Fifty-Eight | Horcruxes

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im hearing voices all the time

and they're not mine

~Harry's POV

"Where were you?" I ask Dumbledore on the floor of the Ministry.

"Hush, Harry. You're exhausted. We'll talk later."

"No." I almost shout. "No we won't."

"I was horcrux-hunting."


"Horcrux. Hold on." He casted a silencing charm. "Voldemort split his soul into seven pieces, so that when he dies, he can be resurrected. I've been collecting them and destroying them all year. There are only a few left."

"How many?"

"Two." He hesitated. "One I'm unsure of, the other being Nagini."

"What were the others?" I ask. If Voldemort knows I know, maybe he'll think about the mysterious one and I can see.

"The diary you destroyed, a trophy, a ring, a locket and a part of his soul is still inside his body."

"So we destroy the other two. We fight him today, and we destroy him today." I decide.

Dumbledore raises an eyebrow. "No, Harry, we can't."

"Then I will. By myself. I need to do it today." I demand.


"I could ask you why for a lot of things. Like why did you abandon me in an abusive household? Why didn't you tell me neither one can live whilst the other survives? The list can go on." I question the man holding me.

He falters before replying. "I didn't abandon you there- you just needed to be there because of blood wards. To protect you."

"Protect me, my ass. I got hurt more there. Nothing Voldemort has done to me compares to what Vernon Dursley did to me." I shout. Thank God for the silencing charm.

"I-I'm sorry. Really, I am."

"I don't forgive you. I was stuck there, hurt for years and every summer I keep getting hurt. And you know what? It could've been avoided. I could've lived with Sirius."

"He was thought to be guilty."

"Veritaserum. Legilimency. A fucking trial. He could've been proven innocent. You could've done that for him. You knew he was innocent, I know you did. Yet you let him suffer there, innocent. And let me suffer with him, just in a different way."

"I'm sorry, Harry."

"Prove it. We kill Voldemort today."

"Tomorrow. It's night soon. We need to at least prepare everyone. There will be a battle, for sure. And we need to figure out where the last horcrux is." Dumbledore explains. "And you need to rest."

"If you insist."

"Where's Draco?" I ask the group after telling them about the horcrux situation and how a war was to happen the next day. 

"His father took him from the ministry. We have no idea where he is now." Blaise explained. 

Fuck. Lucius is going to hurt him for sure. I'm going to kill that sick son-of-a-bitch if it's the last thing I do.

"Can we sleep here tonight?" I ask. "I have a bad feeling about tomorrow."

yes, you're going to die

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