Fifty-Three | OWLs

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tumse bhi zyada tumse pyar kiya

i really did

~Harry's POV

"Morning, sunshine." Draco smiled at me after I got out of the shower. "You okay?"

"Fine." I replied bluntly.

"Cheer up, Scarhead. Exams start soon."

"How the fuck is that supposed to make me feel better?" I groan. "Exams make me want to throw myself off the tower."

"You better not or I'll kill you."

I give Draco the most unimpressed look ever. "Really? Tell me how you're going to do that."



"Come, Potter." Draco takes my hand. "You wanna study here for a bit or meet the others in the Great Hall?"

The answer was obvious. "I choose the non-studying option, thanks."

Draco laughs. "Yeah, right, Hermione's definitely going to make you study."

"Yeah well she tried to make me talk and eat and I won against her, so.." I mutter.


"Nothing, let's go."

"Hi Draco, Harry." Luna greets us cheerily as we sit down.

The hall is filled with groups sitting together and studying. Some people, like Hermione, are sitting quietly, head in books, ignoring everyone. Some others, like Ron, are sitting and eating snacks.

Knowing Ron, he was probably stress-eating.

Blaise and Pansy were talking with Neville, occasionally looking back down at their books. The two were naturally gifted, and weren't too worried. Neville said he'd studied enough and wanted to relax before the exams.

Ginny and Luna had a free period instead of their final lesson and came to support us since they were a year younger. They planned on hanging out in the Room of Requirement when the exams started.

"Draco, Harry, revise. Exams start in half an hour." Hermione screeched.

If I was going to kill myself after exams, I had to sort things out with her first. It wouldn't be fair on her for me to leave on bad terms. She's only ever looked out for me.

but it would hurt her less if she hated me

I'll see. After the exams, I'll decide.

c'mon harry, if she hates u n ur dead she wont mourn u

But doesn't she deserve better than to lose her best friend on bad terms? Wouldn't that hurt more?

no it won't, because she'll hate u. hatred is blinding, u said it urself

You're not wrong... Hold on, I'm talking to myself. Am I really having another conversation with myself?


Shut up.

"Harry? Fucks sake, Harry." Draco punched me in the arm.

I hold onto the place he punched. "What the fuck was that for you fucking cunt?"

"Jesus, Harry, relax." Ron laughed. "Punch him back."

"Gladly." I punch the blond back and he glares at me.

"I was trying to get your attention. Hermione had been calling for you for like a minute." Draco explained.

Whoops. "My bad, what do you want?" I look at Mione.

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