Twenty-Seven | Turkey

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this was before the previous chapter

~Harry's POV


I hate it here.

I was minding my own business, cooking the feast I'm not allowed to eat, when an annoying She-Vernon came into the kitchen and started looking at me funny.

"Do they still beat you?" she asks me, looking me up and down as if I'm a horrible knockoff version of the Mona Lisa.

It reminded me of that time in the third year where I accidentally blew her up. 

It's funny because I had to say I've been beaten loads of times at my boarding school. Really, that happens right in the building she was in.

"Yeah, lots." I say, still focussing on the food. Burning Christmas dinner would be the death of me.

"Look at me when I'm talking boy!"


Why does no one call me by my name? Just "boy". 

I know I say I'm just a boy, but I have a name. It's like people forget I'm a normal human being sometimes. 

A stubby hand yanks my arm, causing me to drop the food and turn towards the female Vernon. She's uglier than I remember.



I yank my arm back and instantly pick up the turkey and stuffing. The main character of Christmas Dinners just had to be the thing I drop.

All because of the Dursley Devilette. 

"Disrespectful." She mutters loudly to herself. "VERNON!"

Fuck shit bitch motherfucker.

I'm in trouble.

"Yes Marge." Vernon comes into the room smiling. His mood changes instantly when he sees me picking food up off the floor.

In my defence, I mopped beforehand and I'm wearing clean shoes. The taste of a lemony Flash floor cleaner on a turkey shouldn't be too bad, right?

"I was just asking when dinner would be ready and he throws the food at my face!" This bitch is lying through her fucking teeth. "When I called out for you, suddenly the boy looks scared and picks everything up."

"He did what?!"

"Look at him, acting all scared now. Do you hit him?"

Excuse me?

That question makes me look up instantly. When I do, I see Vernon going red with anger and Marge smiling. She reminds me of Umbitch.

"Of course not." Vernon lies just as his sister did before. "The school does that for me." 


I get in danger at school but I do not get beat there. You beat me, you ugly prick.

I say to him in my head. If he heard me I'd be dead.

Ha look at me, I rhymed. I should become a poet if I make my way out of today alive. Or semi-alive. Or just breathing I guess.

"Shame. He could do with a proper beating." She-devil huffed and walked off.

At that moment, I was trying to pick up the rest of the stupid stuffing but then I got yanked up to my feet by my EAR and, once Marge was out of earshot, screamed at.

"How DARE you disrespect MY SISTER?!" I think he got spit on me. "AFTER ALL I DID FOR YOU. Use your freakishness to make a new turkey quickly and when you're done go upstairs. Don't you dare try any funny business."

Abruptly, he let go of me and I fell back, hitting my head on the counter. There's an additional headache- just what I needed.

Using wandless magic, I managed to summon a fresh turkey that looked so good even I would eat it; I hate food.

Lol anorexia.


After setting the table, I ran upstairs and got my phone out. 

You're probably thinking, what the fuck Harry you're in trouble put that thing away before Vernon comes and finds it and you're in even more trouble.

Well luckily for me, he doesn't know how to go up the stairs quietly. You can hear him coming from sixty miles away, especially when he's mad.

When he's mad he pretends like he's in a roblox natural disasters simulator. I can see the headlines already:

Earthquake in Surrey - Cause? Unknown

I'd been texting my friends for a while, switching from iMessages to TikTok every few seconds. Every now and then I'd go on Snapchat too. Filters are fun to mess around with.

That was, until the devil in disguise made his way upstairs, screaming BOY as my warning. Marge, Petunia and Dudley must've all gone by now.

Quickly, I put away anything valuable and sat on my bed, waiting for the door to fly open and almost fall off its hinges



Here it is.

The door slammed open, the handle denting the wall. Honestly, Vernon could've been mistaken for an ogre right now.

"I can't believe you would dare disrespect my sister, your aunt, and play victim after." He storms towards me, picking me up by my collar and shoving me into the wall.

This is not pleasant.

"You don't treat me like a nephew, why should I treat her like an aunt?" I retort. It's not worth getting hurt if I don't say anything that validates my suffering.

Vernon's other hand slaps me round the face. Hard. 

My cheek stings, but it doesn't hurt. I'm used to it.

"Besides, I didn't even do anything. She grabbed me and the food fell. She made herself seem like the victim, not me."

"So now you're LYING about my sister now?" Another slap. "Pretending to be victim whilst tarnishing her name?" Another slap. "You're a disgrace to the family."

"Says you." That was an accident, but am I wrong? Out of us two, who's the real disgrace?

"Insulting me now?!" Another slap. Another sting. "Your parents would hate to see you disrespecting me like this." Another slap. How are my glasses still on my face? "They wouldn't love you. They never did."

Harsher slap.

"You're a disgrace to the Potter name. Your no-good, waste of space, freak parents would be disgusted to see you. Just like them. Piece of shit freaks." 

He's pushing my buttons now.

"Don't talk about my parents like that." He slaps me for the millionth time but I continue. "You're one to talk. Calling my parents a freak when you're here holding a fifteen-year-old up against a wall slapping him."

That warranted another slap. "You deserve this. You're a freak who can't do anything right. All freaks are incapable of doing anything right. That's why your parents died. Because they failed to protect you."

Without even thinking, I pushed him off me and punched him right in the nose. Blood dripped down his nose and the rest of his face matched it. 

Magically, I may be stronger. Physically, he's stronger than me and we both knew it.

When he kicked me repeatedly till I fell to the floor and had the wind booted out of my lungs, I accepted defeated and retreated back into the cupboard.

I was not getting out of this without pain. A lot of it for sure.

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