Five | Kisses

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~Harry's POV

"How do I know if I'm gay?" I randomly asked during lunch, whilst sitting with Dudley, Gary, Jacob, Caleb and Jack.

Jack spat out his food in surprise.

"You what, mate?" Gary asked.

"I think I'm gay. How do I know if I am?" I sound monotone, but I'm just still not used to normal human interaction.

"When I found out I was gay it was because I started liking a boy and crushing on him madly. Then one day when I played Spin the Bottle, I-"

"What's that?" I ask, confused.

"You need to learn a lot of things Hare Bear." Jack laughs. "Spin the Bottle is a game where you sit in a circle with a bottle in the middle. You spin the bottle and whoever it points to, you kiss."

I frown. Gross.

"So anyways, I was playing and it landed on the boy I liked. I was nine and mind you I grew up in an area where you grow up way too quick." I understood that. "So everyone said to do it again because boys aren't supposed to kiss. I disagreed and said, 'No, I want to'. So me and my crush kissed and I realised I was in fact 100% gay."

For some reason I didn't like the idea of someone else kissing Jack.

Dudley could tell, and he smirked. "If you want to find out, Harry, why don't you kiss Jack."

I went redder than a tomato and slapped Dudley's arm.

"I'm fine with that." Jack said, smirking slightly.

I went redder than before, not thinking that was possible. "W-What-" I stutter out.

"Come on Harry." Jacob and Caleb smirk.

I think they all knew I secretly liked Jack. Wait that doesn't make it a secret then-

I think they all know I did indeed want to kiss Jack as well.

"O-Okay." I mumble quietly, and the boys stand up.

Dudley was intensely fanboying at this.

Jack led us over to a deserted part of the school field. No one goes there but us. It's like a hideout, except it is kinda out in the open.

He was taller than me, much taller. I was quite short for my age. Jack had to be at least four inches taller than me.

I look up at him, nervous and still blushing. Jack was still smirking, but a tiny blush creeped up on his cheeks.

I went on my tip toes to be able to get closer to his face. "You're so tall." I complain.

"I know." Is all he says. "Shorty."

And then he kissed me. 

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