Chapter 47

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I was currently helping my parents finish setting up the baby shower. We had sent out invitations a few weeks again and let me tel you, a lot of people had mix emotions about the whole thing but everyone was supportive.

I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I went to the front to see Anna and my Jeep still intact "Thank God you're alive"

"You really thought I was gonna die-" I cut her off "Not you ugly. Jamie." I said taking my keys  "Ouch! And to think you'd like me a little considering I'm with child. By the way my back is killing me! This baby needs to get out!"

The baby is due really any day now. We didn't want to have a baby shower and then have to wait forever to meet our son or daughter "Hurry up and go get dressed. The sooner this party starts, the sooner we get to know the gender of this little booger" I said rubbing her stomach

"Everyone gather around!"

Anna's dad said gathering everyone

"It's gender time!" He practically squealed. Never heard him do that, never want to hear it again

"Ok baby take this water ballon and throw it at Y/N" Did I hear this shit right?

"I'm sorry w-what did you say?"

"You heard the man! Now step back" Anna said causing the crowd to laugh. I sighed and stepped back waiting for contact

"3...2...1!" I heard the crowd scream. I saw Anna throw it and I closed my eyes tightly. I felt the ballon break soaking my clothes. Everyone was silent until I opened my eyes to see....

"It's a boy!" I screamed running to Anna. I hugged her so tight and kissed her lips.

I looked down to her stomach and lightly placed my hand

"Hey baby boy it's mama" I whispered with a huge smile reconnecting my lips to Anna's

I'm having my son!

"Damnit not another Y/N!" Brandon yelled as he crossed his arms and sat down "Geez I love you too Brandon"
The party ended a few hours ago I'm currently sitting writing thank you notes to everyone attended because that's what my mom told me to do.

"Baby I'm so fat! I'm not sexy anymore" Anna cried as she walked into my room. I sat there not paying much attention to her until she was staring at herself in the mirror. I rolled my eyes and put my pencil down walking over to Anna

"Love you are not fat. You're just caring for our little booger. They're healthy, you're healthy, that's all that matters" I said wrapping my arms around her and placing my hands on her stomach.

She scoffed and broke out of my hold "You're supposed to tell me I'm still sexy and you want to fuck me." She dropped down onto my bed with her arms crossed over her chest "oh come on I always want to rail you. I'm just being honest, this family can't function without a healthy you or a healthy baby. You're not fat my love and you are SMOKIN!" I yelled the last part making her giggle

"So you do want to have sex?" She asked so innocent "All the time girl!" I said "ok then come and get it" she started crawling backwards to the headboard. I jumped onto the bed right in front of her. "Watch your head in there little boy." I whispered to Anna's belly

I took my shirt off and she bit her lip as I went down to meet her lips "Oh my God! He's coming!" She suddenly said as she clutched her stomach

"Are you serious?!" Both annoyed and freaking out because there will be no love making tonight and because my son is coming "Nooo my water just broke for fun" I rolled my eyes and jumped up and grabbed the go bag

"Mom! Dad! The baby is coming! I repeat the fucking baby is coming!" I yelled trying to help Anna off the bed. My parents busted my door open fully clothed and ready to go. I handed Anna off to them as I went back to my dresser and grabbed my keys and wallet and ran towards the door "Your shirt Y/L/N" I heard Anna scream before a contraction took over "Shit" I mumbled and ran to grab my shirt from the floor

I ran downstairs and to my car where my parents were putting Anna in "Hurry up! This baby is coming out and he's not coming out in here!" Shes aggressive right now. Another contraction took over her body. The contractions are getting closer fuck.


We pulled up to the hospital and we jumped out. My dad had called the hospital on the way to tell them we were on the way.

"Ahhhh!" Anna screamed. Another damn contraction "You got this baby"

"Shut the hell up before I chop your dick off" She growled "ok shutting up now" I said as they wheeled her to a room

"Ok! Let's do this thing!" Dr. Young said coming into the room "I'll have to see how dilated you are and then if you're dilated enough, we'll get this bad boy outta ya!" He said with a crooked smile

"Uhhh wow ok you're 10 centimeters. Let's get pushing. I'm going to need all the grandparents out of the room please"

Our parents wished us luck as we got prepared to push "Ok let's do this thing! Mommy you ready?"

"Is no an option?" I grabbed her hand and kissed it. She had another contraction "Ok never mind! Get this brat out of me!" She squeezed my hand and I swear she popped a vein in my hand

"Y/N would you like to get behind her to comfort her" I shrugged and moved the pillow and sat behind her. I kissed her cheek "You got this baby....we got this baby"


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