Twenty-Nine | Burrow

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just to clear things up

christmas was on a sunday, dec 25th

harry was unconscious till wednesday around midday, dec 28th

they go back to hogwarts one week after bc exactly two weeks don't sound right

first day back is jan 4th

weasleys are back on sunday night, jan 1st

harry stays on monday and tuesday and leave on wednesday

~Harry's POV

The rest of the week went by alright. 

The Dursley's came back from their trip that I was unaware about due to my lack of consciousness on Friday. That gave me two days to recover.

Since I was locked in my room, I didn't even have a long list of chores to tend to. I had two days of pure bliss in my room. Nothing to do but relax.

An angel must've given Vernon the bright idea to leave me locked in my room. Whoever that angel is, I love you.

that angel was a redhead with green eyes

Once they came back, I pretended to have been unconscious the entire time. 

Vernon went easy on me after he realised and kicked me "awake" only once before telling me to go shower. Then, he left.

I enjoyed my shower and then had another catch up with my aunt and cousin.

For the full five days, they were relaxing in the Bahamas whilst I was stuck in a locked room. In their defence, they couldn't do anything to help and I was unconscious for sixty percent of their short holiday.

Dudley bought me some sweets from a gift shop and Aunt Petunia got me a black hoodie with a small white palm tree around the chest area.

It was a sweet gesture; at least they were thinking about me whilst they enjoyed the sun. 

It is quite sad though, because my safe place is a made up beach. Imagine how fun it would be to actually go to a beach instead of awake-dream of it.

Anyways, the weekend was decent too. I only got beat a few times and the chores weren't even as unbearable as I expected.

Before I knew it, it was Monday. Two days to spend with my favourite gingers. No doubt I was going to get smothered by Mrs Weasley.

She'll probably tell me I need to eat because I'm "too" skinny. Honestly I don't know what I look like. Body dysmorphia is a bitch. I haven't seen the real me in years and wearing glamours doesn't help.


Let's just edit my glamour again. Make myself look like a "healthy, eats regularly" kinda person. Then, she won't go mother-mode on me. 

Sometimes I feel like I'm just a game character, and I control and edit my own character all the time, but never remember the default settings.

The Burrow was better than I remembered. It was so cosy, so welcoming and so homey. 

The twins were pulling random pranks and trying their best to make me mix them up. Ron was telling all sorts of random jokes, Ginny was being gay as always and Mrs Weasley was being exactly as I expected.


Even though I made myself look stereotypically healthy, she still was convinced I need to eat up. She made me take seconds and thirds of helpings, while Ron did so happily.

Sometimes I'm jealous of how easily Ron eats.

To be honest, eating Mrs Weasley's food was incredibly comforting. I hadn't allowed myself to eat happily in so long that being forced to eat here almost felt tolerable.

Of course, I couldn't keep it in after due to my shrunken stomach and raging eating disorder, but it was still nice to feel free eating for once.

Is this what bulimics do? Freely eat and then dispose of it. Keep the taste, get rid of the calories. Would that be easier than being anorexic?

What kind of thoughts are those? I'm incredibly messed up. I should stop thinking for a while.

"So, Harry. How's Draco been?" Ginny randomly asks me whilst we're talking in Ron's room.

"He's been amazing. Honestly, I've never felt more loved. Except by Hermione." I smile. "And back home." I add quickly to not make my family seem bad. Other than my "uncle", the Dursley's are fine.

Ron dramatically places a hand on his head a falls himself backwards into his bed. "I've never been so offended. I can't believe you Harry."

"Oh shut up ginger. You know you're important to me." I roll my eyes at his theatrics.

"Sure." He sighs.

"Shut up Ron." Ginny throws a pillow at her brother who ducks and chucks it back at her. "Okay Mr Quidditch player."

"Why thank you, annoying redhead sister."

That comment was returned with a quickly throwing pillow to the face. Ginny and I laughed as he laid back down in defeat.

"You guys hurt my feelings." He sniffled.



"Ugh get out of my room, you guys are so rude and offensive." Ron rolls his eyes.

"Am not."

"No one cares."

He turns his back to us and goes on his phone. "This is what I'm talking about."

"Suck it up."


Dial tones play and he holds his phone to his ear. "Blaise. Blaise my sister and Harry are bullying me. Come rescue me please."

"Calling his bodyguard."

"Rescue the pretty princess."

"You mean ugly."

He huffs. "Do you hear this. I'm so offended." He turns back to face us. "Blaise is going to hex you guys to Atlantis."

I raise my eyebrows. "You know what Atlantis is?"

He scoffs. "Yeah, duh."

"Atlantis is a made up, Ancient Greek city. How do you plan on sending us there?" I laugh.


"That's not how magic works you idiot carrothead." Ginny laughs profusely at her stupid brother. 

"You're literally a carrothead too."

"Okay and? At least I didn't think magic could take me to a made up Ancient city." She continues laughing hysterically.


"GOOD!" Mrs Weasley calls from probably thirty floors below us, causing me and Ginny to laugh until we get hiccups.

I love this.

please don't try and give yourself an eating disorder.

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