Twenty-One | Obliviate

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~Harry's POV

I can't fucking believe I just had the worst mental breakdown of my life in front of Hermione. I must've traumatised her. 

Even when she loses her memory, I'm never gonna forget the way she looked at me in pure horror and fear for my life. 

The way she sobbed as she healed me and begged me to forgive her and to not kill myself. 

I threatened to fucking Avada myself in front of her.

I'm such a shit friend. 

What if everything comes back to her at some point and she remembers the rant I went on about my three biggest secrets? 

What if she remembers me trying to slit my wrists and bleed my knuckles dry? 

Or remembers me trying to hurl myself off the tower?

"Harry. Please, stop overthinking everything. I'm not mad at you, and I'm extremely sorry. I love you so much." She wraps her arms around me. "Come fix my mistake."

"I can't. You do it, then I'll do it for you." I negotiate. What if I fuck up the world's youngest genius?

"Okay. I trust you."

She trusts me even after I hid the truth about my rape, self harm and anorexia from her. I'm so glad I have her in my life.

What if I accidentally make her forget about me completely?

"Harry." Hermione repeats for the hundredth time. "You're an amazing wizard. You're the smartest person I know when it comes to performing magic. Fuck's sake Harry you casted the most powerful Patronus known. You're more than capable."

All I do is nod. I really don't deserve her.

"Come. It's time we fix the mess I made. I hope you forgive me someday."

I already have, I say to myself, except I can't say it out loud.

We walk into the Room of Requirement and see everyone frozen in place to avoid anything happening after I left. Mione truly is a fucking genius.

"You know the counter-curse to this, right?"

I nod yet again. My words aren't forming right now.

"When we've all forgotten, use the charm and continue playing the game as usual. We'll drink the serum again and keep it going. I've charmed myself to make sure I never make you do anything that could make you slip up as you did earlier."

I smile at the know-it-all who really does know it all. Sometimes its frustrating but right now I'm extremely grateful.

"Also, I've charmed myself to automatically protect you if you give me one of the looks that I misunderstood previously. Are you ready?"

For the third and final time, I nod. 

Hermione begins to Obliviate the last forty minutes from everyone's memory. When I clocked that I spent forty minutes having a breakdown that felt like it was four minutes long, I felt even worse. 

Mione deserves better than me.

"I'm done. Now it's your turn." She kisses my forehead. "I'm sorry about everything you went through. I trust you."

Shakily, I take a deep breath and perform the exact same spell Mione just did. Right after, so Mione doesn't question anything, I reverse the curse everyone else were under.

"So where were we?" I quickly ask, trying to figure out which point in time we were at.

"Your turn, Harry? You never replied." Hermione replies.

Thank you, whoever's up there.

"Truth?" Either one is horrible, but Hermione can't physically ask me about anything sexual.

She smirks mischievously, and if she wasn't charmed I'd be shitting myself. However, she is, so I'm not too worried.

Also no one's taken Veritaserum again yet.

"Oh the Veritaserum might've worn off now, it's somehow been an hour. Redo your Vodkeritaserum shots!" Ginny screams.

Well fuck that. At least Mione's charmed.

We all take our shots before Mione blurts out my truth. "If you could kill one person in this room, who would it be?"

Before, I'd struggle to answer that. But now I've discovered how cold a certain someone here is, I reply instantly. "Theodore."

Everyone looks at me, surprised at my quick answer and use of his full name.

"What did I do?" He asks, his voice cold.

"You don't remember." Is all I say. It was true, he didn't remember. Another truth could've been told, but obviously I wouldn't say that. "Theodore, truth or dare."

He glares at me. "Truth."

"Why are you really here?"

"I'm trying to find dirt on your stupid Golden Boy so that I can win the Dark Lord's trust. Then he'll appoint me as his right hand man because I'll lead Potter right to him." Theodore blurts out, the Veritaserum betraying him.

A pained expression falls onto Neville's face. "But you said you liked me under a truth serum?"

"Haha, idiots. I did like you. I liked using you." 

"Oh." Is all the tall brunet says, looking at a random spot on the floor.

"Do you have anything on him?" Draco demandingly questions his fellow Slytherin. 

"No. None of you guys know anything about him. Although I'm pretty sure golden girl knows something." Theodore smirks. He's about to ask her about me but I stun him.

"Fuck him." Luna uses a spell to remove him from the room. 

"Did you just swear?" I ask, shocked. Never have I heard a single profanity come from that sweet, innocent blonde's mouth.

"Yes. He's a fucking cunt and he can rot in hell. I'm sorry we didn't notice it sooner." She turns to face Neville. "He wasn't worth it. You'll find someone much better."

He nods. "Pansy, truth or dare?"

"Dare." the dark haired girl grins, the entire situation evaporating from our minds.

"Give Hermione the most noticeable hickey you can possibly give."

Hermione shrieks as her girlfriend smiles and instantly does so. She lets out a small moan that only encourages Pansy to continue.

A minute later she looks up and admires her artwork.

"I hate you Neville." 

"Love you too Hermione."

rollercoaster chapter

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