Forty-Seven | Veritaserum

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~Harry's POV

After Obliviating Snape, I felt terrible. I now know his deepest, darkest secrets- the full story of them- and he doesn't even know I know.

When the damage was done, he looked at me like I stabbed him. He was confused and mad. He remembered me becoming an Occlumens, but he didn't remember being nice to me.

"Right, we're done. You're an Occlumens. Get out of here Potter." 

And we were done. The lessons were done. The burden he had of teaching me was over. 

I was now heading to the Room of Requirement, to play the game I suggested when I was in a better mood.

I knew I had to talk to Hermione beforehand. We had a lot to catch up on. So, before I actually entered the room, I texted her and told her to meet me outside.

She did, and I told her everything she missed in the past two days. 

"You're telling me, you had sex and Obliviated a teacher? And two people found out two secrets they weren't supposed to, so you've Obliviated three people in under two days?" She recapped.

"Yeah, that's it." I confirmed bluntly.

She tilted her head slightly. "What were those two secrets?"

"I can't tell you, because I'd have to Obliviate you too." Again.

"You sound like a murderer." She laughed. "Wait, you aren't one, right?"

Chuckling, I mimed zipping up my mouth and locking it, before getting up and walking to the room. Hermione followed closely behind me, probably making sure I wasn't about to kill someone.

You could say I'm a failed murderer, because I've been trying to kill someone for ages and have failed two billion times. 


"To Vodkeritaserum shots!" Ginny toasted, and we all clinked our shot glasses. A second later, people were making faces, except me and Ginny.

What can I say? I'm an anorexic with an alcohol addiction.




"I love Vodka." Ginny hugged her Smirnoff bottle, which was empty a half-minute after. She placed it in the middle and spun it. "Luuuuuuuuuuuuna."

"Dare." Luna replied before even being asked the question.

"Ooo. I dare you to come join me for Seven Minutes of Heaven." Ginny smiled stupidly, and Luna laughed at her.

The two left. 

do you get deja vu?

Yes. I do. They did this the night I almost chucked myself off the Astronomy Tower. One of a few attempts.

"Well, they're gone, so I'll spin." I spun the bottle, and it landed on Blaise.

the boy who, once upon a time, was like me.

"Veritaserum." He replies, and he gives me a look saying please-don't-ask-about-my-anorexia-please-please-please.

I return his look with one saying i-would-never. He doesn't know me well enough to know I'm like that, but fair enough, because until recently I never got to know him.

"What's the craziest thing you would do to prove your love for Ron?" I ask, reminded of the crazy thing Draco did for me.

"I'd probably make an Unbreakable." He winks at Draco.

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