Eleven | Truce

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~Harry's POV

"I told you. It's about Voldemort, okay. Drop it." I say, regaining some confidence. Malfoy makes me feel weak and I hate it.

"Okay, okay." He puts his hands up, surrendering. I look at his hand as he puts it down. He notices and hides it behind his robes.

"What did she make you write?" I ask, curious. He knows what I had to, I want to know his.

"Nothing." Malfoy mutters quietly. 

"Obviously it's not nothing." I grab his hand swiftly but gently, much more gentle than he did. I stare at his hand. His writing is quite neat.

I must not say no.

"What does it mean? Why does it say I must not say no?" 

"I can't tell you that. You'll tell the entire school. And everyone will hate me more than they already do." His voice sounds loud but really, it's quiet and sad. 

I take a deep breath and do something I should've done years ago. Something that shouldn't even have been necessary to be honest.

"Truce." I pull out my left hand. I look up at the taller boy and smile sincerely.

"You mean it?" Malfoy smiles back. This boy doesn't seem like he gets nearly enough affection. 

"Of course. Scared, Malfoy?"

"You wish." He shakes my hand and I giggle.

He blushes slightly. He looks down at my hand and raises his eyebrows again.

"Where did your scars go?"

Shit. I subconsciously activated another glamour. "It's a glamour charm." 

"Teach me!" Malfoy demands. "I need to hide my hand otherwise Pansy and Blaise will start asking questions. 

"I didn't want Ron or Mione to see mine either." 

I quickly taught the boy how to cast a wandless charm and his scars faded away instantly. "How do I get rid of it?" 

"Simple." And I taught him how to undo the charm. 

"You would be a great teacher Harry." He realises what he said and his eyes widen.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as he said my name. "No worries. We have a truce now, may as well stop saying our surnames, Draco." 

He blushes at that and smiles.

He seems happy. Sincerely happy. I won't ask him about the scars for now. 

"I'm glad we finally have a truce." 

"Me too, Harry." 

He makes me blush again. I hate this. I hate this so much.

No you don't.

Draco backs me into the wall yet again. "Harry."


"You're such a bottom." 

I go bright red at that. "I'm a bottom who's won against the Dark Lord four times." 

"You're short too." 

"I hate you. If I was taller I would backhand you round the head. You're lucky to be tall you bloody giant." I huff and look away.

Once again Draco grabs my chin and tilts my head towards me. He leans into my ear and whispers, "you're also very cute." 


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