Chapter 57

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I woke up this morning with Sage in my arms and I was still in the fort. I don't even remember falling asleep. We were watching Nemo and Anna went to get ice cream. Huh I don't know

I smelt coffee and instantly smiled knowing it was probably my wife.

"Sage" I whispered "Munchkin it's time to wake up" I said softly playing with his hair as he slowly opened his eyes

"Good morning baby" I said smiling at him. He returned the smile and cuddled into my neck more "Morning" he mumbled

"Come on Sagey. Mommy's waiting for us. Let's go put some food in the tummy" he hummed and wrapped his little arms around my neck

I picked him up and walked out of the fort into the kitchen "Hi honey" Anna said coming up and giving me a kiss along with my coffee. I thanked her as she greeted Sage and gave him a kiss

"Eat eat mommy" he said signing the word eat. He's getting a lot better at his sign language. I'm very impressed

"Breakfast will be ready in a minute baby. How about you and mama go sit and I'll bring it to you" she said before giving him another kiss

I brought him to the dining room and put him in his chair before going to help Anna with some of the plates

"I'm heading into town today. I was gonna stop by the auto shop and see if I can get my old job back and also go get some groceries at the market. If you need anything just write it down" I said returning into the dining room to place some fruits and eggs on Sage's table

"What do you say little man?"

"Thank you" He signed and I signed "You're welcome" back before he started to eat

"That sounds good baby. I actually was going to go to the market today, but if you can go for me that'd be great. I have to edit a whole bunch of pictures not to mention help set up for graduation. I'm just so stressed right now" she said as she raked her fingers through her hair

"Hey" I said as I put my hand on her thigh. She looked up from her plate into my eyes "It's ok I'm glad to help. We're in this together. If you need me to do anything for you I'll do it. My schedule is wide open. I'll take Sage with me if you want" She sighed and nodded

"Please?" She asked

"Not a problem baby" I said as I squeezed her thigh and went back to eating

"Doggies" Sage said

"Yes little dude, we can go to the pound" I said as I added some more fruit to his table
"Thank you so much sir" I said shaking Mr. Will's hand

"No problem Y/N I missed having my best mechanic around. We sure do need you around here, and maybe I'll get to see this little guy some more" He said and tickled Sage making him giggle

"Of course! Sage loves cars as well I'm sure I'll bring him around" I said looking down to my son in his stroller

"Vroom vroom" Sage said pointing to the car getting an oil change

We laughed and he told me what time to get here after Anna and I's honeymoon next week.

"Mommy" Sage whined as I loaded the car with all the groceries

"We'll see mommy in a few minutes munchkin" I say taking Sage out of the stroller and into the car. I gave him his Nemo stuffed animal and closed the door. I put the stroller in the trunk and hoped in

"Ok let's go see mommy" I say starting the car and put it into drive so I could go see my wife
"Babe we're home" I said putting my keys into the bowl near the front door and helped Sage take his shoes off

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