Chapter 26

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Anna POV
I started to writing down little letters for Y/N of things she missed of the 7 days I had without her

Day 1: Today was hard. I didn't sleep much I just talked to you all night. Although it's hard when you can't talk back. I miss you. I miss your smile, your lips, those y/e/c eyes, I just miss your voice. Our friends came by to say hi and see how you are they miss you too. I love you

Day 2: Its getting harder, but I ate today because I knew you would be mad if I didn't. You're mom and dad came by today they stayed for awhile. Jhett stayed the night with me to keep me company. I miss you and I love you

Day 3: I couldn't eat today. My cast hurts and I can't itch it. Jhett left because she had a date with Skylar. Jhett told me last night that she's in love with Skylar it was the cutest thing ever. I love you

Day 4: Today was so hard I tried to stay strong today but I couldn't. I know you're going to be fine buts still so hard. Doctor young said you're doing well so I'm ok. My wrist is killing me.

Day 5: There's not much to say today. I miss you. All our friends came and they bought flowers and balloons and stayed with me for a while. I love you.

Day 6: last full day without went better I actually slept ok. I even was able to focus on my schoolwork a little bit. You're doing well that's all that matters. I love you forever

Day 7: Day 7! You're waking up slowly and that's ok. Your stab wound has gotten better it's healing well. Wake up faster please so I can kiss you! I love you to the moon and back

I finished my last writing to her in my journal and as I closed it the door opened and in came Doctor Young and Y/N with a nurse

"Hello Anna! Everything looks great! She should be awake any minute now!" He says with cheer to his voice. I smile and nod walking over to my girlfriend "Hi baby! I can't wait to see those amazing eyes of yours and kiss your lips and you kiss back" I kissed her and I felt her lightly kiss back

"Well if you told me you wanted to me to kiss back you should've just said that" she said in her raspy voice. Doctor Young started to laugh

"Sorry Anna she told me not to tell you she was awake yet. Gotcha!" He said with finger guns. "Oh no Doc we talked about this on the walk over here. Finger guns are not your thing dude." Y/N said laughing. She then turned attention to me

"I saved you huh?" She looked so calm and her eyes were filled with love. I started to tear up and I nodded with a sniffle. "You're my hero bub" I said getting choked up as she ran her fingers through my golden blonde hair. I started to cry into her shoulder "Shhh it's ok, I'm ok, we're ok. That's all that matters to me." She pulled my head out off her neck and looked at me and smiled.

"Ok well! Y/N you have to stay here for another two days just so we can monitor you awake. The good thing is it's Friday so you won't have to miss anymore of your education. Bad thing if you two are having sex take it easy for a few days. You're still healing you don't want to over work yourself." Y/N snapped her head to him then started to laugh

"Funny joke Doc you had me there for a second."


"I'm serious. You need to easy your way into everyday life again. Sex is not at the top of that list"

"I haven't used my dick in a week! I need something" Anna slapped my chest and I looked at her and shrugged. I then put my attention back to Doctor Young

"Well there are other things you could do....Perhaps masturbation" He shrugges and I roll my eyes "You save a girls life and this is what you get in return " I mumbled although it was loud enough for everyone in the room to here

Eventually after talking for awhile the Doctor and nurse leave. Anna climbs into the bed and snuggles into me. "I missed being in your arms" I pull her closer to me if that was even possible

The next two days went be fast as fuck. I got home and no one would leave me alone. I was fine my side hurt a little but I was doing fine. I could stand by myself even though my dad insisted on him carrying me. Like I'm 17 and his height what the hell is he gonna do.

"Mom I can shower by myself!" I yelled through the door "Honey what if you slip!" I know she's looking out for my health, but she's psycho "Mom I'm naked! Do not open that door!" She groan. She was irritated "Fine! I calling Anna then. Someone's  gonna help you!" I smirked to myself "Call her. I dare you. I'll just lock her out too" Is my mom really that stupid?

A few moments later "Y/N open the fucking door I don't have time for this shit." Let's just say Anna's been annoyed with my family calling her every five seconds. I open the door and she pushes past me. "Hurry up and get in the damn shower. You could've been out by now"

"Fine. But only if you get in with me" I smirked at her. She smiled back but it was her fake smile. Then slapped me in the dick with the hand with her cast. I fell to the ground holding my junk "My baby maker. I think you broke it" I winced out. "Hurry up Y/L/N" with that she slammed the bathroom door. "I'm not going to be able to give you children if you keep this up!" I yell to her. "Oh please I don't need children I already have you."

For someone who just risked their life to save her life you'd think she'd be more appreciated. Ungrateful brat.


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