Four | Punishments

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~Harry's POV

I was scared shitless. I knew not to run away from him if he was gonna hit me from experience. I just didn't want Aunt Petunia to be triggered. She didn't deserve it.

Vernon was going to punish me. I was going to punish myself later, but it doesn't matter. When he hurts me it does hurt, when I do it doesn't. 

I looked at the ginormous man in front of me. He was terrifying. Even more terrifying when he's equipped with weapons and is an abuser. 

"So you want to run?" He smiles with the look of pure evil. 

Could anyone be worse? 

I began to dissociate out of fear.

An hour later I returned to my normal state only because something was tapping my shoulder. I opened my eyes as though I had just slept. I tried to move but my body felt numb. I move my eyes towards two blobs and waited for my vision to focus. 

I already guessed it would be my aunt and cousin. There they were. 

I looked down at myself. I was losing a lot of blood. There were large gashes and stab wounds all over me, along with whip scars. 

"Harry! Harry, oh thank goodness you're alive. Are you okay?!" Dudley says, panicked. 

I opened my mouth to answer but no words came out.

He bad did he beat me?

Eventually a few words came out.

"I c-can't mo-move." I managed to say, my voice hoarse.

Aunt Petunia was sobbing at this point. "I don't care about Vernon. I'm taking you to hospital." 

I knew I would just be asked questions and somehow it would all bite me in the ass. 

"No. You're not." I say bluntly. My voice was still shaky and rough, making my words sound harsher. "You're not getting in trouble because of me. I can heal myself."

I've always been able to heal myself. I would wish for my wounds to close and heal and they would. I have no idea how, but it works. 

"How?!" my concerned aunt asks.

I never told her about the self-healing power I have. I don't know if you can call it a power but- I've never told her. Or Dudley.

Maybe now's the time to tell them.

"I've always been able to wish to be healed and ... I'll be healed. I don't know how it works and obviously I have my scars and I'll still be sore, but I've always been able to do that. I don't know, it's like... magic." 

Aunt Petunia stiffened. "Harry there's something I need to t-" 

The door slammed open and Dudley rushed over to me and started yelling derogatory words at me. 

Vernon smiled cruelly. "That's my boy. Go on, hit him." 

Dudley flinched ever so slightly. He'd never hit me before. And when he was supposed to, Vernon was never around. 

He swore to me he would never.

And he kept that promise.

"I'm tired today Dad." He faked a yawn. "I'm going to go take a nap alright?" 

"Alright my Dudleykins." Vernon replied and went upstairs. 

"I meant it when I said I would never hurt you." Dudley smiled at me and I smiled back. He gave me a quick hug, as did Petunia, and then they both went upstairs. 

I went into my cupboard, limping, and fished out the box of blades that once belonged to sharpeners, from a loose floorboard. Occasionally Vernon would find empty sharpeners but wouldn't think much of it. 

I began to make deep, messy cuts on my left wrist until I began to feel extremely light-headed, probably because of all the blood I've lost today.

I wish to be healed.

I could feel myself become less light-headed and I smiled, knowing all the blood I lost must be coming back.

A little piece of paper stuck out of the floorboard where I hid things. It said Vulnera Sanentur in a neat, small handwriting. I don't know what it means, but I've had it for ages. As long as I can remember. It took me a couple days to figure out how to say it, but when I did, I kept saying it.

It's satisfying to say. 

It sounds like a... a spell from a fairy tale too.

Vulnera Sanentur... 

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