey?" I asked to him as he nodded his head

"Clown fish?" He asked which made me smile because he actually remembered "Good job buddy!" Y/N said giving him a fist bump

"I'm gonna go get some ice cream and my glasses but I'll be back" I said as I stood up

Sage immediately rushed into Y/N's arms. "Ok bubba we'll be right here" she said as she yawned

I look to Sage and he yawned too. They're so cute.

I finished getting all the stuff and headed back to the livingroom

"Ok I have chocolate or mint-" I heard soft snores and looked up from the cartons of ice cream to see both my wife and son asleep.

"Well goodnight then" I said kissing both of them and putting the ice cream in the fridge and returning to the fort to lay down as well


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